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It had been a week since I came home. My mom hasn't spoken to me but my dad says she is very mad. Other than that, everything seemed to be going well. Taylor and Randy were hooking up and I thought that was good for both of them. Austin and I hadn't argued once which was a huge accomplishment for both of us.

And I was currently sitting on Austin's couch feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. He was sitting on the floor in front of me playing a video game that I didn't know the name of. I played with the stray hairs that had fallen from his bun. He made my heart race.

I watched him in contentment. I watched how he knew every button to press at the right time, and how he was so focused on it that I could see his tongue peeking from his lips.

I was in awe that a person could be so perfect to me. God, he was.

After a few more minutes of me watching him, he threw his head back in my lap and looked up at me.

"Hi," I chuckled as he stared at me.

"Hey," He smiled. "You're hot."

"Stop," I blushed and slapped him lightly. He got up and sat on the couch beside me, rubbing his hand on my thigh.

"Make me," he smirked. I was sure I was as red as a tomato. He leaned in to kiss me and I immediately kissed back. His hands traveled up my thigh and pushed my shorts up, getting closer with each stroke his fingers laid upon my leg.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He lifted my leg up and draped it over him. I wanted him to touch me so badly but didn't want to be too forward. I decided to bite his lip which I had discovered was a huge turn on for him. He gripped my thigh as I done so.

"Fuck, Liv," he growled against my lips, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. He lifted my shirt over my head, leaving me in my bra and shorts. I let out a small moan as he left a mark on my chest.

His fingers made their way to my clothed heat. He rubbed me over my shorts and I was sure I couldn't take it anymore.

"Austin," I breathed. "Please."

"Please what?" He asked me as he dipped a finger into my shorts. He rubbed over my panties but it still wasn't enough for me. "You've gotta tell me what you want, baby girl."

"I want you to touch me," I finally said, looking at him with accidental puppy dog eyes.

"God damn," he groaned as he slid my shorts down. He ran his finger over me, my panties still on. I couldn't wait for him to make me feel good. "So wet for me, Olivia."

"Oh, God," I moaned as he slipped one finger slowly inside of me. And then two. He pumped them in and out of me slowly and curled them, causing me to moan louder. "Austin!"

"Yes baby," he smirked at me, pumping faster. His thumb circled my clit, causing me to throw my head back in pleasure. As his fingers continued inside of me, he unzipped his jeans with his other hand and pulled out his member. He was so perfect.

He took himself in one hand as he rubbed me with the other. He began touching himself as he touched me which I thought was crazy hot. I had never felt so turned on before.

"Yes, Liv," he moaned as he moved his hand up and down himself. "Cum for me."

He rubbed my clit until I felt the familiar feeling at the pit of my stomach.

"A-Austin, I-I'm," I moaned as I released around his fingers, my eyes rolling in the back of my head. He finished too, breathing heavily as he done so. Wow.

"Fuck," He breathed as he stared at me. "You're so damn amazing."

"I didn't even do anything," I blushed.

"All I have to do is feel you," He breathed. "Or just fucking look at you. You drive me crazy."

"I'm sorry," I shrugged, looking away.

"No," he shook his head. "Don't apologize."

"Okay," I nodded. "Austin. Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, babe," he said, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"What happens when you don't want this anymore? When this isn't good enough for you?" I asked shyly.

"Olivia, listen to me," He got closer to me. "This is never going to work if you keep doubting us."

"Us?" I repeated. There's an 'us?'

"Us," he nodded. "I want you. And if you want me, you've just gotta trust everything is going to be fine."

"Okay," I nodded. "I trust you."

"Do you want a drink? I have Smirnoffs," he rolled his eyes. He thought I was a wimp for only liking those.

"Yes," I chuckled. He got up and went to the fridge, coming back with two glass bottles.

"I guess I'll drink one for my girl," he smiled, twisting the top off of both of ours.

"Thank you," I said as he handed me mine.

"Olivia," he took a sip of his drink. "You make me a better person everyday."

a/n: sorry i haven't updated! i've been suuuuper busy packing up my house. i leave alabama TOMORROW to move to arizona!!! wish me luck!!

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