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heaven // julia michaels

Once we were in Austin's car, his lips attached to mine again. His hand rested on my thigh, pushing my skirt up. I moaned as he tugged on my bottom lip with his teeth.

His hand pulled my left leg towards him, spreading my thighs abruptly. I let out a soft groan as he done so. As he kissed me hungrily, his fingers rubbed over my soaked panties.

"Austin," I breathed as his lips retreated from mine and attached to my neck. "Get me home."

"Yes ma'am," he smirked, pulling away from me and starting his car. He watched me as I pulled my skirt down to its original length. "That skirt is gonna fucking kill me."

I rolled my eyes and blushed. Just the thought of him touching me made my legs shake. I was completely under his spell.

About halfway to his house, I decided I'd get a little brave. I was just so... horny. I reached over to Austin and unzipped his pants. He looked at me with confused eyes.

"Oops?" I shrugged my shoulders. He laughed at me and then looked back at the road. I slid his jeans down as far as I could without the fact he was sitting down stopping me. I rubbed him a little bit over his boxers before pulling them down.

"Oh fuck, we're doing this?" He questioned. Instead of answering, I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned over the console. "Liv, you don't have to do this."

He knew I had never done this before and definitely was not good at it. But I wanted to make my man feel good. The way he made me feel.

I placed my lips around him, bobbing up and down like I had imagined to. I looked up at him and he was gritting his teeth, gripping the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

I continued, wrapping my hand around what couldn't fit in my mouth. Austin's right hand tangled its way into my hair, creating a makeshift ponytail. He pushed my head down, helping me out.

"God damn," He said as I looked up at him.
"Fuck, you're perfect."

I got up and moved in closer to his face, "watch the road."

"Yes ma'am," he moaned as I wrapped my hand around him again. I leaned over and bit his ear causing him to moan. "I can't wait to get ahold of you."

We soon pulled up to Austin's house. Him and I couldn't get out of the car fast enough. We ran inside and up his stairs. When we got in his room, he locked the door and threw me on the bed.

He wasted no time in climbing on top of me, attacking me with kisses. There wasn't a word for how eager we were. His hands pushed my skirt up to my waist once again as he yanked my panties down. I didn't know I'd ever like someone being so rough but now that it's happening, I don't want anything else.

Austin's fingers slammed inside of me, not giving any warning. I arched my back as his fingers curled inside of me. He leaned down to kiss the skin that was exposed between my shirt and skirt. He went down on me, flicking his tongue against me slowly.

"Aus-," was all I could get out as I felt the most beautiful combination. I tangled my hands in his hair, guiding him to the spots I wanted him. "Oh! Shi-"

His tongue swirled against me, teasing my entrance. I could feel the familiar feeling forming in my stomach but Austin pulled away and came up to face me, his hair a mess.

"Olivia," He said, his fingers lingering inside of me, slowly going in and out. "I want to show you how I can really make you feel."

"Okay," I nodded.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

"I'm yours," I said. He climbed off of me and walked over to his closet, fumbling around to the far right side of it. It was apparent that he didn't wear anything from that side when he came back with a red tie.

"Take your clothes off," he smirked. I felt a bit awkward since he's never asked that of me before. But I obliged, slipping my shirt over my head and unhooking my bra. Austin helped me with my skirt, pulling it off and discarding it onto the floor.

"What now?" I questioned.

"Give me your hands," he said in a deep tone. Oh my God. Was he tying me up? I held my hands out to him and sure enough, he wrapped the tie around my wrists twice before putting them above my head. "Keep them there."

I gulped as he stared me up and down. I couldn't lie, even though I was comfortable with Austin, I felt really vulnerable. He shook his head at me before climbing on top of me, kissing me. I kissed him back of course, eager for him to do something.

His lips trailed down to my neck, and then my collar bone, eventually getting to my breasts. He sucked on them gently, causing me to moan. He had never done this but it felt amazing. I tried to wrap my arms around his neck but remembered I couldn't because of the tie.

As he continued swirling his tongue around my breasts, his fingers found their way back down to my heat. Austin rubbed my clit softly but I pushed against him, wanting it harder. He began to kiss down my torso, stopping when he got to my soaking wet core.

"Austin," I moaned as his tongue flattened against me. "P-please."

"Mmm," he said against me, sending a vibration through me. "Please what, baby girl?"

"Please," I moaned again. "Please fuck me."

I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth but I couldn't lie to myself. I wanted Austin to do everything he possibly could to me.

"Anything for my princess," he kissed me before climbing off of me and retrieving a condom from his desk drawer. I noticed he had a new spot where he kept them.

"Austin," My hands were still tied and above my head. I didn't want to have them tied while we were having sex. "Can you untie me?"

"Only because I want you to tear my back up," he smirked and began untying me. I blushed. I couldn't help but scratch Austin's back.

Austin removed his clothes, sliding the condom onto himself. We both got under his comforter and he started kissing me.

"Uh!" I yelled as he slammed into me. I immediately clutched onto his shoulders, wanting him to go deeper.

"Fuck," he grunted, finding a rhythm. "So damn tight."

"Harder," I moaned, scratching his back. He obliged and began pounding into me harder than before. I let out a loud moan, immediately covering my mouth. Taylor and Randy were here and I certainly didn't want to be interrupted.

My nails dug into Austin's back as he continued making me feel euphoric. I couldn't get enough of him and I also couldn't believe I'd been missing out on how good he could make me feel.

I may not know a lot but I do know two things:

Austin Post can fuck so well and I love him with my entire heart.

a/n: yALL i'm sweating !!!! we love a daddy austin jESUS. help mE.

i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter as much as i did okuuuurrrrt.

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