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"My head is killing me," I groaned, sitting up in my bed. Randy looked as if she had been up for hours. She was sitting on her bed, typing on her computer. "What time is it?"

"11:27," she said after a pause. "I didn't want to wake you. I knew you'd have a massive hangover."

"I feel awful," I huffed, running my fingers through my tangled hair.

"Did you at least have fun last night?" Randy giggled, still looking at her computer.

"I did," I nodded. "Until Austin took me home."

"I'm sorry," She looked up at me. "I really forgot about being the DD."

"It's fine," I sighed. "I wouldn't have wanted you driving."

I decided to go take a quick shower. After the shower and getting ready, I grabbed my favorite book and walked outside. Saturday's at USC were beautiful. The sun was shining down beautifully and the birds were chirping. I walked to my bench and sat down, opening the book to where I left off last.

"Olivia!" I heard a voice say. I looked up and seen Parker. "Geez, woman. I said your name three times."

"Oh, hi Parker," I laughed, moving my feet so he could sit down. "I'm sorry. I love this book."

"I can tell," he sat next to me. "Got any plans today?"

"Just what I'm doing right now," I shrugged.

"Well, do you want to go grab lunch? There's an amazing diner on campus," He suggested. "On me."

"Sounds good, but you don't have to pay for my food, Parker," I chuckled as we both stood up. "I can get it."

"No, I want to," he said as we began walking. "Just let me."

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. The walk to the diner was fairly short. When we walked in, I noticed a group of guys sitting by the door. It had to be Austin's gang or whatever the hell they were.

"Parker, can we go somewhere else? Austin is here," I asked quietly before they could see me.

"Yeah, of course," he nodded and we started to walk out of the door.

"Olivia! Hey," I heard Lenny say. I scrunched my nose and turned around.

"Hi, Lenny," I said through gritted teeth. Austin turned around to look at me and scoffed, immediately looking away.

"Might as well stay now," Parker shrugged. I agreed and we sat in the booth farthest from them.

"So what do you get here?" I asked him, opening my menu.

"Strawberry shake and a burger with cheese fries," he smiled at me. "Always."

"I will get the same then," I chuckled.

After the waitress took our order, Parker and I talked and laughed about everything.

"I have a sixteen year old sister and an eighteen year old brother," Parker said after I had asked him about his family life. "My parents are divorced, but strangely good friends."

"I am the only child and my parents are still married, we're quite the opposite," I shrugged and laughed. 

"Opposites attract," he said, sipping his milkshake. Everyone keeps saying that but if so, Austin and I could possibly coexist.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom," I told him, sliding out of the booth. "Be right back."

I walked to the bathroom that was across the restaurant. When I finished, I washed my hands and walked out of the swinging door only to be greeted by an arm extending to the wall in front of me.

"Excuse me?" I said to Austin. What was he doing? He is so annoying.

"You're excused," he smirked. What an irritating person.

"Then let me go," I huffed, trying to walk past him but he wouldn't let me. For some reason though, I didn't feel threatened.

"Parker Hummel, huh?" Austin sucked his teeth then looked down at me. "Didn't peg you for the type of person to date such a stoner."

"I'm not dating him!" I said. "And he's not a stoner."

"Oh, you don't know Hummel like I do, darling," He laughed, crossing his arms. "He's a stoner."

"I don't care, just leave us alone," I huffed, trying to walk past him again.

"Have you fucked him yet?" He asked, clearly just trying to get under my skin and annoy me.

"I told you we are just friends! And even if we were dating, that is none of your concern," I said harshly.

"Boys and girls can't be just friends," he said to me. "Ever."

"Yes they can, Parker and I are," I told him. Why did he even care? He doesn't.

"Won't be for long," he looked away, unbothered.

"What do you want, Austin?" I huffed, crossing my arms.

"You," he said bluntly. What? He did not just say that.

"Well that isn't going to happen," I snickered. "You can't stand the fact that I don't give into you, do you?"

"Yet," he smirked. "You haven't yet."

"You're disgusting," I scoffed.

"Thank you," he said. I hate him.

"What do girls even see in you?" I asked him. I genuinely wanted to know. Sure, he was attractive. But his attitude was not.

"Words gets around quick, doll," he simpered. "They all know I can do things that their boyfriends can't do."

"Gross," I winced. "I don't want to find out."

"Hummel can't make you feel like I can make you feel," He said in a deep voice. "I promise."

"We are not dating!" I said again, but louder. I had to remember we were still in a restaurant.

"Prove it," He said, getting closer to me.

"W-what? Why would I need to prove it?" I asked, cowering down.

"If you're single, then you can kiss me, right?" I didn't respond but he got closer. "You can tell me to stop."

But I didn't tell him to stop. And I hate myself for it. His lips were suddenly on mine, and my stomach twisted into a knot. What was this feeling? And was I kissing him right? God, I don't know.

His hands traveled to the sides of my face, deepening the kiss. I pulled away, not sure why I even let him kiss me in the first place.

"You should probably get back to your boyfriend," he winked at me. "See ya, doll."

a/n: FINALLY SOME JUICE. hope you guys are enjoying! thanks so much for 500 reads!

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