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After I all but sprinted away from the highly intense men that apparently roam my college grounds, Randy and I stayed on the quad for a little bit, taking in the place we would be for the next four years.

"It's beautiful here," Randy says to me as we sit on the grass, in a corner far away from where the booths are. I needed a breather. I still can't forget the way his blue eyes bore into me. It's like I can still feel it on my skin and I feel... icky.

"It really is," I agree, freeing myself from my thoughts, not allowing this random guy to bother me any longer. Despite my interruption, I am so excited to begin this journey at this beautiful university that I am so lucky to attend. That paired with the prospect of a new friend? Perfect. "Everything is so peaceful."

"Well it won't be tonight," Randy chuckles, leaning back and facing the sky with her eyes closed, catching the sun rays on her face. "There's a huge party tonight apparently."

"And where did you hear that at? I didn't leave your side at all," I nudge her with a playful laugh. It's true, she's been with me the whole time, so I don't know who she could have gotten that information from.

"I have Spidey senses," she jokes, nudging me back while opening her eyes. When she sees that I am genuinely curious how she found this out, she tells me the truth. "I heard some guys talking about it when we were walking over here."

"You're not going, are you?" I ask her. It truly isn't my business. We just met and she is absolutely free to do whatever she wants. But my stomach still turns at the thought of her going to a random place with people she doesn't know. Alone.

"Uh, yeah," she looks at me with eyes that seem to ask if I am stupid. I know her actions are playful but she really isn't going to a party, right? Not on our first night. "You have to come, too."

"Oh, no," I give her a frantic chuckle, wiping my hands on my shorts. There is no way. Did she already forget our conversation in the dorm? No. No way. "I told you it's not my thing."

"It's college, Olivia," She tells me with a bright smile as if it's not a big deal. Maybe it isn't to her but it is to me. I have to focus on what I'm here to do. Neither cheap vodka nor bottom of the bag weed are parts of that plan. They never have been. Ever. "And college is all about the experience."

"Oh, no, I can't go," I tell her, shaking my head. I cross my legs, adjusting my position on the grass as I quickly come up with a way to get her to stop asking me to go.

"And why can't you?" She persists and I roll my eyes to myself before turning to face her. I cross my hands in my lap and look at her with narrowed eyes.

"Well, besides the fact that I think it sounds absolutely awful, my parents are very strict and have rigorous rules," I tell her, letting out a long breath after deciding to go with the truth. It's true. My parents are the only reason I'm here. I have to honor my word and stick to the reason I'm here in the first place. It doesn't make any sense to mess that up for whatever it is a college party's purpose is.

"I don't know what the hell the word rigorous means but I can tell it's boring," she says with a small laugh, getting up off of the grass. She extends her hand to me, offering to help me up. I let out a sigh once more and take it, leaping to my feet.

"They're just super stern with their parenting," I tell her as we make our way back towards the pathway leading to our dorm building. "Not that I mind it, I guess. I just have to focus on school. It's always been that way."

"You don't mind being sheltered like that? You don't want to live a little?" She asks me as our feet meet the pavement. Wow. Okay. I've quickly learned that Randy doesn't have much of a filter. I don't know exactly what to think of her yet.

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