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the breakup // lany

It was Friday- finally. Not that I had anything to do this weekend. Parker hates me and I currently "hate" Austin. Randy was most likely going to be with Taylor. So my plans for the night were to stay in and watch 80s movies.

I walked from my last class of the day back to my dorm, my earbuds in. My phone chimed as I was walking. My heart started beating as I seen Parker's name pop up.

Parker: Maybe we should talk.
Olivia: Are you at home?
Parker: Yeah
Olivia: On my way.

I quickly turned around and started walking towards Parker's house. I was so excited to see him. I missed him so much.

I got to his house soon enough and knocked on the door. My anxiety was killing me. He opened the door and just stared at me. I stared back. Finally, I hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back.

"Hey, Olivia," he said, squeezing me.

"I miss you," I blurted out. "So much."

"I miss you, too," he said, squeezing me tighter. "A lot more."

"I'm so sorry," I apologized, still hugging him.

"No, I'm sorry," he shook his head as he pulled away. "I acted so childish. My pride got the best of me."

"So did mine," I nodded. "Do you want to go inside?"

"Oh, yeah," he smiled, his dimples showing. I stepped in after him and we sat on the couch. "So, I just really want to apologize. I don't care if you don't like me the way I like you, I want you in my life regardless. Actually, I'm really happy being your friend."

"Parker, if it would've been earlier and if it weren't for-," He cut me off.

"Austin, yeah I know. I still don't like the dude," he shook his head. "But I understand your need to make your own decisions. And I promise I won't influence them again."

"I'm not asking you to support my decisions," I told him. "Just to support me."

"I do, and I will," He told me. "I love you, Olivia. And you're seriously the best friend I've ever had. I can't believe I was going to throw it all away over a minor issue."

Before I could say anything else, my phone started ringing. It was Randy. I answered it and put it on speakerphone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, boo. So Austin is having a party tonight and Taylor does not want to be there so we're going to this haunted hayride," she said. Party? Cool. "You in?"

"I'm with Parker right now," I told her as I smiled at Parker.

"Oh my God, you guys are friends again?" She squealed. "Fuck yes! Taylor and I are on our way to your house, Parker! Get ready, kids!"

She hung up before I could protest.

"Guess we're going on a haunted hayride," Parker shrugged.

"Guess so," I replied. I had never been to one before and I was pretty nervous. I'm not big on scary stuff.

Randy and Taylor got there soon, walking in with no warning.

"What up, bitches?" Randy yelled. Taylor just chuckled. Their personalities balanced each other out.

"Hey," I smiled at her. She came and sat on my lap.

"I'm so glad my babies are friends again," she clapped her hands. "It was exhausting."

"I agree," Parker laughed. "Are we ready to go?"

"Think so," Taylor smiled. We got up and walked outside, getting in Taylor's truck after Parker locked the door.

"If you wanna go and get high with me, smoke an L in the back of the Benzy," We sang. "Oh why must I feel this way?"

"Hey, must be the money!" We screamed. I smiled watching everyone dance.

"Oh, hell yes, this is a good one," Randy nodded as she changed the song.

"This is the way I live, little boys still pushing big wheels," we sang. I threw my hands in the air, dancing in my seat. "I stack my money, lay low and chill."

We soon arrived at the hayride. I was getting nervous. Mostly because I didn't want to embarrass myself. We walked up to the ticket booth and bought our tickets, then waited in line.

The wait was about thirty minutes. We boarded the trailer filled with hay and I wrapped my arm around Parker's.

"Scared?" He chuckled.

"Uh, kinda?" I said. I love scary movies so it's sort of the same thing right?

The tractor pulling the trailer started and it began moving. My nails were digging into Parker's arm. Okay, I was scared.

We went through a huge tunnel with fake body bags hanging from the ceiling. When we got out of the tunnel, there was a guy in a weird mask on the trailer with us, staring at me.

"No!" I yelled, covering my face. Randy, Taylor, and Parker laughed but I didn't think it was funny.

The hayride was over in fifteen minutes. It was pretty good even though I got scared a couple of times. Even so, I was glad I spent time with my friends. And I was especially glad I had my Parker back.

"You guys hungry?" Taylor asked as he drove down the road.

"Starving," I chuckled. Parker and Randy agreed.

We drove a little further until we got to the 24-hour diner on campus. We piled out of the car and walked in. We were all laughing as we walked in so I didn't notice Austin sitting alone in a booth.

"What is he doing here?" I heard Randy say. I looked at Austin and he was pushing his coffee mug back and forth between his hands.

"Did he not have a party tonight?" Parker asked.

"He said he was," Taylor shrugged. I looked away from Taylor and to him.

"I'm gonna go talk to him," I said, my hands in my jacket pockets.

"No, Olivia," They all said at the same time. I looked at them in shock.

"Wow," I chuckled. "You guys hate me."

"No, we just don't want you to get upset and ruin your night," Randy sighed. I stared at her for a second before she rolled her eyes. "But if you must."

I nodded and walked over to Austin.

"No party?" I spoke as I reached his booth. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Uh, yeah, there is one," he said to me. I sat down in the seat across from him. "What are you doing here?"

"We're hungry," I told him. He looked behind him and seen Parker, Randy, and Taylor sitting down. "Why aren't you at your house if there's a party?"

"I don't feel like being there," He shrugged. Wasn't he worried about someone stealing something or messing something up? "I felt like being alone."

"Okay, bye, Austin," I said, getting up. He grabbed my hand.

"No," he looked at me. Broken. "Don't. Please. You're literally the only person I can stand to be around."

"Austin, this isn't me forgiving you," I shook my head. "This is me being a decent human being and worrying that you're alone at twelve in the morning at a diner."

"I've actually been at the bank," He told me. "Talking to mom."

"That's good," I sighed. "Have you found a way to take over the world?"

"There's no way I can take over the world without you by my side."

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