Don't Listen

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 .     Hi guys!
So I know it's been a little while- as I had feared, I got behind schedule for writing and life happened.  But this request is for H0-H0-homicide
  You opened your eyes slowly, shivering a little under your worn blanket.  The sun was just starting to rise, and the rest of the dwarves in Thorin Oakenshield's company were still asleep.  Rolling over, you rubbed your eyes and glanced across the campsite, your gaze skimming the masses of blankets and beards before locking with a pair of blue eyes.  Fili was awake also, and his eyes sparkled as he smiled at you over his blanket.
      You sat up and stretched, enjoying the feeling of movement after lying on the hard ground all night.  After a moment you stood, putting away your bedroll and packing it in your sack.  The calm of the morning soothed you as you grabbed a towel and made the trek to the nearby stream to take a bath.  Once you arrived, you reluctantly removed your layers of clothing and submerged yourself in the chilly water. 
      As good as it felt to wash the previous day's dirt and grime off of you, you couldn't help but feel some dread at the task.  You had always been insecure about certain parts of your appearance, and since you joined the company these discomforts had only increased.  However, there was nothing to be done and so you pushed through and remained silent.  At least your love, Fili, didn't seem to care about your imperfections.
      Finally, you finished bathing and dressed quickly, heading back to the campsite.  By this time more of the company was awake, and Bombur had already begun preparing a light breakfast for you all before it was time to move on.  You went to check your bag, making sure your bedroll was securely packed, and suddenly you felt a presence behind you.
      "Fili," you said with a weak smile.  "Good morning."
      "Morning, Y/N," Fili replied warmly, reaching a hand to pull you up into a hug.  "What troubles you?  You look upset."
      "Nothing is wrong, Fili," you replied softly, though your face fell slightly when you heard a snickering from behind you.  Fili pulled away when your expression changed, looking you straight in the eye.
      "Something is wrong, Y/N, and we both know it.  Why don't you tell me?"
      "I promise you, it's nothing," you said with finality, gently shaking Fili's hands off of your arms.  In truth, you were quite bothered by the company's talking behind your back.  You knew they made remarks about your appearance- though Fili seemed oblivious to your flaws, his kin seemed to take quite a bit of enjoyment in pointing them out and picking them apart.  You knew it was "in good fun," that they didn't really mean anything by it, but their snide remarks still hurt.  A lot. 
      But Fili couldn't know any of that.  He was troubled enough, with the pressure of his uncle and the stress of the journey.  You had stayed strong and silent for him so far, and you could continue to do so.
      The rest of the day passed uneventfully- no encounters with orcs, just hours and hours of walking. You walked beside Fili in a mostly comfortable silence, but you were painfully aware of  the conversations going on behind you and it showed on your face.  Thankfully, Fili didn't seem to notice- or if he did, he didn't press the issue.
      It wasn't until that night, when the sun had gone down and the company was seated around a crackling fire, that your love said anything about your mood.  You had been talking to Bilbo, your only other real friend on the quest, when you felt a hand on your upper arm.  Turning, you found yourself face to face with Fili.  He gestured for you to come with him, so you excused yourself from the conversation and stood, starting to walk alongside Fili as he led you to a quiet corner of the clearing.
      "Y/N, is everything alright?" he asked once you were out of earshot and settled on a patch of grass.
      "Yes, I told you I'm fine," you insisted, refusing to let your guard down.  You couldn't be a burden.
      "No, Y/N, you're not fine, and I want to know why," Fili replied firmly, putting a hand on your shoulder and pointedly seeking eye contact with you.  "I can't bear to see you hurting like this.  I know something's wrong, and Uncle has noticed it too.  He cares for you, you know."
      "I know," you said quietly, taking a deep breath and looking down.  "But there are far more important things-"
      "Is this about your insecurities?" Fili cut you off, much to your surprise.
      "You- how did you-"
      "I can tell, Y/N.  And it pains me every day to see you suffer like this.  You're absolutely perfect in my eyes, so why does it matter what anyone else thinks?  You're absolutely perfect."
      Shocked into silence, your jaw dropped as you stared at the blonde-haired dwarf sitting beside you.  As his words soaked in, you felt a tear run down your cheek, though you did nothing to brush it away.  Without a word, Fili pulled you into a strong embrace and everything you had bottled up for so long came pouring out.  All the conversations you had overheard, all the times you had lain awake at night, playing those hurtful words over and over in your head until they nearly drove you mad.  And Fili listened to everything, promising to protect you from stinging words and to always be there for you.  And that was all you needed.
      922 words

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