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My dad decided to take me out for lunch while my mom was at work. I was pretty upset, but didn't want my dad to know. But he is my dad and always notices when something is off.

"What is it, Livi?" He asked as we sat at the table, eating sushi. "You haven't been acting yourself lately."

"Nothing, dad," I said in an assuring tone. "I'm perfect."

"You haven't taken one of my pieces of sushi yet and you always do," he said. "Something is wrong."

"I'm fine," I said, looking down.

"If there is one thing I have learned in my many years, it's that a woman is never fine when she says she is," he chuckled. "Come on, kiddo. You know you can tell me anything."

"It's mom," I finally blurted out. "She still treats me like I'm thirteen."

"What did she do this time?" He questioned.

"Well, there's this boy," I started and he rolled his eyes playfully. "And mom found out about him. She told me I couldn't see him anymore."

"What's his name?" He asked me.

"Austin Post," I told him. He looked at me for a second.

"Do you like him?" He asked. What a stupid question. Of course I do or I wouldn't be upset.

"A lot," I admitted. Dad chuckled at me.

"Your mom just doesn't want you to lose focus of what's important for you right now," he said. I didn't want him to be on her side. "We dropped out of college because she was pregnant with you. I guess she just doesn't want that to be you."

"She acts like me seeing a boy is going to make me fail all of my classes," I sighed. "I've been doing great."

"Listen, Livi. I know your mom and I have always been a team when it comes to parenting. We usually do it together," he looked at me. "But I'm going to do this part on my own and she can deal with it later."

I looked at him, anticipating what he'd say next.

"Your mom had a few heartbreaks and made a few mistakes before we met. But if she didn't have her heart broken or make those mistakes, she wouldn't be the woman I love today," he told me. I listened. "My point is that you grow through what you go through. This Austin guy could be your first heartbreak, but he could also be the person you spend forever with. But no matter what, he'll teach you something whether it be to love or to hate. If you want this boy, you go after him and you take him. Your mom doesn't realize it, but your happiness is what's important. So I think you should go back to your dorm and not look back."

"But mom will be so mad at you. And me," I tried to talk myself out of it.

"Hey, easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?" He chuckled, so did I. "She's your mom. And my wife. And she vowed to both of those things for life. Oh, that rhymed."

"You're such a dork, dad," I laughed as I reached over and grabbed a piece of his sushi.

"There's my little girl," he laughed.

After lunch dad helped me sneak my bags of clothes back to my dorm. When we walked in, Randy jumped up and hugged me.

"You couldn't stay away from me, could you?" She joked and then looked at my dad. "Hi, I'm Randy."

"Hi, Randy, I'm Olivia's dad," he smiled at her and then turned to me. "Okay, kid. I'm gonna leave you."

"Thank you, dad," I hugged him and he hugged me back. I don't love anyone more than I do him. "I love you."

"I love you too, Livi," he said, pulling away from our hug. "Be good."

He walked out of the door and Randy looked at me.

"Okay your dad is fucking hot," She looked at me wide eyed.

"Gross," I shook my head and fake gagged. "Please don't."

"My bad," she threw her hands up and walked back to her bed. I grabbed my book and earbuds and began walking outside. I knew exactly what I needed- my bench.

As I walked outside, I noticed someone sitting on it. Austin.

"Why are you here?" I asked him as I approached the bench.

"Olivia, you're back," he said, standing up. "I was just here to uh, well I-I was thinking."

Instead of talking to him, I sat down beside him on the bench. After about five minutes of me ignoring him, he stood up.

"Stay," I said, not looking up from my book. He looked at me and sat back down, most likely wondering what was wrong with me.

"What's going on?" He asked finally. "You're back, is everything okay?"

"My dad helped me out and gave me some advice," I looked up at him.

"What advice?" He asked.

"To chase after you," I replied. He leaned closer to me. My heart was beating out of my chest, but when is it not when I'm around Austin?

"You don't have to chase me," he said before connecting our lips. I kissed him softly, savoring the moment. He pulled away and looked at me. "I am standing still. I'm right here."

"What happens when you're not?" I asked. I was fully aware my heart was going to be broken by him. I could only keep his interest for so long. There will always be someone better than the rest. I just so happen to be that someone to him right now.

"Why are you worried about what may happen? Live in the now," he said.

He was right. Why did I care? I was enjoying life. Better yet, I was enjoying life with him.

He pressed his forehead against mine and then looked down and chuckled.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"We have got to get you a new book to read."

a/n: this was a quick update at 4am so i'm very sorry if you hate it bc i feel you.

who is your favorite band/artist? (besides post malone)

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