Love You Forever (Part One)

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   Hello friends!
This was requested by the lovely Jabberwocky31, thank you Mellon for the request!  Please remember to vote and comment, I'd love to hear what you think!  Anyway, enough of my talking.  Enjoy the story!
  So much death.  The sound of walls crumbling and the cries of the wounded filled your ears to the point that you could hardly distinguish what was happening around you.  All you could focus on was the massive dragon before you.  You were considered among the bravest of the dwarf-women, and you were still struggling to control your pounding heart. 
      You dodged between people, going against the flow of civilians who were leaving Erebor to try and find Thorin.  Not only was he the Prince of Erebor, he was your best friend.  You searched for him among the debris, ducking behind piles of rock every time there was another blast of fire from Smaug. 
      "Thorin!" you cried, running down crumbling hallways and jumping over fallen pillars.  "Thorin!"
      "Y/N!" you heard a shout from your left and you whipped around to see the dwarf prince standing there, fully alive, half-hidden by a pile of stone.  You checked for any sign of the dragon before sprinting over to him, crouching down beside him.
      "Are you alright, Y/N?" Thorin asked you, placing his hands on your shoulders and looking you in the eye. 
      "Yes, Thorin, I'm fine," you breathed, relieved that he was safe.  "I've been looking all over for you!"
      "Please do be careful, Y/N," Thorin said, his eyes softening as he pulled you into a hug.  "You cannot stay here- the more people are in one place, the more noticeable we will be to the dragon.  Go- I'll see you on the other side," he urged you, helping you to stand.  On a whim, you grabbed his collar, pulling him down and pressing a kiss to his scruffy cheek.
      "Be safe," you said before turning to run off.  You rounded a corner, disappearing down a hallway, and a moment later Thorin saw a blast of orange light that took his breath away.  No.

