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Later that night, I was sitting on my bed while Randy done the same on her bed, painting her toenails.

"Randy, can I ask you something?" I broke our silence.

"Sure, sweet cheeks," she said, sticking her tongue out in concentration. "What is it?"

"Do you like me?" I decided to just come out and ask her candidly.

"Of course I like you, Olivia!" She looked at me with honest eyes. Thank God. "Why would you ask that?"

"I don't know," I signed, playing with the pillow that was sitting beside me on my bed. "I just feel like we're so different."

"And? Opposites attract," She smiled, still focusing on her pedicure.

"Not always," I shrugged. "I just thought since I'm not into the same things that you are that you wouldn't think of me as your friend."

"I'm not into the things you're into," she said, looking up at me. "Do you still like me, though?"

"Yes, I think you're a very good person," I nodded.

"Well, there you go," she smiled, putting the top back onto the blue nail polish. "We don't have to be the same to like each other. Stop thinking that."

I nodded and laid back down on my bed, reading my favorite book.

Being too indulged in it, I hadn't even noticed that our door had opened until I heard a small "Hey, guys!" come out of Randy's mouth. aI looked up and seen Lenny walking in, followed by another guy with blonde hair and, of course, Austin.

"Sup, miss lady," Lenny said, kissing her lips softly as she got off of her bed.

"Hey, I'm Taylor," The blonde guy said to us. He didn't have any tattoos like the other two and he was quite attractive.

I grabbed my book and phone and walked out of the door. There's no telling what they were saying about me right now. I walked outside of the building and sat on the bench that I had taken a liking to. I put my legs underneath me and opened my book, being engulfed in its pages again. The lampposts were just bright enough for me to be able to read comfortably.

No longer than thirty minutes had passed before I felt the emptiness beside me being occupied.

"What are you reading?" Austin asked me.

"Eleanor and Park," I said, showing him the cover without looking at him. "My favorite book."

"What's it about?" He questioned. I darted my eyes up at him. Why does he care?

"Why are you out here?" I asked him, honestly curious. His friends were inside. In my dorm room.

"Because it's not fair to Randy that you don't like me," He admitted.

"It's not that I don't like you," I said, turning the page in my book. "It's that I don't want to associate with you, so I shut myself out."

"Well did you ever stop to think I don't want to associate with you?" He asked. But his tone wasn't harsh. It was a real question. I didn't answer him, I just ignored him and continued reading. "Are you going to tell me what your book's about?"

"Do you actually care?" I huffed, looking at him.

"I do," he nodded. I closed the book, keeping my finger on the page I was reading.

"Basically, these two kids share a bus seat and fall in love," I told him. It was a brief synopsis because frankly, I knew he didn't care.

"That's all?" He asked me, clasping his hands together.

"Guess you'll have to read it yourself to find out," I shrugged. He pulled the book from my hands.

"Hey! Give it back," I told him, grabbing for it but he pulled it back. "I don't know what page I was on."

"You've read it plenty of times, I'm sure," he rolled his eyes.

"That isn't the point, Austin," I said, reaching for the book again.

"Oh, princess knows my name," He smirked. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "What don't you like about me exactly?"

You scare me, I thought.

"I don't know," I said quietly. Truth was, I didn't know. I just knew that I didn't like how he looked or how he acted. But like Randy said, you can't judge people based on things like that.

"You must know," he said, sitting the book in the middle of us. I could take it but I didn't. "You really seem to hate me so I know you have a reason. Not that I care about what you think of me."

"Your attitude!" I blurted out. "I mean really, why come out here and talk to me if you're just going to be rude?"

"I'm not exactly sure," He sighed, standing up. "But I won't do it again."

"Austin, I'm sorry," I stood up as well. I knew I had to be the bigger person.

"Don't be," he said, towering over me. "I know my attitude is shit. But I wouldn't be me without it."

He seemed really close to me. Like kissing close. Oh no. All I could think about was what Parker said. Try something new. He took a step closer to me. I can't kiss Austin, I don't know how! And he is so intimidating. And I don't like him.

He was super close to me now. His right hand pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. He leaned closer and so did I. I was sure he could hear my heart beating out of my chest.

"Austin, let's go!" A voice echoed from across the sidewalk. We turned our heads to see Lenny, Taylor, and Randy walking out of the building.

"Uh, here's your book," Austin said, handing it over to me.

"T-thanks," I replied, taking it out of his hand. I cannot believe I almost kissed him. Ugh!

And I thought college was going to be easy.

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