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I looked in the mirror, my curly hair draping perfectly over my shoulders. I slid my hands down the white sundress I had on and stared at myself.

"You look beautiful," Randy said, coming out of the bathroom and sitting in her computer chair. "And I'm really glad you're going out with Taylor. He has been crushing on you since he met you."

"What?" I turned around and looked at her. "Why hasn't he said anything then?"

It would be way better than being hung up on Austin.

"I mean, you and Austin were kind of a thing there for a second," she chuckled. "No one is gonna mess with what's Austin's."

"I'm not his," I said, abruptly. "Taylor could've told me he liked me."

"Well, it's okay because here you are. You're going on a date with Taylor who is an awesome guy and is ridiculously hot," Randy stood up and grabbed my shoulders. "Don't think about Austin tonight. Think about yourself, O."

"Okay," I nodded, taking a deep breath. "I can do that."

"Good," she smiled, sitting back down. "And get you a little action."

"Oh no," I shook my head. "I'm not uh, I'm not gonna do that."

"Who knows? You might be really into him," She shrugged.

"I'm not comfortable enough with him, or myself for that matter," I gave a nervous chuckle.

As soon as I said that, there was a knock on our door.

"I look fine?" I asked Randy. She nodded and I walked to the door, opening it to reveal Taylor. "Hi."

"Hi," he smiled, hugging me. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," I gave a small curtsy. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Shall we?" He asked, extending his arm. I grabbed my purse and threw it over my shoulder.

"We shall," I replied, linking my arm with his. We said bye to Randy and walked out of the door.

We walked down the sidewalk to his Jeep and he opened the door for me. I thanked him and got in, putting my purse in my lap.

"So I'm taking you to Firefly and then what you want to do after that is up to you," he smiled, cranking his car.

"Sounds amazing," I gave him a small smile. H pulled away from the curb and started driving.

We arrived at the restaurant soon and got seated right away considering Taylor had a reservation.

"I'll take a Bourbon and Coke," Taylor said to our waiter. He nodded and looked at me.

"I'll just have a Coke," I told him. He smiled before walking away.

"No wine or anything?" Taylor asked me, one arm resting on the table.

"I'm not twenty one," I said, my hands folded in my lap.

"Oh, that's right," He nodded. "How old are you?"

"Nineteen," I said. I was pretty uncomfortable. Not because Taylor made me uncomfortable. I just didn't know him well and wasn't sure how to act. That's why we were here though, right?

"What do you do for fun?" He asked. So cliché.

"I like to read and write," I chuckled. That's all I knew how to do really. "What about you?"

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