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hostage // billie eilish

When our family left after the dreadful day we had, so did my mom. She stayed with my aunt for the night. I didn't care that she left because she was being ridiculous. And everyone could see it.

Austin agreed to stay the night after my dad had offered him to. They got along great and it made me so very happy.

I decided I'd take a shower while Austin and my dad were bonding in the living room. I walked upstairs to my old bedroom that had a bathroom attached. Perks of being an only child.

After I showered and threw on an old t-shirt of my dad's and a pair of pajama pants, I walked back downstairs. I stopped at the bottom when I heard Austin's laugh.

"But on a more serious note, Mr. McNeil," Austin said. "I know I don't look like much but Olivia means the absolutely world to me."

"Yeah, Livi is a great girl," I heard my dad say. I smiled.

"I can see that Mrs. McNeil doesn't like me too much and I don't know if she ever will," Austin told him. I sat on the third stair from the bottom. "But I truly love your daughter and I don't plan on going anywhere until she's tired of me."

I leaned my head on the staircase, smiling like an idiot. He made me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"She'll come around," My dad said. I didn't think she would but we could hope. "I'm glad Olivia is living a little. She's different with you around. A good different."

"I just think she's perfect," Austin sighed. "Thank you for raising such an amazing girl."

"I like you, Austin," My dad told him. "I hope you stay in Olivia's life."

"I hope so, too," he said. I decided I'd walk into the living room now.

"Hey," I smiled, sitting on the couch next to my dad. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Sports," My dad told me. I wanted to laugh. "Turns out Austin is a fan of the Diamondbacks too."

"That's awesome," I chuckled. "You two seem to like each other."

"You have a pretty awesome dad," Austin smiled at me. I smiled back.

"I do," I nodded. "I'm going to head to bed."

"Hey, Livi?" My dad stopped me. "Make sure Austin sleeps in the guest room."

I laughed. My dad liked Austin, sure, but would absolutely not let us sleep together.

"Of course, dad," I said then looked at Austin. "Do you want me to show you the room?"

"Yeah, that's fine," Austin said, getting up. "Nice talking to you, Mr. McNeil."

"You, too, son," My dad said, standing up as well. "I need to get to bed too. Santa comes tonight."

I rolled my eyes and then kissed my dad's cheek before walking upstairs with Austin. I walked into the guest room with him and opened the closet, grabbing him an extra blanket and a more comfortable pillow.

"So you got my dad to call you son?" I questioned, fluffing the pillow.

"He likes me," Austin shrugged, taking his shirt off. "I'm likable."

"Sure you are," I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I will be at the end of the hallway. If you need anything, text me."

Austin pulled me down on the bed, wrapping his arms around me. I tried to get out of his grip as I laughed. I finally gave in and laid beside him for a minute, staring at him.

"I can't sleep in here," I told him.

"I know, but just stay a second," He said, kissing my forehead. "Listen, Liv. I'm sorry your mom was so mean to you today. I hate that I'm the cause."

"You aren't the cause at all," I told him. "It's me. But it doesn't even matter because no mother should be that way."

"At least you have a cool dad," He told me, pulling me closer to him. "Someone I can talk about baseball with."

"Or how perfect his daughter is," I joked.

"You heard that?" He scoffed.

"The whole thing," I laughed. "Telling my dad you're in love with me is brave."

"Well I am," He said.

"In love with me?" I questioned.

"No, brave," he joked. I slapped him as he laughed at me. "Yes, in love with you."

"Ditto," I smiled before kissing him.

"I know today might've been shit for you and I'm sorry," he told me. "But I've had a wonderful day and I can't thank you enough."

"You're a part of my family now," I smiled at him. I couldn't stop.

"Well, I don't think your mom would like that too much," he chuckled. I nodded. "Today made me see things differently, Liv. It showed me a sense of who you are deeper than what I know."

"Yeah, my psychotic mother really does the trick," I said.

"No," He shook his head. "Just seeing the real you. Seeing that you're a genuine person and that you care about people. You care about me more than you do yourself. You were going to spend Christmas with only me just to stand up to your mom. You could've kicked me out. But you didn't."

"Austin, I would've never done that," I told him. "You're so important to me."

"When I seen that you had taken a chance on me, it made me realize you really believe in me and what we can be," He smiled. "And I was thinking. I want to try to sell my songs."

"What? Babe, that's great!" I dropped my jaw. "You wouldn't want to perform them?"

"Well, I just think maybe someone else could make them sound better," He said.

"I disagree," I said. "You should upload them somewhere."

"For you, I will," he smiled. He kissed me and I kissed back of course. As the kiss deepened, he pulled the duvet over us. His hands grabbed either side of my head and kissed me harder. Love. Just bursting with love.

Austin's hand rested on my left thigh, rubbing small circles on it with his thumb. His tongue slowly slipped inside of my mouth. I could tell where this was going but I didn't have the power to stop him.

He lifted my shirt up, rubbing over my chest. I let out a small moan, kissing him deeper if that were possible. His hands tangled in my hair, kissing me harder than before.

He slipped his hand in between my thighs, separating them before I realized I needed to go to bed.

"Okay, I need to go in my room," I laughed as he continued to kiss me.

"I want to make you cum," he whispered, sending chills up my spine. "It'll be quick."

"As much as I want to, I can't disrespect my dad like that," I pulled away. "God, I want to so badly."

"I understand, baby girl," he told me, pulling his hand away. I wanted it there though. Ugh. Why did I have to be such a good daughter?

"Thank you," I said, kissing him one last time before getting out of the bed. "Sleep well. I love you."

"I love you more," he replied.

I turned the lights off as I left the guest room and walked into my room. As I laid in bed, I looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm not good with the prayer thing," I said out loud, talking to God or anyone holy. "But I just want to thank whoever is in charge for putting Austin in my life. And I am praying he never gets taken out of it."

a/n: what are your feelings? i want to know!!

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