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"What are you most excited about this season?"  I asked a football player named Luke. We had been interviewing for a while now. I was having fun and I could tell Randy was too. We were both in our element.

"I'm just really looking forward to seeing how my old teammates and new teammates work together and see what kind of magic we can make on the field," He nodded as he pushed his slightly long hair back.

"Thanks, Luke," I said after Randy shut the camera off.

"So that's it for today?" Randy asked me as we walked away from the field house.

"Well for right now," I told her. "We have to film the game for highlights and I think I have to speak to the coaches after the game."

"So we can just enjoy the bonfire for now then," Randy suggested. I nodded and followed her to where Lenny was. No sign of Austin. I couldn't help but wonder where he was.

I texted Parker asking him to come over to where we were so I didn't feel so out of place. He obliged and walked up beside me, greeting everyone.

"Want a beer?" Lenny asked Parker and I.

"Yeah man, sure," Parker took the Bud Light from his hand and opened it. Lenny reached into the cooler again and offered me one.

"Uh, no thanks, I don't like beer," I shook my head. My dad had let me take a sip of his beer when I was younger and it was disgusting. I hate it.

"I have some Smirnoffs, too," He offered. "Screwdriver, green apple, and original."

"I'll take a Screwdriver," I shrugged and he handed me the glass bottle filled with orange poison. I opened it and started sipping it.

"Sup guys?" Austin's voice echoed from behind me. I turned around to him with his arm slung over a girl with green hair's shoulder. "This is Zoe."

For some reason, my heart sank to my stomach. Why was he with her if he was trying so hard to get with me? Whatever. I guess this is exactly who he was.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves but I had grown quiet and Parker noticed.

"Wanna go get some food?" He suggested. I nodded and we walked away. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, guiding me to the concession stand that was already open.

"Can I get a hotdog?" I asked the worker.

"Two, and two Cokes," Parker said, pulling out his wallet. I didn't bother trying to stop him because it was no use. "Care to tell me what's wrong?"

"Promise you won't get mad at me?" I asked him as the lady handed him our hotdogs and Cokes. He handed me one of each and looked at me.

"What could I possibly get mad at you for?" He asked, putting ketchup on his hotdog.

"Well, uh, I might've kissed Austin. Twice," I cringed after saying that. "And I might like him."

"Olivia! What did I tell you about him?" He widened his eyes at me. I lowered my head.

"I know, Parker," I sighed and looked back up at him. "I'm going to stay away from him. Or at least try to."

"I'm not telling you what to do," He looked at me after grabbing napkins. "But I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I understand, thank you," I smiled. We walked to the bleachers and sat down, waiting for the game to start.

Before it did, Parker asked me to go find Randy so she could film. I hope she wasn't too drunk. I walked past the concession stand but was soon pulled into the space between the concession stand and a utility shed.

"What is going o-," I was cut off by a pair of lips being pressed into mine. I immediately knew it was Austin. But of course, he was the only guy I'd ever kissed.

He pulled away and looked at me. I could barely see his face but his eyes were sparkling.

"Austin, what are you doing?" I asked him, stepping away from him.

"You told me you weren't with Parker," he said deeply.

"I'm not!" I whined. "But why is that any of your business? Where's Zoe?"

"Who gives a shit?" Austin asked.

"I do! Why would I want to be kissing a taken guy behind a building? I wouldn't," I huffed. He caressed my cheek, running his thumb over my lips before gently kissing me again. I kissed back of course, it was like nicotine at this point.

His hands made their way to my waist, pulling me closer to him. He pushed me against the back of the building, leaning into me.

"I have to go," I said, pulling away.

"Why?" He asked, kissing me again. "The fun is just getting started."

His hands were on my waist again, but this time, underneath my shirt. His touch on my bare skin sent shivers down my spine. Why do I feel this way?

He kissed my cheek and then my lips and then my jawline and then my neck. I didn't know what to do, all I knew was that I didn't exactly want him to stop.

"You drive me insane, Liv," he whispered into my ear before biting it. It gave me goosebumps on my entire body.

"Don't call me that," I managed to get out without stuttering.

"What are you gonna do about it, princess?" He asked with a deep chuckle. I crashed my lips against his with a newfound confidence. There was no reason for it, this just felt right.

"Okay, seriously, I have to go," I said, pulling away. "I'm sorry."

"Just don't avoid me for so long this time," he winked before I walked away.

a/n: i feel like no one likes this story and it's okay. i'm sorry that this story is going so slow but if i didn't write this way, there would be no character development for olivia. she's supposed to be this naive girl and she can't just fuck austin as soon as they meet. just bear with me, i'm going to try my hardest!!

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