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"One set of five and one set of three," I said, laying my cards down on the table in front of me. "I win."

"An hour and a half of Phase 10 and I lose to someone that's never even played it," Parker huffed, resting his face in his hands. "You are something else."

"I'm quite the hands on learner," I gloated, shrugging my shoulders.

"Stop flirting with me," Parker scoffed.

"Oh I wasn't tryi-," I said, my smile dropping.

"Olivia, I'm joking," Parker laughed, dragging the cards across the table to pick them up. "But if you were flirting with me, then I mean..."

"Parker stop," I laughed, helping him pick up the cards. Parker and I were just friends and there was nothing romantic going on between us. Not that Parker isn't amazing. He's definitely the kind of guy I could see myself being with in the future.

My phone lit up with a picture of my dad flashing across the screen.

"I have to take this. Be right back," I told Parker. He nodded and I got up, walking out of the small café we were in. "Hello?"

"Hi, Livi," My dad said from across the line. I smiled at his nickname he's had for me since I could remember. "I figured I'd call to check in. How is school?"

"It's going really well, actually," I told him, pacing the sidewalk in front of the café. "I love all of my classes. And I joined the news team."

"That's awesome," Dad said. He was so easy to talk to. "Any boyfriends?"

"Dad, no," I huffed. "I'm not breaking mom's rules if that's what you're worried about."

"Honey, don't tell your mother, but between you and I, I think her rules are very stupid," He said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What do you mean?" I asked, very confused. I've never been allowed to date.

"You're practically an adult now, Livi," He said. "You're in college. You can have fun and still get through the classes just the same. Don't be so uptight. I don't want you to miss out on an experience. Maybe you can write about it someday."

"But what if I just want to focus on school?" I asked him. I sat down on the curb in front of the building.

"Then you should've been a lawyer," He said quickly. I laughed a little bit. "All I'm saying is that if you want to be a writer or journalist, you have to live a little."

"What about mom's rules?" I asked.

"Fuck them," he said. "Oops sorry. Potty mouth. But seriously, have fun. I love you kiddo."

"I love you, too, dad," I sighed.

"Be safe, bye now," he said before hanging up the phone. Maybe he was right. I need to let loose. If my dad was telling me to, maybe I was an uptight brat like everyone seems to think.

I walked back into the café and sat down across from Parker.

"Hey, everything okay?" He asked, his hand resting on his cup.

"Perfect," I nodded. "It was just my dad checking in."

"Gotcha," he smiled. "Ready to head back?"

I agreed and we got up, walking out of the door as a bell rang on it. The walk back to my dorm was short.

"See you soon," He hugged me as we reached it. "Text me! We'll make plans."

"Alright," I nodded with a smile. "Bye, Parker."

I walked into my room and Lenny was on top of Randy.

"Oh God, I am so sorry," I said, covering my eyes and walking out of the door.

"Olivia! It's okay," Randy laughed. I opened my eyes as she grabbed a shirt and pulled it over her. She was only in her bra. "We were just kissing."

"Sorry about that, Olivia," Lenny laughed, running his hand through his hair. "Good thing you came in now and not later."

"I can, um-I can leave," I suggested in a weird tone.

"No, it's chill, girl," Lenny assured me. He sat on the edge of her bed and looked at me, expecting me to say something else.

"So, Randy," I started. She raised her eyebrows in an attempt to tell me she was listening. "I want to party tonight."

"What? I mean, yeah, we can but why?" She asked, chuckling slightly.

"Well, I talked to my dad today and he told me to have fun while I'm at college," I told her. She done a little dance. "And I want the first time I drink to be around you."

"Are you telling me I have to be the designated driver?" Randy faked a gasp. "I'm just kidding. Of course I will."

"Are there any parties going on tonight?" I asked. I wasn't sure how this worked.

"My roommates are having one," Lenny said. "But I have to warn you, it's not like we just drink some wine coolers and smoke a little bit of weed. I don't want you to get scared."

"I can handle it," I gulped. "I think."

"You'll be fine," Randy laughed. "But Austin will be there."

"Well I figured," I nodded. "Since he's Lenny's best friend."

"And the one throwing the party," Lenny added. I nodded.

"Should we get ready?" I asked, sitting down on a stool, looking at Randy.

"It's only five," she said, picking her phone up. "Want to go eat first?"

"Sure, that sounds good," I smiled. I was so nervous.

It's fine, Olivia, I thought to myself. What could go wrong? Everyone does it.

a/n: ITS GONNA GET JUICY. i'm having fun writing this book. can't wait for you guys to see what's coming & start interacting!! it's gonna be good. (i hope lmao.)

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