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better man // 5sos

Austin and I had been getting along way better than usual ever since that night on the roof. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful person to love. He seemed to really be opening up lately.

He had told me everything about his family. The way his dad would treat him and his mom made me sick to my stomach, but I listened. I listened because it was a part of Austin that I loved.

I stared at him as he held his phone in the air, scrolling through Instagram posts. We were laying on my bed, somewhere he had never been. It felt refreshing to have him laying next to me so vulnerable.

I smiled at the thought of being the only girl he done this with and being the only girl he's loved. There's no better feeling than when someone like Austin loves you.

"Are you guys going to the Halloween party?" Randy asked us as she typed on her laptop.

"What Halloween party?" I sat up and asked her.

"Delta Chi's," Austin said. "They have one every year with an open bar. Everyone goes."

"Do you go?" Randy asked Austin.

"Nah," he shook his head. "You have to wear a costume to go so I never went."

"Well then we have to go," I told Austin. "Halloween is my favorite holiday and I haven't dressed up in years."

"Taylor and I are doing matching costumes," Randy laughed. "You guys should too."

"Oh no," Austin shook his head. "You can't even get me a costume, let alone matching ones."

"Please," I pouted. "Come on. Get out of your head for one night. It will be so much fun."

"Plus unlimited alcohol," Randy shrugged.

"Yeah, come on," I smiled, climbing on top of him. "Please."

"Whoa, don't get crazy, I'm still in the room," Randy joked. I rolled my eyes.

"What would we even dress up as?" He questioned, sitting up but keeping me on his lap.

"Taylor and I are dressing up as Gomez and Morticia," Randy said, closing her laptop. "Addams Family Values is my favorite movie of all time."

"Grease is mine," I told her, then I looked at Austin. "Danny and Sandy!"

"What?" Austin asked.

"Have you never seen Grease?" I shockingly asked.

"Wha-yes, of course I've seen Grease," He furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm just not sure how I'd dress up as Danny."

"I will take care of that," Randy said, looking up at us. "For both of you."

"I never even agreed to go," Austin said.

"You're going," Randy and I said at the same time.

"Ugh," Austin groaned, throwing his hands over his face.

"Okay," Randy said closing her laptop and getting off of her bed. "I'm meeting Taylor for lunch. You guys can come if you want to."

"Um, I think we're good," I said, looking at Austin.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Austin shook his head.

"Okay then," Randy said, sliding on her shoes. "Please just don't jizz on my bed."

"Randy! Oh my God!" I put my head in my hands, embarrassed. Austin just laughed.

"Bye kids," She said, walking out of the door.

Austin pulled me down on top of him when she left. He kissed my cheek and then looked at me, pushing my hair out of my face.

"So you're really making me go to this party?" Austin asked me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes, I am," I said, leaning down to peck his lips.

"Fine," He said, pulling me back down. "But I am getting you druuuuunk."

"Oh, are you?" I laughed.

"Yes, I am," he said, mocking me. I giggled and kissed him. "So your favorite movie is Grease, huh?"

"Yep," I nodded. "It's been my favorite movie since I can even remember."

"It's a good one," he said.

"What's your favorite movie?" I nudged him. I realized Austin and I didn't know a lot of little things about each other.

"Don't laugh at me," He said.

"Is it Princess and the Pauper?" I asked sarcastically.

"Shut up," he rolled his eyes. "Now I'm not telling you."

"Tell me," I laughed.

"Dirty Dancing," He said. "That's my favorite movie."

"Oh my Gosh," I chuckled. He glared at me. "Sorry, I'm not laughing. I just didn't think that a romance movie would be your favorite."

"It's so good," He huffed.

"We don't know much about each other," I told him. It was strange.

"You're right," he nodded. "What's your favorite TV show?"

"Dexter," I answered. "Yours?"

"Ooh, my baby's dark," He chuckled. "The Office."

"I love The Office," I nodded. "Favorite Disney movie?"

"Robin Hood," He answered.

"No way!" I dropped my jaw. "That's my favorite."

"There's no way," he laughed. "Literally no one watches that movie."

"Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly what a day," I sang. He smiled.

"Wow, I have to marry you now," he shrugged.

"Guess so," I smiled. He kissed me and smiled back at me.

"You know, I try but I can't remember what it was like before you. And I don't know how we got here but maybe this is exactly what I needed, Liv," he said to me after looking at me for a while. His smile made my heart melt.

"This is what you needed?" I asked, wanting him to tell me what 'this' meant. He looked at me for a minute again, his eyes piercing into mine.

"Someone who could make me forget where I came from and someone who could make me love without knowing how to fall."

a/n: fun fact: my favorite movie is grease & has been since i was a baby!! :-))

also, don't forget to follow @wrxcam.wttpd on instagram for updates!!

there's going to be a double update tonight so wait on that!!

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