q + a

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these are some questions from comments, messages, and instagram from you guys!! i tried to answer them as best as i could.

if you have anymore questions, feel free to message me or comment and i will certainly answer them!!

how do you get so many ideas? you're such an amazing writer.
first of all, thank you SO much!!! ever since i was young, i've made up scenarios in my head about EVERYTHING. i try to find a story  in every situation i'm in or every song i hear, etc. i'm actually a film major for this reason!! i want to make movies based off of all of these ideas i have. but to answer your question, i place myself in different worlds and try to think of different outcomes if that makes sense. i try to see things from a potential character's POV.  

to post, yo can we be friends?
austin definitely would love to be friends hahah.

austin's relationship with his aunt?
so i never really addressed this!! but his aunt was amelia's, austin's mom, sister. she lives in LA so that's how austin ended up here. he stopped talking to his aunt and uncle a lot once he moved away because he had such a bad attitude. he got in touch with his uncle for the record deal but hasn't talked to them since. maybe they can rekindle!! the problem is, olivia doesn't know much about them so she isn't in his ear telling him to reach out.

what made austin decide to go to college?
i didn't include this in the book because they met at college so i didn't feel the need but of course i have a backstory for everything!! his mom always wanted him to make something of himself. she never went to college so she wanted him to. she wanted him to get out of california though, but he never did so he just went to USC in LA. no matter what or where he is, he'll always make amelia proud.

how did austin and taylor become friends?
taylor and austin weren't really friends at first. they met sophomore year when lenny introduced them. lenny met taylor in a class he had freshman year. taylor isn't exactly like austin and lenny because taylor is more of a good guy than they are. he rarely drinks and doesn't do any drugs, doesn't hook up with randoms either. but they all liked each other and got their own house together junior year!!

what happened to zoe and lenny? will we ever hear from them again?
zoe and lenny are together now. BUT i'm not sure if they'll make a comeback. it all depends on if y'all want the tea in otherside. 🤷🏻‍♀️

which characters do you personally like and dislike?
i love so many and hate so many so i'll give my top 3 for both.
1. randy is my FAVORITE character, even more so than olivia. she loves everyone so much and isn't afraid to speak her mind. no one knows this but her but randy is based on my best friend in real life!! her name is miranda as well. :-)) she is an amazing person and i wanted her to be a part of this book so i created randy- the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
2. olivia is my 2nd favorite! she's so pure and i love her so so so so much. she has the greatest heart of anyone in the book. i love how much she loves aerosmith and eleanor & park. two things that are timeless. creating her character has been so refreshing and i feel like she's my best friend. i truly love her so much. she is a huge part of me.
3. and of course, parker. he's always there for olivia and randy. he doesn't give a shit that his two best friends are girls. he loves them so much. and he stood up to austin when needed. also he's played by joel courtney who i'm in love with so that's a bonus.
least favorites
1. lenny of course!! he's terrible! i cringed while writing him and literally hate him so much. i was so glad when his character was over in this book because he brought such a negative energy to my writing for some reason. sadly, i know boys like him and i guess i wanted to put that in my book.
2. zoe. we all hate zoe. at first, i thought i'd make her a good girl because it would've been cute for her to step out of the way to let austin be with olivia. but things change. what a bitch. she is just as bad as lenny is and i hate her so much.
3. lily. if you haven't read otherside, you don't know lily but if you have, you probably hate her as much as i do. (SORRY FOR THE SPOILER) just like zoe, she's conniving and only cares about what she can get out of things. austin deserves all the love in the world & she used him. can't stand her. 

not related to the book but do you like austin's new hair?
i prefer long/messy hair on guys in general. if you look at all of my celebrity crushes (harry styles, luke hemmings, post malone, kian lawley,  jc caylen, noah centineo, etc.) you'll see they all have relatively long/messy hair. BUT MY FAVORITE HAIR IS CURLY SO YES. i am LOVING his new hair!!! it looks so good on him.

where did you get inspiration for this book?
AFTER BY ANNA TODD!!!! i'm a slut for harry styles so naturally, after is my fave book lol. also, i love clichés like bad boy/good girl and i just NEEDED to write one about austin. i think the fandom deserved it lmao. but the inspiration for the little things in it like the bank, the book, etc. came from things i seen in my life randomly that i just decided to develop into something meaningful. this book means a lot to me and makes me so happy.

not a question but this book should totally be a movie. 
i'd absolutely die! i think it would be a great movie if someone adopted it and tweaked it to be better. the characters are so lovable that i think people would really like it.

how long have you been writing?
i wrote my first book when i was 9 years old. (i'm 19 now.) it was called blow me one last kiss. the story centered around two best friends falling in love but the boy got cancer so the book was about them living their best lives even though he was dying. it was super sad and it was published on quotev until about 2012 when i started writing fanfics about one direction. that's when i REALLY got into writing. i wrote a michael clifford (5sos) fanfic in 2014 with my internet friend and after we finished that book, i stopped writing until this year when i wrote yours truly. i love writing though and i hope to do it forever.

do you think you'll ever publish a book for real?
no. i don't think i'm talented enough to do so. writing is an amazing hobby and i love it more than anything but i don't think i could ever put myself out in the world like that. i'd LOVE to publish a book but i'm just not fit to. my writing isn't good enough.

what's your favorite part about writing?
my favorite part about writing is actually pretty embarrassing. i only write romance stories but i've never been in love. i dated someone for a year and a half that was emotionally abusive to me. i thought i was in love with him but i was 16/17, so of course i thought that. he was my first, and only, boyfriend as well so i was super naive. i guess my favorite part is trying to pretend i know what true love is. i love being able to create it without being able to experience it. by doing this, i set my own expectations. i love where i'm at in life right now, emotionally. i'm glad i don't have a boyfriend because i'm LIVING. anyways, i strayed from the question but i LOVE creating LOVE. it's magical!!

10 random facts about you?
1. my name is cameron.
2. i have 5 tattoos.
3. i am from alabama but live in arizona.
4. i go to too many concerts. 
5. i have two different colored eyes, one is hazel and one is like almost black.
6. my best friend is my sister, cailyn.
7. i'm in college for film production. 
8. i'm a photographer.
9. my top 3 celebrity crushes (besides austin) are harry styles, luke hemmings, and kian lawley.
10. i'm obsessed with halloween/scary stuff. 

is there gonna be a third book in the feel/otherside series?
yes!!! better now is out and still active!

how many books have you written?
i have only written 4 completed books!! but if you count ones i've started or ones i haven't finished, oh wow. like over 20. i write a lot. so many ideas flowing through this brain.

are you gonna write more post stories??? i love them!!!
thank you so very much!!! i'm so glad you're enjoying! yes! i'm currently writing a sequel to feel if you haven't started that AND a new book called stay! i also have a book coming soon called dear austin post. pretty excited for these! PLEASE READ IM BEGGING YOU.

so that's all of the questions i received. like i said, if there are anymore, let me know! i'd love to answer them for y'all. stay classy, san diego.

all the love,
cam h

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