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all the stars // sofia karlberg

Austin and I had been walking around New York City all day being the typical tourists. It was a beautiful city and I was so very happy to be experiencing it with him.

But now it was time to watch the ball drop and that was what excited me the most. Austin and I stood in Times Square as music played and other couples and families stood around us.

"I'm sad we leave tomorrow," Austin said, wrapping his arms around my waist as he stood behind me.

"I'm not," I told him. "I've loved this trip so much but there's nothing like being at home with you in your bed."

"Our bed," he chuckled.

"Our bed? Your bed," I looked back at him and he was smiling.

"Well it's not just mine if you're always in it," he shrugged.

"I'll just start sleeping in my dorm then," I huffed, pulling away from him. I thought he was trying to be mean.

"Oh, no you won't," He said, pulling me back and I smiled. "I want you with me."

"Good," I chuckled. It was 11:55 and everyone was so anxious to bring in the New Year.

"So what's your New Year's resolution?" He asked me.

"To become a better writer," I told him.

"Liv, what's your actual resolution?" He asked. "Not the one you think you're supposed to have."

"I want to live. I want to just drive to nowhere, stay in crappy hotels along the way, and turn my music up as loud as I can," I sighed. "That sounds like living to me."

"You told me that at a football game once," he smiled. "And I haven't forgotten it."

"That's right, you told me you didn't care," I teased him.

"I do care," He nodded. I was so grateful that it was hard to hear him because that meant I got to stand really close to him. "And we're going to do that this year. I promise you."

"Don't get my hopes up," I smiled. "What's your resolution?"

"To become the man you want to spend the rest of your life with," he said immediately. I was in shock. "I want to be a better person for you, Liv."

Before I could say anything, the countdown had begun.

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five..."

"Four," I turned to Austin.

"Three," He smiled.

"Two," I said, getting closer to him.

"One!" He screamed and then kissed me. I kissed him deeply, showing him all the love I could possibly give.

When we both pulled away, we looked up at the sky to see confetti and streamers falling over us, along with soft snowflakes. It was truly magical and the TV doesn't do it justice.

After trying to get out of the crowd for an hour, Austin and I walked back to our hotel that was just outside of Times Square. I took off my boots as we got in the room and fell on the bed. Austin immediately done the same.

He laid beside me and stared at the ceiling. I stared at him wondering how I got so lucky. I leaned over and kissed him, his hands racing to grab my waist. He pulled me on top of him and kissed me for a minute or so before pulling away.

"Liv, I want to tell you something," He told me.

"Okay, sure," I said, climbing off of him. "What is it?"

"My uncle, the one I lived with, works for a record label," Austin looked at me.

"Oh my God! That's great, you can show him your songs!" I smiled. I was so excited.

"I already have," he nodded. "And everyone he sent them to liked them."

"Austin! Why haven't you told me? This is a huge deal!" I screamed. "What does this mean?"

"I know how much you love the songs," He told me. "So I'm going to be recording them when we get home."

"Don't do this for me," I told him. "Do it because you want to."

"I've thought about it and I do want to," He told me. "I think it will be fun even though I'm sure I won't get anywhere with it."

"If you keep thinking that, then no, you won't get anywhere," I told him. "This is an amazing opportunity, Austin. You're very lucky to have a chance like this."

"I know I am," he told me. "My uncle is the one that made me love music so much anyways. He's a good man for giving a raggedy ass like me a chance."

"Shut up," I slapped him. He laughed. "You have way too much potential for anyone to pass on you."

"I don't want to do this without you by my side," He sighed.

"I'm going to be here the entire way," I grabbed his arm and kissed his cheek. "Don't you worry about that."

"I'm not expecting to be crazy famous but if anything good comes out of this, I want to experience it with you," he told me. I kissed him gently and then pulled away.

"And what if you do become crazy famous?" I asked him. "Then what?"

"Then I still want you by my side," He smiled. "No matter what happens in my life."

"Then I will be there," I chuckled as he pulled me onto him, falling back on the bed. He lovingly kissed me, running his fingers up my back softly. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

"I love you so much, Olivia," he said to me. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me."

I didn't respond. Because he and I both knew that he was the best thing that ever happened to me as well. I reflected on everything we had went through that brought us this moment.

I couldn't imagine another person I'd want to be with in this crazy life. He made it crazier and tamer at the same time. But I think that's what my heart was looking for all this time.

And I found him.

But now, everything could change. Everything was changing. What happens if Austin makes it? Will we make it?

I couldn't think about that right now. I just wanted to think about the beautiful man that was trying to undress me.

Whatever happens with us, I know I will love Austin Richard Post forever.

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