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loved by you // kirby

Days passed by, eventually turning into weeks. Austin hadn't said anything about me being his girlfriend since three weeks ago. I didn't mind though because he had been treating me amazingly. And on top of that, the sex just got better and better. And more frequent.

"Fuck," Austin panted as he laid beside me, my legs shaking from our actions.

"Agreed," I breathed, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm so lucky," he said, turning on his side and laying next to me. He twirled my hair around his finger.

"Not as lucky as I am," I scrunched my nose. He kissed my forehead and smiled at me.

"I never knew I could be my happiest while just laying next to someone. But I don't think I've ever been happier," he told me. "You make me a good person."

"I don't think so," I shook my head. "I think I just show you that it's okay to be a good person. You already were one before me."

"I actually like myself with you around," He admitted. "Actually, you're the only thing I like about me. I don't deserve you, Liv."

"You keep telling yourself you don't deserve me. But what does that mean? You think you're not a good enough for a love like this?" I questioned him. "Austin, you deserve everything. You deserve to spend your time with someone that loves the same music as you do, someone that dances in the rain like you've told me you like to, someone that notices that you only write with blue ink pens, and someone that holds onto every word you say. You deserve a love that seems almost too impossible because that's what you are to me."

"You know, I'm not a religious person," Austin told me. "But I thank and and every God there is that you and I exist in the same universe. And even more so that you're here with me."

"We'll just both have to be eternally grateful," I smiled, kissing him. His lips were gentle on mine, moving in sync with them perfectly. He eventually pulled away, getting up and pulling on a shirt and his jeans he had on. I got up and put on my sundress I wore over here.

"Dance with me," Austin said, pressing play on his record player and then stepping over to me.

"Dance?" I was shocked. He nodded. "Uh, yeah okay."

I took his hand and he pulled me into his chest. I smiled as my heart started racing accompanying the butterflies in my stomach. We swayed together in his dimly lit room, my head on his chest.

"I heard that Heaven ain't easy to get to," He sang quietly to me. "The closest I'll get might be right next to you."

"I didn't know you could dance," I looked up at him.

"You also didn't know I could fall in love," he told me.

"Touché, sir," I smiled. I leaned my head on his chest again, listening to the heartbeat I had grown so fondly of. The rhythm of his heart was something I would never forget.

"I've written another song," He said quietly. I could barely hear him.

"Babe, that's great!" I pulled away from him and looked at him. "Can I read it?"

"I can play it for you," he said, playing with my hair. "If you want."

"Yes, of course," I nodded. He guided me to the bed and sat me down before grabbing his guitar. He tuned it then cleared his throat.

"It's true that all that you know is all that you are. You say that it's all that you want and more," he sang to me. Another sad song. But I guess these are his feelings and if he channels them into music instead of harmful things, I'm okay with it.

"Wow," I said to myself as I listened to him sing. His voice is amazing and so angelic.

"I'm here but don't count on me to stay a little longer if you convince me, and tell me all the things you have against me," he closed his eyes and sang as he strummed his guitar. "Every time we make up, the truth is fading. Everybody's blind when the view's amazing."

I listened to him sing the rest of the song, thanking God for placing someone like him in my life. Tears fell slowly down my cheeks. I wasn't sure if it was because he was sad or because I loved him with all I have.

"Austin, you need to get these songs out there," I told him, standing up next to him. "Seriously. You are amazing. And you're a music major, this is what you want."

"I know," He shook his head. "It just scares me."

"What scares you?" I asked him, rubbing his arm.

"I know it's a long shot that I'll ever get discovered or anything," he told me. "But I'm scared of the person I'd become if I ever did get somewhere in the industry."

"Only you have the power to control who you are and who you become," I told him. "Austin, you have a talent. Please use it."

"Thank you for believing in me, baby," he said, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "It means the world to me."

"It'll mean the world to me when you start believing in yourself," I slapped his stomach lightly. "Don't make me force you."

"Ooh," he smirked, pulling me closer to him. "Is that a threat or a promise?"

"A promise," I rolled my eyes. "I'm telling Randy to set up a place we can record. You're doing this."

"If it will make you happy, I'll do it," he sighed. "But don't expect me to get anything out of it."

a/n: do you think austin is gonna become famous??

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