Torn Apart

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I wrote this in the middle of the night!  Probably not my best work! I need sleep!
      Warning: sad, like really sad.  Also I wrote it in the middle of the night so probably not fantastic.  Also mention of blood/violence/lots of death. Very angsty.
      Enjoy, and let me know what you think!!  (Sorry in advance for any typos)

      You ran up the side of the mountain, clumsily slashing at orcs as they came at you from either side.  As you fought them off, however, there was only one thing in your mind.  Kili.  You had to get to Kili.  From below, you had seen him up on a ledge, and then, to your horror, you had seen Azog scaling the mountain to reach the dwarf.  In that moment, a deep emotion that you couldn't quite identify prompted you to follow. 
    So there you were, running as fast as you could towards the ledge.  You were very clumsy and tall for an elf, tripping over stones with your exceptionally long legs.  Despite this, however, you still managed to make it to the top- and just in time, it seemed.  Your heart plummeted as you froze in your tracks, horrified at the sight before you. 
      There was the Pale Orc, holding Kili roughly with a dagger pointed at his stomach.  As he raised the knife above his head, ready to strike, you snapped out of your daze and charged at Azog, yelling to try and distract him.  Making a quick decision, you knocked Kili forcefully out of the orc's grip and redirected his aim at yourself. 
      It seemed to happen in slow motion.  Y/N grabbed Azog's forearm and he struck, his knife going straight into her stomach.
      Y/N's laugh immediately came to his mind.  Her smile, the first time they had met.  Her kindness towards him when he was locked in Mirkwood's dungeons.  Their late conversations that lasted hours.  How she had confided in him of her wish to know what haplened to those who had passed.  Her desire to "go home," as she said.  To see her dead mother and father again.  Her gentle spirit.  Her smile.  Her voice.
      "No!" Kili screamed, scrambling to get up.  "No!"
      Azog dropped Y/N's body, turning to Kili and drawing his weapon again, before hearing a shout from Thorin and running off in that direction.
      Breathing heavily, Kili kneeled down next to Y/N and picked up her top half, laying it in his lap.  He stroked her hair gently, tears running down his face.
      Y/N was struggling to keep her eyes open.  Her wound was bleeding rapidly, and her skin was losing its color.  Blood was everywhere.  Kili tried to stop the bleeding, but he felt a hand push his away weakly.
      "It- it's no use, Kili," Y/N whispered, her breathing ragged and shallow.  "Let-" she coughed, her lips stained red with blood, "Let me die... in peace."
      "Please, Y/N," Kili pleases with her, tears running down his face.  "Please don't say that."
      "Why not?" she breathed, smiling weakly.  "It is only how I wish to die."
      Straining to smile back, Kili took her hand in his own, placing it on his cheek.  Y/N sucked in a breath and winced as a wave of pain came over her.  She squeezed Kili's hand, closing her eyes and groaning softly.  Panicking, Kili began to talk to her, trying anything to keep her awake.  Anything to give them a moment longer.
      "Y/N, do you remember when we first met? When I was imprisoned, and you brought me food?  You were so kind to me and my kin, even my uncle Thorin liked you."
      "Shhh," Y/N breathed, and Kili fell silent.  "Do you hear that?"
      "Hear what?" Kili furrowed his brow, confused.  All he could hear was the clanking of swords and shouts of pain from the battlefield below.  It all seemed so far away now.
      "The music," Y/N smiled, her eyes still closed.  "Isn't it beautiful, Kili?  It's just the way my mother always said it would be, when she told the stories of the Valar.  Oh, isn't it beautiful?"
      "Yes," Kili breathed, knowing that Y/N was nearly gone.  This was his only chance.
      "Amrilame, Y/N," he whispered, feeling her body beginning to tremble. 
      "I- I don't know what... What that means," she said in a barely audible voice.  Her eyes fluttered open, and though their eyes met, Kili could tell that she was not looking at him.  She was seeing something else. 
    "It means I love you."
      Y/N smiled peacefully, her hand squeezing his before going limp.  Her chest was still, and her cheeks were pale.  She was gone.  Y/N was gone. She had been torn away from Kili before they had even truly come to know each other.
      Y/N's body was burned along with Thorin and Fili's.  Kili stood next to her corpse, looking over her peaceful features one last time before they were enveloped by flames.  Y/N was home.
      Yeah. Kind of short.  Really sad.  I hope you liked it though! Let me know your thoughts :) that sounded creepy I'm sorry.  Next oneshot will probably be up on Wednesday.

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