Tears for a Friend

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      Hey all,
So I wrote this late last night. I don't feel like it's my best work, but I enjoyed writing it.  The idea was suggested to me by MiddleEarth111 (who is awesome), thank you mellon nin for the inspiration!  I'm not extremely happy with this one, but I hope you guys like it :)
      Twenty years. It had been twenty years since Bilbo returned home from the greatest adventure of his life.  When the thirteen dwarves had showed up on his door,  he would never have guessed that he would embark on an amazing (though unexpected) journey that would change his life forever. And he had changed.  Bilbo had become stronger, braver, more in tune with his Tookish blood.
      But most importantly, Bilbo had made friends on that quest. Friends that would be forever in his heart, and that he would never forget.  Though he had left an open invitation for tea upon his departure from Erebor, he knew that there were three dwarves who would never pay him another visit.  Even now, two decades later, Bilbo still grieved every single day. 
      He grieved because he would never get to know these dwarves better.  He would never be pranked again by Kili and Fili, he would never hear more stories of their escapades, and he would never see their smiling faces again. He would never get to talk with Thorin again. He would never hear of his dreams for his kingdom, of everything he and his nephews wanted to do with their lives.  Because that life had been stripped away from them.
      Twenty years ago today, Bilbo had lost three friends. Three people that he cared deeply about.  He lifted his Mithril shirt from his chest of drawers, remembering when he had received it.  He thought of how in that moment, nobody knew who would live through the night.  The hope in his companions' eyes as they prepared to fight for their homeland. A tear slid down Bilbo's cheek.
      Was it his fault? The few people he had confided in had assured him it wasn't, but he couldn't help but feel guilty.  It's ridiculous, what pain can do to a person.  Another tear. 
      Bilbo heard a knock on his door.  He sighed, rubbing at his eyes furiously as he stood to answer it.  He knew it had to be Y/N, his long-time friend and, more recently, fiancée.  Over the past few weeks, Bilbo had been struggling more than usual with the deaths of his friends, and so Y/N had been visiting him almost daily.  More than once, she had walked in on him crying, and he was determined not to let that happen this time. 
      He walked over to the door, opening it slightly before letting Y/N in.  Though he tried to hide it, Y/N immediately knew that he had been crying and sat him down in his armchair.
      "Don't move," she ordered, bustling around in his kitchen and returning a moment later with a cup of chamomile tea.  She handed it to him and sat down across from him, inspecting his face closely.
      "Talk to me, Bilbo," she said gently.  That was all he needed. They spent the rest of the evening in deep conversation, and though Bilbo found himself crying once more, he began to realize that tears are not always a bad thing- especially tears for a friend.
      Yeah. It's really short, I know, but it's my first sad oneshot and I'm still kind of getting a feel for writing that.  Anyway, I hope you liked it, comment any suggestions for improvement and PM me your requests!
              Love you all :)

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