      After your injuries on the day of Smaug's attack, which had left you with massive burns all across the right side of your body, you had escaped into the woods and remained there for a while until you were mostly healed.  Since then, you had been living off the land, traveling from town to town, staying in one place for a few months before moving onto the next. 
      So had passed several decades of your life.  It had just so happened that you were passing through a forest one night when you saw a fire and heard soft dwarvish singing.  Curious, you crept closer, remaining in shadow so that you could make a quick exit if needed.  Much to your surprise, you recognized the dwarf sitting there.
      The white-haired dwarf turned instantly, a hand on his sword, and looked frantically for the source of your voice. When he saw you, he froze, his eyes narrowing in confusion. You knew you looked different- your face in particular had been marred by the dragon fire, leaving large burns across one cheek- but you believed that he would eventually recognize you. After all, you had been very close with Thorin, which automatically meant that you knew Balin quite well also. 
      "Wait a moment- Y/N?" Balin asked, disbelief on his face as he slowly sheathed his sword again.
      "Yes, Balin.  It's me," you said with a smile, stepping into the light of the fire.
      "Oh, Y/N!" Balin cried, joy in his eyes as he looked at you closer and recognition truly dawned on him.  "Oh lass, we thought we'd lost you, back in Erebor-"
      "I was pretty badly injured," you said, gesturing to the side of your face, "but I was able to get myself out before  the city was completely destroyed.  What in Middle Earth are you doing here?" you asked suddenly, curiosity winning you over.
      "Ah, I'm on my way to the Shire," he said, inviting you to warm yourself by the fire.  "Me and my kin are meeting with Gandalf- he says he's found us a burglar."
      "What do you need a burglar for?" you asked, not quite following what was happening.
      "We're going to reclaim Erebor," Balin said, "or at least we're going to try.  Thorin is supposed to meet us in the Shire, he's leading our-"
      "Thorin?" you breathed, surprised at the warmth in your chest at the sound of your friend's name.  "You're going to see Thorin?"  You could feel the excitement building up inside you- you wanted to come, too. You could be of use on this journey- and you would give anything to see Thorin again. 
      "Aye," Balin replied, poking at the fire with the edge of his sword.  "He was torn up over your death, you know," he said, looking over at you as you stared into the flames.  "He's never been the same since you disappeared.  I'm sure he's love to see you again..."
      "Let me come with you," you said abruptly, turning and putting a firm hand on Balin's shoulder.  "I could be useful, and it would be good to see everyone again."
"Very well, lass.  If you're sure you're up for another adventure."
      "I'm always ready," you said with a smile and Balin laughed, thumping you on the back.  After spending the night there, the two of you would set out the next morning and would hopefully reach The Shire by nightfall.
      Thorin trudged down the winding path, looking for the door with Gandalf's sign on it.  He sighed, exhausted, as he rounded another corner.  He had been wandering The Shire for hours now- how was it so easy to get lost in such a small village? 
      Finally, he reached a door that carried Gandalf's symbol.  Thorin breathed a sigh of relief as he knocked heavily on the wood, anxiously awaiting the answer.
      "Gandalf!" he said with a tired smile as the old wizard opened the door.  "I thought you said this place would be easy to find.  I lost my way, twice."  He walked into the front room, pulling off his cloak and looking around.  "I wouldn't have found it at all, had it not been for that mark on the door-"
      Thorin's eyes met a pair of e/c ones across the room, and a flicker of memory flew across his mind.  Fire, fear, a smile.  The person's face was hooded, and he couldn't see any of their features, but something about their eyes looked familiar...
      "Balin," Thorin whispered, pulling his friend aside, "who is that over there?"
      "An old friend," the white-haired dwarf said mysteriously, glancing over at the shadowy figure before looking back at Thorin.  "I think you'll be pleased to see her.  Go talk to her, we have a few things to finish cleaning up anyway," he said, pushing Thorin toward the person and disappearing into the kitchen.
      Thorin gestured for the figure- "her," Balin had said- to stand and they did so, approaching him with confident steps.  Thorin turned to walk outside and the person followed him out the front door.
      "Who are you?" Thorin said suspiciously, stopping and turning to face the stranger.  Silently, they pushed their hood back and revealed their face.
      She disappeared around the corner, her footsteps fading awayThorin watched her go, standing and beginning to move in the opposite direction.  He took one last look back, and his eyes were met with a fiery orange glow from the hallway that Y/N had disappeared down-
      "Y/N," he breathed, hardly believing his eyes.  She had changed- her once pristine cheek was scarred by severe burn marks, the innocence in her eyes had faded- but she was still Y/N. 
      "What happened to you?" Thorin asked, a slight accusatory tone in his voice.  Though he knew she must have left Erebor, there was a part of him that wished that she would have at least told him that she was alive...  "I thought you were dead.  All these years-"
      "I had to go.  There was nothing left of Erebor, and you were gone.  I was weak, I couldn't travel far, so I ended up in the forest.  I stayed there until I had healed somewhat, and then I started wandering.  I knew I wouldn't be able to find you...  I'm sorry," Y/N said, dropping her gaze to her feet. 
      "Look at me," Thorin said softly, his voice lacking emotion.  Her eyes flickered up to his, holding his gaze with slight defiance.  But there was something else... Affection in her eyes?  All of a sudden, Thorin came to the true realization that his best friend, who he had believed to be dead for years, was standing before him.
      "Oh, Y/N," he said, his voice breaking as he swept her into a tight hug.  "I missed you so much."
      "I missed you too, Thorin," Y/N whispered into his chest, returning the embrace fiercely.  "Let me come with you."
      "What?" Thorin asked, stepping back in confusion at his friend's sudden comment.
      "Let me come with you to Erebor.  Please."

      You had lost Thorin in the chaos.  Where was he?  The dragon had awoken and you had been so busy trying to keep the others and yourself safe that you didn't even notice that he had disappeared.  You also didn't notice the dragon's presence behind you until it's claw wrapped around your middle, lifting you into the air...

      Cliffhanger!  Part two will be coming soon, I promise.
      1558 words

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