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touch // troye sivan

"You what?" I asked Austin with a lump in my throat.

"I love you," he said confidently.

"A-are you sure?" I questioned. I was so confused. Where was this coming from?

"There is nothing I'm more sure of," He told me. "And it has taken everything in me to be able to tell you."

"You didn't have to tell me that," I told him. "I know you said it feels like I'm forcing you."

"When I look at you, I can't remember what I'm waiting for. I forget who I was, who I am, and who I thought I'd be. This is how I want to live, Olivia," He looked at me, his eyes going from side to side. "Like I'm lost in something I love and every moment I spend is like I'm waiting for something inspiring to happen."

I leaned over and kissed him, tears falling down my face. His right hand cupped my face as his left one rested behind me. He leaned me back gently onto the blanket he had up here, hovering over me.

His lips attached to mine slowly, and then to my neck. The wind blew the stray hairs from his bun, something I grew so fond of. I deepened the kiss, pulling him closer to me. He obliged and kissed me harder. I couldn't get enough of him.

His hands traveled to my thighs, separating them to get in between them. I breathed deeply as he began rubbing me over my jeans. He leaned down and kissed the skin that was showing on my stomach. He came back up to kiss me as his hands stayed on my thighs.

"I love you," I whispered against his lips as he undone the button on my pants. He smiled at me as he pulled them down. "We're doing this up here?"

"No one can see us," He grinned, throwing my jeans to the side. "We're on top of the world."

I pulled his face to mine, kissing him roughly. His kisses were passionate yet told me he wanted me. His tongue slipped in between the part in my lips, dancing with mine.

He kissed my cheek, then my chest, then my stomach, and then just above my pantyline. I gasped as his lips attached to my clothed heat. His fingers hooked into my underwear and pulled them down.

He came back up and kissed me, lifting my shirt over my head. He was still fully clothed so I pulled his jacket off of him along with his shirt. He pulled a purple foil packet out of his pocket.

"Oh so you just knew that I was going to have sex with you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I was hopeful," He shrugged. I laughed at him and then kissed him. He pulled away and unbuckled his belt, pulling his jeans down with his boxers. He ripped the packet open and rolled the condom onto himself. "Come here baby."

He pulled me towards him and onto his lap. He kissed me gently, pulling my bra straps down my shoulders.

"What are we doing?" I asked in a breathy moan as he sucked on my neck. This was different than the first time we done it. He wasn't on top of me this time.

"I'm gonna make you feel good, baby girl," he said quietly in my ear. He picked me up and sank me onto his hard member. I moaned. Even though it still stung, it felt way better than the first time.

After a few times of lifting me on and off of him, it started to feel good.

"Aust-Austin," I moaned.

"You're doing so good, baby," He gritted his teeth as his fingers dug into my hips, pushing me down onto him. 

My hands rested on his chest as I began to grind on him myself.

"Oh my God," I moaned, throwing my head back. His hands traveled to my breasts, playing with them.

"Just like that," he breathed, grabbing my thighs. "Fuck, Liv."

His fingers traveled to my core, rubbing my clit with his thumb. I dug my fingers into his torso, not being able to handle how he was making me feel.

"Jesus," I breathed, my hair falling in my face. I couldn't believe I was doing this. And on top of a building.

"You feel so fucking good," He inhaled sharply, his hands roamed my body.

"Austin," I moaned. "Austin, I'm gonna- oh God."

"Cum with me," He sat up, kissing me roughly. I kissed him back as our bodies moved together. "Come on baby."

"A-Austin, I'm-," I breathed, releasing around him. 

"Fuck!" He grunted, burying his face in my neck. He gripped my thighs as he came. It was a beautiful sight.

I got off of him and laid beside him. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. 

"You're amazing," He shook is head as if he was in awe. I didn't say anything I just stared up at the sky. There weren't any stars out but I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful night.

"You know how you feel when you drive a little too fast in the city with the windows down? And the city lights are reflecting on the hood of your car and you're playing a song that's just right?" I turned to Austin and asked him.

"I do," he laughed.

"I know it's so specific," I chuckled. "It's my favorite feeling in the entire world. But somehow, Austin, you make me feel even better than that."

a/n: ooh we love some smutty smut!

question though, do y'all listen to the songs at the beginning of each chapter? and if so, do y'all like them?

((also, i use a little bit of r.m. drake in some chapters. just saying this to give credit! i love his words.))

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