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"Okay, what about The Terminator?" Parker asked as him, Randy, and I sat on the couch in the small apartment he had on campus. "A classic."

"Absolutely not," I scoffed, scooping a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. "Action movies are not my thing."

"Then you pick, dumbass," Parker laughed, throwing a pillow at me. I grabbed it and threw it back at him as Randy laughed at us.

I was beyond lucky to have friends like them. They were unlike any other people I had ever associated with. So unapologetically themselves. I loved it. They were turning me into someone new. Someone who I was actually proud to be.

"Let's just listen to music," I said, grabbing the remote from Parker and clicking on YouTube. I scrolled down in his suggested videos and clicked on a song. I stood up on the ottoman and dragged them both up with me, them standing on opposite ends of the couch.

They cheered as the song came on, grabbing objects to use as fake microphones.

"You are the girl that I've been dreaming of ever since I was a little girl," Randy and I sang as we pointed at each other.

"One," Parker sang. "I'm biting my tongue."

"Two," Randy sang next. "He's kissing on you."

"Three," I said dramatically. "Oh why can't you see?"

"The word's on the street and its all on the news, I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you," we sang, jumping up and down singing into remotes and phones.

We were having fun and these are the moments I lived for.

When the song finished, we all plopped down on the couch laughing.

"I think we should've been casted on Glee," Parker laughed.

"I would've killed to be on Glee," Randy said, out of breath.

"Only thing we're all missing is the decent singing voices," I said and we all laughed.

"For sure," Parker agreed.

"Do you guys want to go to Lenny's? They have a pool. I don't think anyone is home right now," Randy suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good to me," Parker said and they looked at me.

"Sure," I shrugged. No one was there and I didn't mind being in my bathing suit in front of Parker and Randy.

Randy called Lenny to ask if we could all come, of course he said yes.

"Let's go," Randy said, getting up. Parker ran upstairs to grab swimming trunks and then met us at Randy's car.

After Randy and I went to our room to get our bathing suits, we drove to Lenny's. When we got there, I was relieved there were no cars even though they had said there wouldn't be. But also, I wanted Austin to be there.

Randy grabbed the key that was hidden under a rock by the front door and unlocked it, allowing us to walk in. It was strange to see the house in a clean state. Usually, there were bottles and red solo cups on the floor everywhere accompanied by the smell of sweat and weed.

We all walked out of the sliding glass door that led to the backyard. Parker immediately jumped in the pool, splashing Randy and I.

"Might as well," I looked at Randy. We walked to the deep end of the pool and held hands, jumping in together. When we came up, Randy was laughing.

"My tits came out of my top," she said, adjusting the top of her bikini. Parker and I laughed with her.

After swimming for a while, I had gotten out to tan while Parker and Randy stayed in the pool.

"Hey, O, can you go in and grab me a beer out of the fridge?" Randy asked me.

"Me too," Parker nodded to me.

"Yeah, sure," I said, getting up and walking in. I opened the fridge and bent down, opening the drawer the beers were in.

"I could get used to this view," a voice sounded from behind me. I jumped and turned around quickly.

"Austin, you scared the crap out of me," I said, holding my chest. "Why are you here?"

"Uh, it's my house?" He chuckled.

"Right," I nodded, still standing with the fridge open.

"You look so fucking good," he said, stepping closer to me. "That bikini. God damn."

His hands were soon on my waist, pulling me towards him. Randy and Parker were right outside! I couldn't do anything with him.

He picked me up and sat me on the counter, leaning up to kiss me.

"I need to go give them their drinks," I pulled away from Austin.

"They can wait," he said, both of his hands rubbing up and down either one of my thighs. I sucked in a deep breath, trying not to be affected by him. But that didn't work.

His left hand rested on my thigh as his right one held the side of my face, kissing me gently. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I gained a spurt of confidence and bit his lip, causing him to let out a moan.

"Fuck," he said. "No. I can't. I need to stop."

"What? Why? What did I do?" I asked quietly. I was so embarrassed.

"No, not you, uh," he said, scratching his head. "Well yes, you, but not in a bad way. I just really want to fuck you and I can't so I need to stop."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, still speaking in a quiet tone.

"No, don't apologize, darling," he chuckled. "Go take them their beers."

"Um, okay," I said, hopping off of the counter. I grabbed the two brown bottles that were beside me and started to walk out the door.

Before I got there, I turned around and walked over to Austin, kissing him again. His hands immediately rested on either side of my face.

"Liv, go give them their drinks," he pulled away, laughing.

"Okay," I said and then turned back around. "I swear to God, stop calling me Liv."

"Just get used to it, doll," he winked at me.

God help me.

a/n: i love them ! ahhhh. so if you've read my other book, which couple do you like more? austin/olivia or austin/brooke?

also, thanks for 1k reads on this one! i hope we can make this book even better than yours truly.

OMG AND my best friend's mom surprised me today and told me they were taking me to see post malone next month in atlanta. i am SO excited.

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