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"Okay, I'm sorry but I can't let you go looking like you do," Randy said to me as her and I were in our dorm room. We had eaten Taco Bell with Lenny just a while ago.

"I like my taste in clothes," I said quietly.

"No, you look cute in them, you really do. But not tonight. Tonight, you're a minx," She winked at me.

"No, Randy. I am not a minx, nor will I ever be one," I shook my head at her.

"Well I am, and I will tutor you," She smiled, clapping her hands together and looking through her clothes. "But tonight, we will settle on just getting you drunk."

"Okay, so what should I wear?" I asked her, folding my arms across my chest.

"How about this?" She asked, holding up a black sequined dress that's neckline came down a tad too low.

"Too much cleavage," I shook my head. She continued rummaging through her clothes. She owned a lot of black clothing, and I was the opposite. I loved bright colors.

"Here, let's do this," She said, pulling out multiple articles of clothing and laying it on my bed. "Which one do you think?"

I looked at the multiple outfits and decided on a black romper with my black Converse. It was simple, and the least provocative. I took a deep breath and grabbed the outfit, running into the small bathroom that was attached to our room.

After I changed, I walked out and Randy dropped her jaw.

"You look so good!" She clapped. "Now, let's do your hair and makeup."

"Oh I'm fine with how it is," I smiled at her softly.

"I know," she rolled her eyes. "Just trust me."

"Fine," I sighed.

After she done my makeup and I thanked her, we left. She looked so much better than me and she didn't even have a lot of time to get ready.

We arrived at Lenny's house around nine. There weren't many cars there and I was silently thanking God.

"Okay, are you ready?" Randy said, taking her key out of the ignition. I nodded and we got out of the car. I followed her into the house where music was playing and people were scattered around the living room. It was apparent that the party hadn't really started yet.

"Hey, babe," Lenny said, walking up to Randy and grabbing her, pulling her in for a kiss. She smiled and kissed him back. They soon pulled away. "You ready for tonight, Olivia?"

"As I'll ever be," I sighed.

"Come on," Randy said as she took my hand and dragged me into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle that said 'Smirnoff Ice' on it. She popped the top off and handed it to me. "These are nothing. I can drink four packs of them and barely have a buzz. So I think you should start with them."

I took the bottle from her and sipped it. I expected something disgusting but it was amazing. I took another sip and then threw it back, drinking it all.

"Uh, well, alright," Randy laughed at me. I threw the bottle in a trash can that was nearby. "Want another one?"

"Why not?" I chuckled. I was handed another one and then Randy and I walked back into the living room. More people had arrived and I was starting to get nervous.

I shrugged it off and continued drinking.

Soon enough, I was feeling really different. Was I drunk? Maybe. Who cares? I love this feeling.

"Having fun?" Randy asked me as we danced in the crowded living room.

"So much fun!" I smiled at her and continued jumping around. I stopped when I seen a familiar face staring at me across the room.

Austin was leaning against the wall that was beside the kitchen, sipping a Bud Light with his other hand in his pocket.  Maybe it was the alcohol taking over, but he looked good. I found myself walking over to him. Yeah. Definitely the alcohol.

"Hi, Olivia," He spoke in a deep tone.

"Hiii, Austinnn," I slurred, smiling outrageously. What is going on?

"What are you doing?" He asked. How should I know? This is my first time being drunk. What am I doing?

"I'm just trying to have fun," I smiled, taking a sip of a drink Randy had made me. Where was she? I miss her.

"Looks like you're having a little too much fun," he gave a short laugh.

"Whoa," I said as I fell against him. He caught me and I just fell limp, not being able to hold myself up. "Okay, maybe you should go back to your dorm. Let's find Randy."

Austin and I walked over to where Randy and Lenny were sitting, making out. How cute of a couple were they? Seriously soooo precious.

"Hey, Len," Austin said, giving him a nod telling him to stop kissing Randy. "We need to get Olivia out of here. She's getting a little too much."

"Oh no," Randy said, looking at us. "I forgot I had to drive us back. I've had too much to drink."

"I'll take her, I guess," Austin huffed. "Come on."

"No way," I said slowly. "You've been drinking too."

"I've had one beer, Olivia. Come on," he huffed again. Why was he so mad?

"No, I'll stay," I crossed my arms and pouted. Before I knew it, Austin was picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Hey! Put me down!"

"I will when we get to the car," He said in a deep voice. Surely enough, he didn't put me down until we got outside to his car. He put me in it and I buckled my seat belt after many attempts.

"I wasn't ready to go," I said to him as he pulled out of the driveway that was filled with cars.

"I don't care, you needed to," He said, holding the steering wheel with one hand.

"How do you know what I needed to do?" I asked him. "I was having fun and you ruined it!"

"In case you didn't notice, darling, you ruined it," He glanced at me. "You were making yourself look stupid."

"I only talked to you for two minutes!" I yelled at him. "So me falling makes everyone think I'm stupid? Awesome."

"No, I've been watching you all night. You just looked dumb," he huffed at me. Why was he being so mean? "I'm so surprised that no one tried to fuck your brains out. There's some sleazy ass motherfuckers here. You need to be more careful."

"Do not talk to me that way!" I continued yelling at him. "Why are you acting like you know me? You don't! And you sure aren't my boss. If I want to get drunk a-and have... sex with someone, well... That's just not any of your business."

"Like I've told you before, princess, I don't want to know you!" He had pulled over on the side of the road at this point and was yelling at me. Sober Olivia would have been terrified. But I'm not. "The only reason I'm taking you home is because Lenny is my best friend and I happen to actually like Randy. But you? Oh fuck no. You fucking suck."

"Why do I suck, Austin? Because I don't fall at your feet like you're so used to girls doing?" I asked him in a calmer tone although he had made me lose my buzz. "But don't worry about not liking me, the feeling is more than mutual."

I opened the door and got out of the car. I didn't know the area too well but I started walking. I hated him. I never wanted to speak to him again.

"Get in the car!" Austin yelled at me. I ignored him, obviously. "Olivia, get in the fucking car!"

I rolled my eyes and continued walking. I heard heavy footsteps behind me as I realized he was running after me. He stopped in front of me and looked at me.

"Yeah, maybe it is because you're not like every other girl around here," He breathed. "And maybe that's why I can't stand your fucking guts. Because you drive me insane. But I don't know right now. Can you please just get in the car and let me take you home? Please?"

I didn't say anything, I just walked back to his car and we rode back in silence.

I hoped to not remember any of this in the morning.

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