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nervous // shawn mendes

I walked out of my last exam of the semester at 4pm with Parker by my side. I was exhausted and so excited that exams were over with.

"Want to hang out tonight?" I asked him as we walked towards the exit of the building.

"I actually have a date," he smiled at me.

"What? With who?" I stopped and turned to him.

"Her name is Izzy," He said. "She's a friend from home."

"I'm so happy for you!" I hugged him. "I hope you have fun."

"So what are you going to do tonight?" Parker asked me as we walked out of the building.

"Hey babe," Austin said as I seen him leaning against the wall waiting on me. He was smoking a cigarette which definitely wasn't allowed here.

"I guess this answers your question," I looked at Parker. He nodded as I took the cigarette out of Austin's mouth.

"Hey!" Austin exclaimed. I put a finger over his mouth.

"I'll let you two have fun," Parker chuckled. "See ya."

"Have fun! Love you!" I said as he walked away.

"Where is he going?" Austin asked as he took my hand in his. I looked down at our hands and smiled.

"He has a date," I shrugged.

"Nice," Austin said as he picked me up and carried me bridal style. "Maybe he won't have a crush on my girl anymore."

"Austin, put me down!" I laughed. "Everyone is gonna think you're crazy."

"Good thing I don't care what anyone thinks," he said, not letting me get down until we got to his car.

"Where are we even going?" I asked him, buckling my seatbelt.

"The usual place," He told me. I knew he meant the top of the bank.

"Austin, it's hot," I whined. "Can't we wait until the sun goes down?"

"Oh my God," he laughed at me, turning down a street. "You're going to live, I promise."

"Whatever," I sighed and crossed my arms. He knew I was joking but it was still very hot.

"Once you see why we're up there, you won't complain," He told me. I shut up after that.

We arrived at the building that had closed early since it was Friday. We done the usual to get to the top. When we got up there, Austin had a picnic basket on a blanket.

"Wow," I smiled. "What for?"

"Well, last time we were kinda interrupted because someone couldn't keep their pants on," he said. I slapped him and he laughed. "So I figured we'd try again."

"Well thank you," I said, kissing him. "But why during the day? You love it so much up here at night."

"They're doing some maintenance on the building after nine tonight and I just couldn't wait to do this tomorrow," He told me. We walked over to the blanket and sat down.

"I'm actually really glad you done this because I'm starving," I laughed, opening up the picnic basket. When I opened it, there was a white envelope with my name written messily across it. "What's this?"

"Just open it," he told me. I done as I was told and ripped the envelope open. I stared at its contents for a second before my jaw dropped.

"Austin, there's no way," I shook my head. Inside there were two plane tickets to New York City. "I can't go."

"Why not?" He asked. "It's for us."

"It's too much money, I can't let you take me somewhere that expensive," I shook my head, putting them back in the envelope and handing it to him. "I'm sorry."

"Liv, I'm good on money," he looked at me and handed the envelope back to me. "Trust me. If I weren't able to do this, I wouldn't have."

"How do you have enough money for that?" I questioned. "Not that it's any of my business but wow."

"My family has money, Liv. Stop worrying about it," He told me. "I wanted to bring in the New Year in a special way with you. How much better can it get than watching the ball drop in Times Square?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yelled, lunging on him. He chuckled.

"No problem, love," he said, hugging me tightly. I pulled away from him and poured us both a glass of wine. It was always weird seeing Austin, who is such a beer guy, drink wine. 

"So what Christmas traditions does your family have?" I asked. We'd both be going home for the holidays soon and I knew I'd miss him immensely.

"Uh, we-," he scratched his head. "I haven't done anything for Christmas since I was fifteen."

"What?" I questioned. "You don't go look at Christmas lights or make peppermint hot chocolate or even just listen to your favorite Christmas album?"

"No," he shook his head. "My aunt gives me money every year but we never celebrate. Not even a tree."

"Well, that settles it," I told him. "You're spending Christmas with my family."

"They don't like me, Liv," he said. "I can't."

"My dad doesn't have an issue with you and my mom will get the hell over it," I told him. "It's time she knew we were.. whatever we are anyways."

"What do you mean whatever we are?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not sure where we stand when it comes to the labels," I shrugged. "We don't speak about it."

"Oh shit, I've been calling you my girlfriend," Austin told me. "But I never even asked you out."

"It's fine," I chuckled.

"No, it isn't. You deserve some cute little thing and I haven't done it," He shook his head. "How stupid am I? Letting you walk around without officially being mine?"

I smiled at the man I loved that was freaking out over a minuscule thing, "Official or not, I'm yours."

a/n: oh wow. how do y'all think the christmas thing will go?

also, i just watched a youtube video of 2 girls who read cringy post malone fanfics. so if either of you are reading this, i'd like to say that i'm super glad my books weren't out when that video was filmed because mine would be on there. 😂

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