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"It looks amazing, Randy!" Parker high-fived her after watching the final news video. Randy was super talented and I knew she was going to go far in this field.

"Thanks, Parker!" She smiled. I could tell she was proud of herself.

"I can't believe how gifted you are with things like this," I shook my head in awe.

"You're not so bad yourself," she chuckled. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let me get my things," I said, walking to a computer on the other side of the room and grabbing my bag along with my phone. I walked over to her and we started to walk out of the room.

"Bye Parker, see you Tuesday!" Randy yelled as we walked out. We got to her car and she unlocked it, throwing her things in the backseat. We usually walked everywhere but felt like driving today.

"I'm gonna stop by Lenny's if that's okay," She said, backing out of the parking spot.

"Uh, yeah, that's fine," I nodded. Why was I so afraid to see Austin? He probably wasn't even there.

On the drive there, we listened to Randy's music. Not that I don't like rap music, I was just into 80s rock. It's what my dad played growing up and that's just how I was.

We soon got to the house that the three boys shared and got out of the car. I noticed Austin's car wasn't there. I was relieved but also disappointed.

"Hello, girls," Taylor said as we walked in the door. He was sitting on the couch with a bag of chips watching TV.

"Hi, Taylor," I waved and so did Randy. We walked into the kitchen where Lenny was putting beer into the fridge.

"Yo," he said as he seen us. He pecked Randy on the lips and then continued with what he was doing. "Coming to the party tonight?"

"Of course," Randy smiled, shoving her hands into her back pockets.

"It's Thursday," I said, stating the obvious.

"Yeah so," Lenny said. "We're adults. Are you coming?"

"Sure," I shrugged. Of course I was coming. Austin would be here. And there was something about him that I just couldn't stay away from.

Time went by quickly after that, but about an hour before the party started I had decided I needed to go back to our room and change.
I didn't look fit to go to a house party.

I left my hair in its natural wavy state and put on a maroon top paired with a black skirt and my Vans.

Good enough.

When I got back to Lenny's, the party was in full swing as expected. I had decided not to drink tonight, I just wasn't feeling it.

Until I seen Austin on the couch with a girl. Not the green haired girl either, a blonde girl. Much prettier than I was. Yeah. Give me the poison.

I walked into the kitchen and, despite lacking the knowledge of bar tending, made myself a drink. Dr. Pepper and Fireball? Whatever. I took a sip and was greeted by the cinnamon whisky. Wow, this is good.

One cup turned to five and I was feeling woozy. I waltzed into the living room and stared at Austin who was sitting on the couch with the girl, effortlessly making conversation just like he did with me.

I had to do something.

I climbed onto the coffee table in front of Austin and got everyone's attention.

"Who wants to play," I burped. "Spin the bottle?"

Cheers came from different corners of the room and I looked at Austin as multiple people formed a circle in front of me.

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