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pray // jry ft. rooty

It was five days after Christmas and Austin and I had just gotten to our hotel in New York City. I was beyond excited to be across the country with him. 

"Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Post," The concierge said to us. He escorted us to the elevator after we had checked in. I smiled at the fact that he called me Mrs. Post. I'm sure Austin thought it was weird but I kinda liked it.

Once we got up to the room, I sat my luggage on a small stool that was adjacent to the bed. Austin put his against the wall. I turned to him and smiled. I was so excited to be here. Especially with him.

"Come here, baby," He said to me as he sat on the edge of the bed. I walked over to him and he pulled me into his lap. "I'm really glad we're here."

"I am, too," I said, kissing him. "Thank you for all of this."

"Don't thank me," he smiled. "Now, we have reservations at Blue Hill so you need to get ready."

"What is Blue Hill?" I asked him, standing up. "A restaurant?"

"Yes, now go get dressed," he said, slapping my butt. I chuckled and started rummaging through my luggage, trying to find something.

I grabbed a red fitted dress that had long sleeves. I slid the dress on, pulling it over my shoulders. I looked at my myself in the mirror and nodded in acceptance. While Austin was in the shower, I began doing my hair and makeup.

Right after I was done, Austin came out of the bathroom. I stood up and smoothed my dress out, turning around to face Austin.

"How do I look?" I asked him. His jaw dropped.

"Holy fucking shit," He said. Austin was dressed as well. And he looked amazing. "You're absolutely beautiful."

"You don't look so bad yourself," I smirked, pulling him by his tie towards me. "I didn't know you could use ties unless they were on me."

"Whoa," he breathed. I kissed him, pulling his blazer off of his shoulders. "Baby, we have reservations."

"Mhm," I said, still kissing him. I put his blazer on the bed and kissed him harder.

"God damn," he huffed as he grabbed my butt, squeezing me roughly. "Fuck it."

He picked me up, throwing me on the bed. I giggled as he climbed on top of me. I grabbed his face, pulling him in for a deeper kiss.

"Okay, we need to go," I said, pulling away from him.

"You fucking tease," he chuckled. He climbed off of me and I got up too, smoothing out my dress again.

"Don't worry, baby," I winked at him. "There's still after dinner."

"Who are you and what have you done with Olivia?" He asked me, putting his blazer back on.

"New York can change you," I shrugged, grabbing my clutch and walking out of the door. Austin followed behind me, grabbing my butt. "Hey!"

"Shouldn't tease me," he smirked, walking past me to lead. He grabbed my hand and pulled me. I smiled to myself and started blushing as I followed him.

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