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"Alright, so really all that people care about here is football," Parker said to Randy and I as we sat in a big room where the news team met. "With that being said, football season starts tomorrow. You two will be expected to be at the bonfire and the game."

"Sounds easy," I said, crossing my legs.

"Randy, obviously you'll be filming and editing since your major is film production. Olivia, you'll be interviewing," Parker smiled.

"What about the other anchor people or whatever they are?" Randy asked.

"Oh, we've all agreed to let Olivia do this one," he said.

"That's nice," I smiled, leaning my head to the side. "So is that all for today?"

"Yes," Parker said, straightening out some papers. "I'll see you guys tomorrow before the game to go over questions."

"Okay, bye Parker," I said as we stood up. We gathered our things and walked out of the building.

"Are you aware that Parker has the biggest crush on you or what?" Randy giggled as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Uh, no he doesn't," I let out a small chuckle in a sarcastic manner. "We're just really good friends."

"He's letting you do the biggest broadcast of the year, Olivia," she looked at me, lifting her hand off of her book bag strap.

"He said everyone agreed to let me," I raised my eyebrows. "So everyone has a crush on me?"

"O, he's the head of the news team. They just do what he says," she huffed. "You should go out with him."

"No," I snapped and then calmed down. "I mean, I don't like him that way. And he doesn't like me that way either."

"Whatever you say, kid," She shrugged.

We soon arrived at our dorms after grabbing lunch and a smoothie from some small café.

"You go ahead inside," I told Randy. "I'm gonna read a little bit. It's pretty outside."

"That's all you ever do," she rolled her eyes and then smiled, walking inside.

I took my book out of my bag and sat on my bench. I don't know why I loved this bench so much, it just brought me peace.

I took out my phone and plugged my earbuds into it, opening my music app and hitting shuffle.

Soon, my right earbud was ripped out of my ear.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Austin asked as I looked up at him. I huffed and took my other earbud out, closing my book as well.

"I'm not avoiding you," I sighed.

"You haven't been in your room in a week," he scoffed. "At least not since I've been coming around."

"Okay? I have things to do," I said, opening my book again.

"You get on my nerves with that fucking book," he huffed at me, shaking his head. "Do you ever do anything interesting? Jesus Christ."

"Who am I hurting by wanting to read this book all the time?" I asked him. "Seriously! I'm minding my business, unlike you."

"You're hurting yourself, Liv," He said to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't call me that," I told him. "And how am I hurting myself? Maybe if you picked up a book you'd shut your mouth for once."

"Maybe if you put yours down, you'd want to open yours," he winked. What is wrong with him?

"You're so gross," I scoffed. I put my earbuds back in only to have them ripped out again. "What?!"

"You gonna pretend that kiss didn't happen Saturday?" He asked me, giving a small simper.

"Yes, I would like to," I said, giving a sarcastic smile.

"But it did happen," He said, finally sitting down next to me. "So what are we going to do about that, Miss Olivia?"

"There's nothing to do about it," I huffed at him. Good God, he was impossible. "What do you expect to happen, Austin?"

"Maybe," he whispered, getting closer to me. "I could kiss you again. You know.. Just to make sure you don't want to do anything about it."

Why couldn't I tell him no? Did I like Austin? Why would I? I barely knew him and what I did know, I didn't like. But something about him made me weak.

And for the second time, his lips were pressed to mine. I kissed back this time, my hand making its way to the side of his face. But the only reason I kissed him was to make sure I didn't feel anything for him. To make sure that I never wanted to kiss him again.

But I guess that was the problem.

I did feel something.

Something unlike anything I had felt in my life. Something I felt at the diner but thought it was just me being nervous.

I felt...


a/n: i feel like this story is AWFUL & i hate it even more than i hated the worst chapters of yours truly 😭 but i'm not a quitter so whatever.

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