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"Hi, Olivia," I heard a voice say to me as I was delved into my book. I looked up and Austin was smirking at me.

"Hi, Austin," I said, closing my book and looking at him. He sat down beside me and grabbed my book.

"What's so special about this particular book?" He asked, flipping through the pages.

"You'd know if you ever read it," I answered. And it's true. I couldn't explain why that book made me feel the way it did. I just never grew tired of it.

"Maybe one day," He sighed, setting it next to me. "I'm not a reader."

"I can tell," I said softly with a smile.

"Got any plans today?" He asked me, folding his hands together.

"No," I shook my head.

"Great, let's go," he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me off of the bench to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I laughed.

"My house," he said, looking back at me. When we reached his car, he opened the door for me. I climbed in and he walked around to the other side.

On the way there, he played Aerosmith for me.

"Rag doll, livin' in a movie," I sang as he drove down the road.

"Hot tramp, daddy's little cutie," he looked at me and winked. Oh. Alright.

"You're so fine, they'll never see ya leavin' by the back door," We both sang. We were soon at his house, I hopped out of the car. I left my book in his car, I could get it on the way home.

No one seemed to be there which made me nervous. What if he wanted me to have sex with him? No. He wouldn't do that.

He sat down on the couch and I followed suit. We sat in silence for a minute. I didn't know what to say.

"I can't figure you out," Austin said, staring at me.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. What did he need to know?

"I kinda like it," he breathed. "I kinda like you."

"I guess you're okay, too," I said as I folded my hands in my lap.

"Oh? I'm just okay?" He chuckled. "Right."

"You are way too cocky, it's not attractive," I huffed at him.

"I'm not cocky, I just know that I make you feel amazing. And I have barely ever touched you," he smirked.

"You call that barely touching me?" I scoffed.

"I can barely touch you some more if you'd like," he shrugged.

"I was drunk that night," I said to him. Okay, I was tipsy at most. I remembered every bit of it and I remembered how badly I wanted him to touch me.

"Oh," he said, resting his hand on my upper thigh. "If you don't remember, I can refresh your memory."

My breath hitched as he grabbed my chin and turned my face towards his. He leaned down and kissed me, taking my bottom lip in between his teeth.

"Not here," I said, pulling away. "Your roommates could come in. Let's go to your room."

"I'm not taking you to my room," he chuckled. "I can take you to the basement. Or I could just eat you out right here. Isn't the thrill fun?"

Eat me out? Oh boy. He was going to use his tongue? I don't know if I can handle that.

"Basement," I nodded. I wondered why he wouldn't take me to his room. Whatever, who cares?

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