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fool's gold // one direction

After my classes, I sulked back to my dorm room. Seeing Parker in class today upset me even more than what I already was. Having to sit by myself and not joke through the whole class was terrible.

I got back to my room and fell on my bed. I was so tired. I didn't get much sleep last night and I was regretting it. I decided to call my dad for advice.

"Yello?" My dad answered after the third ring.

"Hi, dad," I laughed.

"Hey, girly," he said. I could hear his office chair creaking as he turned in it. "What's going on?"

"Just needed to call and talk to you," I sighed. "Things have been pretty rough."

"Alright, hit me with it. What's up?" He said.

"Well, you know my friend Parker, right?" I asked him. He said yes. "He likes me. But I don't feel the same way. And he thinks Austin treats me badly so he's mad at me. Like we aren't even friends anymore."

"Does Austin treat you badly, Livi?" He questioned.

"No. I mean, we get in fights but it's my fault, too, not just his," I told him.

"Well, I think Parker's feelings are just hurt right now," My dad said. "You need to talk to him and tell him how you feel about him, but explain that it isn't the same way he feels about you."

"It's hard to do that when he hates my guts," I stared at the ceiling as I talked.

"Be the strong woman I know you can be, Olivia," He told me. "Just go talk to him. If he can't accept that all you'll ever be is friends, then he isn't a person you need in your life."

"Thanks, dad," I sighed.

"What else is on your mind?" He asked. Boy, where do I begin?

"Austin mainly," I said, playing with a button on my shirt. "It seems like every time I think I'm getting closer to him, all he does is push me away."

"Honey, you can't humor those kind of people," My heart started beating. I didn't want my dad to say that.

"He has such a good heart, dad. I know he does, but he doesn't know what it's like for someone to show him love," I explained. "But I don't know what it's like to show someone love. We suck at this and I think that's why we keep fighting."

"If you're serious about him, you need to make sure he's serious about you as well. Tell him what you want," he said. "Don't be so scared to love. Both of you have to figure this out together."

"I don't know how to do this," I closed my eyes.

"You're gonna figure it out, kiddo. I didn't know a thing about love when I met your mom," he explained. "And we have our differences every day, but every day I fall more in love with her."

"But-," I said but he cut me off.

"There are no buts. Your mom and I are gonna come take you to dinner tonight," He told me. "Bring Austin if you want to. If you're going to be with him, you also have to tell your mother that eventually."

"Okay," I took a deep breath in. "What time will you be here?"

"Your mom gets off at 5:30," He said. "Be there around seven?"

"That's fine," I nodded to myself. "I love you. See you soon."

"I love you more, Livi."

I hung up the phone and decided to take a nap.

After I woke up, I got dressed and was now waiting on my parents to get here. Randy had been gone all day. I assumed she was with Taylor.

I didn't even bother asking Austin to come to dinner with us. I knew he'd say no. He isn't that kind of guy.

My mom texted me saying they were out front so I grabbed my purse and walked outside. I got in the car and said hi to them.

"Hey, sweetie," my mom smiled at me. "How are classes?"

"They're fine. Uh, good. They're good," I nodded. Dad drove to an Italian restaurant nearby.

Halfway through dinner, I got a text from Randy.

Randy: taylor & i are trying to watch a movie, damn girl. calm it down. 😂
Olivia: What do you mean?
Randy: i mean you and austin. you guys are loud as fuckkk.
Olivia: I'm at dinner with my parents??? What are you talking about?
Randy: oh. shit.
Randy: call me when you can.

I slid out of the booth after telling my parents I had to go to the bathroom.

"Randy," I said as she answered the phone.

"Olivia, I am so sorry," she sounded worried. "Austin has another girl here."

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I immediately broke down and started crying.

"It's fine," I sniffled. "I have to go."

"No. It isn't fine. Taylor is going in there now to see who it is," Randy said.

"No, don't do that. We aren't together. He can do what he wants," I cried.

"What the fuck, man?!" I heard Austin yelling in the background.

"How could you fucking do this to Olivia?!" Taylor screamed. I cried more.

"What, still got a crush on her?" Austin asked in a sarcastic tone. "You still have a crush on her so you had to fuck her friend to get closure."

"Austin! Enough!" Randy yelled. I just sat there and listened to the very clear conversation.

"Zoe, you need to leave," I heard Austin say. How could he? How could she? She was the one that told me he liked me so much.

"Whatever," I heard Zoe scoff. "Just call me when she pisses you off again, I guess."

"This was the last time," he said.

"Do you want me to hang up?" Randy asked quietly into the phone.

"No," I sobbed. I felt like I needed to hear everything Austin was saying.

"Olivia is going to be devastated when she finds out," Taylor told Austin.

"She isn't going to find out," Austin told him.

"Show him your phone," I told Randy. I guess she done as I told her because I heard Austin scream, "Fuck!"

"Liv, please listen to me," Austin said into the phone. I hung up as soon as I heard his voice.

I couldn't go back to our table yet. I was crying so badly, and I couldn't stop.

What have I gotten myself into with him?

a/n: ok i tried to write this chapter so quickly so i'm sorry it's not the best /:

thanks for 20k reads guys!

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