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The bench.

That's where I found myself most days, but today I wasn't reading. I was thinking.

And yes, it was about Austin. Why couldn't I get him out of my head? Last night didn't seem real even though I had kissed him twice before that. But last night felt like we were both sure of something, whatever that may be.

Part of me knew that the only reason I couldn't stop thinking about Austin was because he's been the only guy that's ever really paid attention to me. But the other part of me knew that no matter what I drilled inside of my head, I wouldn't be able to stay away from him.

It's Saturday, though, and I don't want to spend my day sitting on this bench thinking about a guy that quite possibly may never be mine. I decided I'd call Randy.

"Hello?" She answered in a peppy tone.

"Hey, do you have plans today?" I asked her, biting my nails.

"Yeah, I'm with Lenny but if you want to do something, I'll come get you," She said right away. I wouldn't ask her to do that, she's already at Lenny's. Probably with Austin there too.

"No, we can hang out another time! Have fun, love you," I said to her, putting my legs up on the bench.

"Okay then, love you O," She said before hanging up the phone. Might as well call Parker.

The line rang for too long before I hung up. Oh well, I guess I will be reading on the bench today. Or maybe I could go exploring.

Yeah, I'll do that. I put my earbuds in and started playing Fleetwood Mac as I walked down the sidewalk that led to the main street.

I stumbled across a small record store. When I walked in, I was greeted by the smell of plastic and old records. The must of the place was charming and felt nostalgic.

I looked around for a bit, every vinyl my hands touched seeming to send me back in time a little bit. I should get a record player.

As if the Devil has his eye on me, in walked Austin. I ducked down and put the vinyl I was holding over my face, trying to remain unseen by him. I wasn't looking my best and didn't really know what to say to him.

I weaved through the aisles as he walked up to the counter.

"Do you have anything new for me, Archie?" He asked the older man sitting behind the counter.

"Not yet, son, but I should tomorrow. You can come back then," He nodded. Austin slapped the counter in thanks and turned away, facing me. We made eye contact and he smirked, walking over to me. Shoot!

"Avoiding me like I told you not to, huh?" He chuckled as he approached me.

"How am I avoiding you on purpose? I don't have your number or any of your social media," I huffed at him.

"You're not exactly too good at hiding," he laughed. "You could've maybe ducked down or crawled across the floor. But you suck at it."

"I'm sorry," I sighed, dropping my hands to my sides. He grabbed the record from my hand and looked at it.

"Aerosmith," Austin said, putting his tongue to the roof of his mouth. "I have all of their vinyls. Even their live albums."

"They're my favorite band," I giggled quietly.

"Mine, too," he smiled. "What kind of record player do you have?"

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