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Unknown: I'm thinking about you.
Olivia: Who is this?

I stood in my dorm room getting ready for the football game as I got that text.

My phone chimed again.

Unknown: Take a guess.
Olivia: Austin?
Unknown: Who is Austin?

Who could it be then? And why were they thinking about me? I decided to ignore it. Then I got another text.

Unknown: Just kidding Liv.

I laughed to myself before typing back.

Olivia: How did you get my number?
Austin: You have a few friends.
Olivia: Stalker.
Austin: Oh, for sure.

I put down my phone and finished getting ready, putting my hair in a ponytail. I looked in the mirror and seen a smile on my face. I quickly dropped it. You're not making him smile, Olivia. 

Austin: I better see you at the football game.
Olivia: You will.
Austin: Want to meet up before? ;)
Olivia: No, Austin.

My heart immediately sank as I sent that last text. If he wasn't meeting up with me, he'd meet up with another girl. And that stung. I wanted to text him back and say yes but I couldn't. And I didn't.

Austin: Okay. I'll see you there then.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror. My USC t-shirt was baggy, my ripped jeans were cuffed at the bottom, and of course my favorite pair of Converse were on my feet. I shrugged, it'll have to do. It's just a football game.

I walked to the football field and paid for my ticket. I walked into the stadium, spotting Parker in the stands eating cheese fries.

"Hey, Parker," I said, sitting next to him.

"Oh hey, Olivia," He smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm good, why are you sitting by yourself?" I asked him, I didn't want him to be alone.

"All of my friends are working on filming for this week's news video," he laughed. "Except you and Randy."

"What's up?" Austin sat down beside Parker, grabbing one of his fries.

Parker looked at me as if to ask me to do something but I shrugged, not really knowing what to do. I grabbed Parker's fries and sat them in between us.

"Uh, hey?" I said, shaking my head as if to ask a question.

"What?" He asked, looking at me.

"Don't just take someone's food without asking," I said in a tone that suggested it was obvious.

"I thought we were friends," Austin nudged Parker.

"I haven't talked to you in a year," Parker stated.

"Oh, I get it," Austin chuckled. "You don't like me because I've been making your girlfriend cum."

"Austin!" I yelled. I cannot believe he just said that. In public! I was so embarrassed. I wanted to cry.

"What?" Austin laughed. How aggravating could one person be?

"Could you not maybe give Olivia a little respect? Is that too hard for you?" Parker asked him in a grimace. "I don't give a shit about what you two do, but don't you dare embarrass her like that."

"Oh and what are you gonna do about it, Hummel?" Austin stood up. "Not shit. That's what."

Parker stood up too and I knew this wasn't good.

"I don't care who you think you are but I-," Parker started getting closer to Austin before I stood up and got in between them.

"Parker! It's okay, just calm down," I looked at him. He gritted his teeth and then sat down, ignoring Austin. I turned to him and looked up at him. He towered over me and could hurt me easily. "Leave him alone. Don't talk to him again."

"How sweet," Austin swooned sarcastically. "You two make the cutest couple."

He walked away but I was mad so I followed him. He stopped by an old building and I caught up with him. He took a cigarette out of a pack that was in the back of his jeans and lit it.

"You're just jealous," I walked up to him and said.

"I'm what now?" He laughed, blowing smoke into my face. "I don't think I heard you right."

"You're jealous," I repeated myself. "Of Parker."

"I am? Please enlighten me," he smirked before taking another drag of his cigarette.

"You wish you were as good of a person as Parker is," I huffed. "And you know it."

"If he's such an amazing guy, why don't you let him try to make you cum like I do?" He questioned, ashing his cigarette. "But screaming his name would not feel the same as screaming mine. Would it?"

"Not everything has to be sexual, Austin," I whined.

"To me, it is," He shrugged, continuing to smoke.

"There is so much more to life than having sex," I argued.

"How would you know? You haven't lived," He said, looking away. He was right. I hadn't. He's the one that had made me feel most alive.

"Well, I want to," I said quietly. "But my idea of living isn't to just be pleasured by someone. I want to take a road trip across the country. I want to stay in crappy hotels. I want to play my music loud."

"I didn't ask what you want to do," He shrugged, smoke escaping from his lips. "And I won't ask."

"I never know when you're going to be mean or when you're going to be nice," I looked at him.

"You want to live, right? Well, life is full of surprises," He said, putting his cigarette out and walking away.

"That doesn't even make sense," I followed after him.

"A lot of things don't make sense!" He turned around and raised his voice. I drew back. "It doesn't make sense that you're still trying to talk to me when I clearly don't give a fuck about you."

"Wha-," I said in a broken tone, I was so confused. I didn't know what to say.

"Do you think we're going to be together or something?" He questioned. I didn't answer. "Hello?"

"I mean, no," I shook my head, looking at the ground. "But I thought we were getting somewhere."

"Well we aren't," He scoffed. "There are so many other girls that actually want to fuck me. Why did you think I would want to be with the one that didn't? Pathetic."

"If there are so many other girls that can make you feel better than I do," I gulped. "Then stop coming back to me."

a/n: sorry it took so long to update. i hate this chapter & when i hate chapters, i put off writing them forever. 😂

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