Unspoken Feelings

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      Hey guys!
This one was requested by the amazing MiddleEarth111, who you should definitely check out.  She's awesome!  Anyway, I hope you're ready for a long one, because this is my longest oneshot to date.  Over 2,200 words.  Yikes.  Enjoy!!

      "We should probably stop soon, before the sun goes down."
      You nodded in response, not taking your eyes off the rough waters you were navigating.  You had been traveling Middle-Earth with Aragorn for a while now, biding time.  "Waiting for the right moment," he said.  You knew what he was waiting for- the Ring of Power was stirring once more.  Evil was awakening across Middle-Earth.  Being an elf, you had heard the tales and prophecies of the Return of the King- Aragorn knew his time was coming to reclaim his throne. 
      You had met him over a year ago, and had offered your services to the Ranger.  He accepted, and so here you were, rowing down a rather treacherous river, looking for a place to settle for the night.
      "There's a clearing, just up there," you pointed into the distance, where there was a break in the border of trees.  "Perhaps you may find some dinner before dark."
      After some maneuvering, you and Aragorn managed to get your small boat to shore a short distance from the clearing.  As you laid out the bedrolls, he worked at starting a fire.  Within a few minutes, your camp was set up and the two of you were sitting in front of a merry fire, warming yourselves and regaining some energy.
      A short while later, Aragorn stood up. 
      "I am going to go hunting for some dinner," he said.  "I hope to be back before dark, but I may be a few hours."
      You nodded as he left, pulling out a piece of Lembas bread to eat while you awaited Aragorn's return.
      All was silent for a couple of hours, until you heard a twig snap.  You listened closely, your elf ears picking up the sound of a breathing pattern unfamiliar to you.  There were more heavy footsteps, and a foul stench wafted in your direction.  Orcs.  You stood, instantly ready to fire an arrow. 
      The first orc came into view- it stood quite a bit taller than you, and held a large cleaver in its fist.  Just as you let the first arrow fly, Aragorn burst through the treeline, panting as he skidded to a stop behind you.
      "Y/n, I'm sorry, I tried to get back to warn you."
      You cast a glance his way as the orcs attacked, trying to convey that it was alright before you plunged into battle.  Your h/c hair caught on branches as you leapt into a tree, hoping to gain better aim.  You cursed your long hair as you struggled to untangle it, but it finally came undone and you were able to straighten up, firing arrows as fast as you could. 
      After about fifteen minutes of fighting, you and Aragorn were gaining no headway, and you were both starting to tire.  You had excellent stamina, being an elf, but this had become rough, hand-to-hand combat long ago.  You found your back pressed up against Aragorn's as you desperately tried to hold out a little longer.  The orcs just kept coming- every time you shot one, another came out of the trees. 
      Then, out of nowhere, they stopped.  You had fought through them all.  Breathing heavily, you looked at Aragorn, who was bleeding a little from the arm.  You sank to the ground, exhausted but relieved that it was finally over. 
      "Aragorn," you said as you caught your breath.  "Let me look at your arm."
      He came and knelt next to you, allowing you to tend to his wound.  As you worked, though, you heard a soft shuffle from the woods.  You froze, looking at Aragorn and then in the direction of the noise.  Standing slowly, you drew your bow and nocked an arrow.  A moment later, you heard another rustling sound and out of the trees stepped an elf with platinum blonde hair and shockingly blue eyes.   You stood your guard, preparing for anything. 
      "Who are you?" you asked, drawing your bowstring tighter and pointing the arrow at the elf's head.
      The strange elf said nothing, only pulling out his own bow and mirroring your gestures.  You were so intensely focused on your target that you didn't notice Aragorn approaching you until he stood right behind you. 
      "What's going on here?" he asked, placing a hand on his sword.  "Who are you?"
      "I am Legolas Thranduillion," the blonde elf replied, not moving his bow an inch.  "I seek one called Strider.  Do you know of him?"
      Aragorn relaxed visibly, extending a hand from his heart in a welcoming gesture. 
      "I am he.  Welcome, Legolas.  Who sent you to find me?" he inquired in a more friendly tone.  As Legolas lowered his bow, you did the same, utterly confused.  Why was Aragorn not concerned about this meeting?  How could they trust this elf for sure? And, most alarming, was this truly Legolas Thranduillion, prince of the Woodland Realm?
      "My father," Legolas replied, following Aragorn to the fireside, where they sat down.  "Who is this you are traveling with?"  he turned to you, one eyebrow raised, as he waited for you to introduce yourself.
      "My- my name is Y/n," you stammered, finding yourself strangely intimidated by the elf.  You blushed slightly, wanting anything but to be the center of attention, as you were now.
    Legolas narrowed his eyes as if he were trying to read your mind, scrutinizing  and judging you.  It made you uneasy.  He didn't respond to your introduction, merely turning back and engaging in conversation with Aragorn once more.  Why was he acting so oddly towards you? 
      After several hours of discussion between the two, with you sitting awkwardly to the side, Aragorn decided to go to bed.  Before he did, thougj, he pulled you off to the side.
      "Y/n, Legolas will be traveling with us from now on," he said, hushing you as you opened your mouth in protest.  "He is an asset to us.  We may value his alliance later."
      "Very well," you said in a low voice, looking over Aragorn's shoulder at the Elvish prince, who was staring into the fire absentmindedly.  "But I do hope he will be more agreeable in the future.  He was rather cold."
      "I think you will find that the two of you will get along just fine, given time," Aragorn said seriously, though you caught a hint of a smirk as he turned away and went to his bedroll. 
     Aragorn could not have been more wrong.  For the next several weeks, the three of you continued traveling down the river and the relationship between you and Legolas went nowhere.  Though he never said anything directly to you, he always implied that you weren't trustworthy, which hurt even more than a direct insult.  Besides that, you were more than a little frightened by his presence-  he was better at everything than you were, he was always cold, and he was of a much higher status than you.  You were sure that he could not think anything good of you, and so you didn't make much of an effort to befriend him.     
