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a bit out of time // mainland

It didn't feel like it had almost been a week since I had seen Austin. But it had been. I was thankful I had my classes to keep my mind off of him. And of course Randy and Parker.

I wasn't too sure why it felt like Austin broke up with me. He's made it very clear that I'm not his girlfriend. But how was I supposed to feel? Was I supposed to pretend that I didn't care about him and that everything was fine? I couldn't.

"Please stop studying," Randy sighed, closing the book that was in front of me. "It's Friday night."

"I'm sorry," I shook my head. "I'm trying to keep myself busy."

"I know it's hard on you right now," Randy gave me a small smile as she sat on my bed that was directly beside my desk. "But you need to go out with us and have fun. I've let you sulk over these books all week."

"What are we going to do then?" I groaned. I really didn't feel like going anywhere. But if it got my mind off of Austin, then I'd try.

"There's a free concert on campus tonight," Randy shrugged. "We want to go if you'd come with us."

"Who's playing?" I asked her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"A band called Mainland," Randy said, giving me a small smile. "They're not super popular but they're great. I've seen them before."

"Fine," I sighed and Randy's smile got bigger. "I guess I do need to get out of this room."

"Yes!" She clapped as she stood up off of the bed. "It'll be you, Parker, Taylor, and I."

"Parker should be a good date," I chuckled. "I don't know what to wear."

"What you have on is fine," I looked down at my dark gray shirt and black skinny jeans. "Just put on my combat boots and my leather jacket."

I nodded and grabbed her stuff, throwing the jacket over my shoulder and sitting on the bed to lace up the boots. Soon, Taylor and Parker walked in. It was weird seeing them as friends.

"Ready girls?" Taylor asked as I looked in the mirror at my natural waves, fixing them so they didn't look completely terrible.

"As I can be," I sighed as we all walked out of our small door.

"I promise I'm gonna be an awesome date," Parker joked with me. I gave him a small laugh and he nudged me. "Come on. Let's not think about him tonight."

"I'm sorry, Parker," I sighed. "I'll try."

We walked down the sidewalk to the small venue that was on campus. There were people outside waiting to go in; the band had a pretty decent crowd.

We eventually got in and were towards the middle of the floor. Not too close to the stage but not too far away. I was sort of excited. I love live music.

The band came onstage and everyone cheered. I had never heard of them but neither had most of these people. A free concert was a free concert.

"Hey guys! We're Mainland and this first song is called Beggars," The lead singer said.

"I know this one!" Randy smiled at Taylor. I smiled as well. I liked them together.

I swayed back and forth as they sang. I was super into their music.

"We're gonna do a cover of a song so hopefully everyone can sing along," the lead singer said, wiping his forehead. "This one is called Walk This Way."

"Aerosmith? No way!" I turned to Parker. I was so happy. "They're my favorite band."

"Good! So you can sing a long," Parker chuckled at me.

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