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collide // howie day 

"Yeah, she's gonna be fine. She just drank a lot last night," I heard Austin's voice as my eyes fluttered open. "I'll bring her back when she's awake and feeling better. Okay. Bye, Randy."

"Austin," I said weakly. I couldn't even begin to explain how happy I was to see him.

"Hey," he sighed. Something was wrong but I wasn't sure what. "You good?"

"I guess so," I sat up. I was in Austin's bed thankfully. "What happened?"

"Olivia, don't act like you don't remember," he shook his head. "I'm making sure you're okay but after this, I need time. I know I hurt you and I'm sorry for that but I let my guard down completely for you and told you I love you."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I thought you were a better person than me, Liv," Austin shook his head. "And the thing is, I can't be mad at you because I done the same thing to you."

"Austin, I didn't do anything," I told him. "The last thing I remember is Lenny pushing me against the bathroom door."

"What? Lenny was there?"Austin asked, his eyes widening. "Zoe told me she seen you kissing Taylor. I wasn't going to tell Randy."

"Why would she say that?" I questioned. "She walked up to us and when I asked her for help, she walked away. And then I passed out."

"Olivia, I've known Zoe for three years," Austin sighed. "I'm not sure why she'd lie to me."

"Austin, I love you and I would never, in a million years, do anything to jeopardize you loving me back," I told him. "I promise you, Zoe is lying. It was Lenny."

"Okay," he nodded. "Did Lenny hurt you?"

"I-I don't know," I shook my head. "I only remember him cornering me. After Zoe left us, I passed out."

"And I guess I got you shortly after that," Austin sighed. "I'm still not sure why Zoe is lying. I thought she was my friend."

"A friend that wants to be with you," I said sheepishly. "But she really isn't a friend to you if she wouldn't help me when I was getting assaulted."

"I don't care who wants to be with me unless it's you," he told me. "You're the only person I want and I don't want her to try to mess with our relationship again."

"I feel like you don't believe me," I sighed.

"I believe you, babe," He nodded. "As for Lenny, I'm going to kick his ass and he will not fuck with you again. Him and Zoe can have each other."

"I don't understand why Lenny wants me so badly," I looked down at my hands.

"I know exactly why," Austin told me. "You're so beautiful. Way more beautiful than any girl any of us have ever been with. And he hates me for that. He's always felt like he was above everyone so the fact I have you is eating away at him."

"So his solution is to hurt me?" I questioned.

"His solution is to win. One way or another," He looked away. "He's such an awful person. I'm so sorry, Liv."

"Its not your fault," I told him.

"Next time, you're not going anywhere without me," He leaned in and kissed me. "No one is going to lay a finger on you again."

I didn't say anything. I got out of bed and began walking around Austin's room. I walked
over to his desk and looked at the scattered papers. He had been writing.

"Olivia," he said in a stern voice. I disregarded him and picked up a piece of paper. The most recent one.

You will be the clouds
And I will be the sky.
You will be the ocean
And I will be the shore.
You will be the trees
And I will be the wind.
Whatever we are,
You and I will always

I turned around and smiled at him. He was rolling his eyes.

"What? It's sweet," I shrugged.

"I need to stop writing about you," he smirked, stepping over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Why?" I asked, leaning back against his chest. "I like reading them. Especially when you write about me and not to me."

"Yeah, I don't think I could stop if I tried," He kissed the top of my forehead and spun me around.

"I don't want you to stop," I kissed him gently. I couldn't put into words how he made me feel. Even when I had one of the worst nights, he made me so happy today. I wanted to keep him around forever.

He kissed me harder as I went to pull away. I smiled against his lips and continued to kiss him. Jesus, I love this man.

"You make me feel weird things, Olivia McNeil," Austin shook his head. "A good weird."

"I think you're in love, Austin Post."

a/n: ok i know this chapter sucked pls don't @ me. but fuck lenny !!!

((poem used was by r.m. drake))

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