      When you did talk, it always ended in an argument that Aragorn would have to try to calm down.  It was miserable- all the ways that Legolas seemed to respect and trust Aragorn, and he held you in no esteem, that you could tell.  This was going to be a long journey.
      Much to your surprise, as you were packing up camp one morning, Legolas approached you hesitantly.  This was most unlike him- he was always very confident when you saw him.
      "Y/n," he said softly, in a much kinder tone than you had heard him speak before, "may I help you with something?"
      You looked up, meeting his eyes in shock.  You handed him a bag and motioned for him to follow you as you loaded up your canoe.
      "I was wondering if I might speak with you," Legolas spoke up again from behind you.  Setting your pack in the bottom of the boat, you turned to him.
      "Of course," you replied, crossing your arms and waiting for him to continue.
      "I spoke with Strider last night.  We had a discussion and... I wanted to apologize for my behavior," he said, looking up at you before continuing.  "I admit, I did not trust you in the beginning- I did not know if you meant well to Strider.  But, he explained to me what you had gone through together, and now I see that I was wrong."
      There was a long silence as you tried to think of a response.  This was very unexpected, but not in a bad way.  It would be much better if you got along with the new addition to your group.  Smiling slightly, you bowed your head and extended your hand from your heart in a friendly gesture.  Legolas looked relieved, and the spirit of your trio was much lighter the rest of the day.
      Things improved rapidly after that, and by the time Aragorn was summoned to Rivendell a few months later, the three of you had developed a close friendship, even closer than when it was just you and Aragorn.  During the council of Elrond, which you were also asked to attend, you sat with Legolas and the rest of the elves.  As a particularly fiery dwarf began shouting, Legolas nudged you and you shared an amused look.  You tried to calm Legolas when Boromir made a snide remark about Aragorn, but he was too frustrated, so you sat back down.
      Finally, when Aragorn and Legolas pledged their aid to the Ringbearer Frodo, you followed them.  Now it was the night before your departure, and you were going for a nighttime stroll through Rivendell.
      "Are you ready to leave tomorrow?" you heard Legolas's voice behind you and you stopped, waiting for him to catch up with you.
      "Yes, I suppose so. Are you?"
      "Yes, I suppose so," he said, imitating your voice with a chuckle. 
      "To be honest, Legolas, I'm a bit scared," you said softly, stopping to admire the view of the mountains from where you stood.
      "There is good reason to be," Legolas replied as you started walking again.  "After all, we are accompanying a Halfling who carries the Ring of Power, which is basically a beacon to the servants of Mordor."
      You looked at Legolas's calm face as he said that and shook your head. 
      "That doesn't help, Legolas."
      "I know it doesn't," he chuckled at your reaction.  "I know.  But we will all be together, so I have faith that all will end well.  We fight for a noble cause, and that fact will give us strength when we are weakest."
      "That was quite poetic, Legolas," you joked, smiling at his reassuring words.
      Legolas scowled at your comment, playfully pushing you... Into a bush.  You sputtered as you tried to regain your balance, but it was no use- you fell face first into the plant. 
      "Never trust an elf," you muttered, quoting the dwarf's words from earlier as Legolas helped you up, laughing loudly.  "I can't believe you," you said indignantly, brushing leaves off of your clothes. 
      Legolas reached up, carefully removing a few leaves from your hair.  You blushed a little as his fingers touched your forehead, but the moment was over as soon as it had begun.  You quickly forgot about it as you and Legolas continued walking, but it came back to you after you bade each other goodnight.  What was that feeling?  Surely it was only friendship- you had never had such a close relationship with a friend before, so this must be what that felt like. 
      Satisfied with your answer, you lay down to rest.  But little did you know, Legolas was pondering the same questions as he lay in bed that night.
      Over the course of the quest to destroy the Ring, you and Legolas grew ever closer.  You developed a trust that you had never before experienced- you always had his back, and he always had yours.  You stayed with him when he went with Aragorn and Gimli to summon the armies of the dead.  You fought side by side at the Battle of the Black Gate.  You stood behind him, shocked, as Mount Doom erupted and destroyed Mordor.
      Now you were standing with him, nervous, as you awaited Lord Elrond's word on Frodo's condition.  The Halfling had been under his care ever since he arrived in Rivendell, and he still hadn't woken up.  Gandalf had been sitting with him for the past few hours now, and the rest of the Fellowship stood outside the door as Elrond went in to check on Frodo for the millionth time. 
      Finally, the door opened and revealed Elrond's smiling face.
      "He is awake," he said quietly, stepping out and closing the door.  "He is awake."
      Relief flooded you as tears of joy sprung to your eyes.  After all the terrible war, after all the destruction, finally something good had happened.
      You turned to see Legolas's reaction, but before you knew what was happening, Legolas's strong arms swept you off your feet and he kissed you.  Your head was spinning and you could faintly hear Aragorn and Gimli laughing, surely at you two.  But you didn't care- you and Legolas had finally figured out what that odd feeling was.  You were in love.
      I hope you like this one!  I am trying not to write so much Legolas stuff... But it always ends up happening 😂😂
      Please let me know what you thought of this oneshot by commenting and voting!  And let me know if you have a specific character you'd like me to write for more often- I'm open to new ideas!  I definitely tend to gravitate toward the same few characters when writing, so I'd love to hear some of your preferences.  Also, requests are open!  Have a blessed weekend!

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