An Unlikely Pair (Part One)

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Hey all!
This one is a request for Morrowseerer  (who you should definitely check out). I had a lot of fun doing this oneshot, but I realized about halfway through that this would be better as two parts... Sorry for making you wait for the ending, mellon.
Anyway, this request included a name and some special features, but as always, you can sub out the name and features for your own. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! The next part will be up sometime in the next week.

Thorin couldn't sleep. His nephews, Fili and Kili, were keeping watch, but he felt very uneasy. Almost as if he were being watched. Turning over on his mat, he gazed at the two young dwarves, who appeared to be talking to Bilbo. Finally standing up, he walked over to them, scolding them for making light of the orc screams in the distance. Thorin had felt the pain that an orc could inflict before.
Looking off into the distance, he vaguely saw the orc pack moving along the other side of the canyon, and to his surprise he saw that they were accompanied by a large creature. This was no Warg- it was a beautiful wolf. Beautiful, but dangerous.
Staying alert to their presence, Thorin returned to his mat and eventually drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
Thorin was now being led to a prison cell, forced to walk uncomfortably close to a young woman. Running over the scene in his mind again, he shook his head in disbelief. One minute there had been a giant wolf pouncing on them in Mirkwood, the next it was fighting spiders alongside them, and finally -this was the part that really shocked Thorin- the wolf had disappeared and in its place was a tall, lithe young woman.
Her brown hair, which looked as though it had been hacked off, brushed her shoulders as she walked. He found himself having to look up quite a ways to see her face, which he found both intimidating and fascinating. She had an air of power about her, and Thorin sensed that she was not one to be trifled with. But who was she?
Thorin was jerked roughly out of his thoughts as he- and the woman -were shoved into a cramped cell and the door was slammed in their faces. Once the elf had locked their door with a sneer and walked off, Thorin began to pace as the woman took a seat against the back wall.
"You're going to wear away a trench in the floor, dwarf," she spoke after a while, sarcasm dripping in her voice. "On second thought, if you dig a hole in the floor, we might be able to get out of this wretched cell. By all means, do keep pacing."
Thorin looked at her in surprise- she was quite daring, speaking that way to a king. As he gazed at her, processing her words, his eyes scanned her features. Her skin, though grimy, had a nice glow to it, and the scar running down her cheek gave her a sort of fierce beauty- wait, what was he saying? He had no time for such petty thoughts.
Thorin realized far too late that he was staring, only coming out of his trance when his eyes met her intense hazel ones.
"Like what you see?" she asked with a smirk, quirking an eyebrow.
Thorin grunted, going to stand by the bars and look outside. After a few moments, he turned to the woman again.
"What is your name?" Thorin asked her, breaking the rather uncomfortable silence.
"And where do you come from?"
His question was met with silence. Alayna's eyes became clouded as she looked down at her hands.
"I come from just outside Rivendell," she responded hesitantly, "though I have not been there in a long time. Truly, it is no business of yours, Thorin Oakenshield," she looked up, her tone becoming harsh once again.
"Forgive me," Thorin replied, trying to hide his embarrassment. Silence descended upon them once again as Thorin sat down a few feet away from Alayna. After a while, Alayna's head dropped down and she began to snore softly. Thorin smiled to himself and lay down on the hard stone floor, eventually falling asleep.
Several days passed, and Alayna still had not cracked. Thorin tried everything he could think of to make conversation, but nothing had worked. So he was very surprised when, one night, she began speaking to him out of the blue.
"You asked me where I was from," she stated suddenly. It wasn't really a question, but Thorin nodded anyway, watching her closely as she continued. "Well, what I said before was true- I am from the Valley. But when I was five, Azog the Defiler raided our home and killed my family." Thorin was shocked at the information was hearing, but still Alayna continued. "They killed my father first, and then my mother, before my very eyes. She was trying to keep me safe." Alayna broke off, turning away and wiping her eyes on the back of her sleeve before continuing.
"My mother was expecting twins, so of course my siblings died too. I thought he was going to kill me. But- but he didn't. He took me with him, not as a prisoner, no. As a daughter."
Thorin's eyes widened, remembering the night he had seen the wolf traveling with the orc pack. But how could she shape-shift? Thorin thought all the skinchangers were dead. As if reading his mind, Alayna spoke up again.
"My father was a skinchanger- Beorn's brother. Azog thought that I would be an asset to his cause. He trained me in combat, taking extra care that I was properly taught how to kill.
"He always told me that he loved me, but I could never feel it. He only ever loved the monster he had created within me." Alayna stopped abruptly and stood, gazing out of the tiny cell. "I could help you," she said suddenly, taking Thorin by surprise. "I know the pale orc's thoughts. I learned much from him, I can use his weapons against him. Please, Thorin. Let me help you," her eyes sparking with impatience for his response.
"I believe I can trust you, Alayna. And I do hope my judgements are correct."
Alayna smirked, thumping his shoulder as she strode past him back across the cell. She slid down to the floor again, drumming her fingers.
"Now we just have to figure out a way to get out of this place."
      I hope you liked it! Please comment your thoughts or suggestions.  Requests are open!

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