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naked // james arthur

Austin and I hung out at his house for a while. Well, we done more than just hang out but that's besides the point. Austin was still mad about Lenny which was understandable. I was, too.

So now we were outside of the bar that Lenny is apparently always at. Austin didn't want me to come with him but I did. I wasn't old enough to get in though so I waited outside.

Austin promised me to bring Lenny to me instead of confronting him inside. Plus, Austin could fight outside. Soon, they emerged from the building. Lenny didn't even have the least bit of remorse on his face.

"Sup?" Lenny asked, crossing his arms.

"Sup? Really?" Austin chuckled. "I'm pretty sure you know why we're here."

"No," Lenny smiled as he shook his head. "I don't."

"You touched my girl again," Austin shoved Lenny.

"I fucking didn't," Lenny shoved Austin back. Austin grabbed Lenny and pushed him up against the brick wall.

"Oh, really? I can refresh your memory of the party last night," Austin grabbed his shirt.

"What party?" Lenny questioned. "I was smoking with Logan and Kaleb last night."

"What?" I chimed in. "No you weren't. And if you were, you still came to the party."

"Sorry, babe," Lenny shrugged. "I wasn't there."

"Don't call me babe," I walked over to him and got in his face. "Tell Austin you were there and stop making me look crazy."

"Well you obviously are crazy," He said. Austin had let go of him now. "I hate frat parties so why would I be there? Plus, I haven't tried to bother either of you so I wouldn't show up."

"You were there, Lenny!" I yelled at him. "And you're making me look like a liar. I don't even know what you done to me."

"I. Wasn't. There," Lenny got closer to me. "You are a liar. If you want, call Logan and Kaleb and ask them where I was all night."

I started crying from frustration. Of course. Austin looked at me and then walked away.

"Austin," I walked after him. He ignored me. "Austin!"

"Just leave me alone, Olivia!" Austin yelled at me. Lenny had went back inside. I hate him.

"Austin, stop," I cried. "I know I was really drunk but I know that I would never do anything to hurt you. Especially with my best friend's boyfriend."

"How am I supposed to believe you?" He turned around. "He said he wasn't there and Lenny isn't scared of shit. He'll admit to anything."

"I don't understand why Zoe and Lenny are after me," I sobbed. I couldn't lose Austin. "But they are lying. I don't know how to convince you to believe me."

"I really don't think you can," He shook his head. Austin meant the world to me and I couldn't let him walk away.

"I think you're looking for a reason to push me away but you don't know it," I cried. He turned around and looked at me.

"I'm not trying to push you away, Olivia," he huffed. "I just don't want to be around you."

"I am the only one trying their hardest to love you," I cried. I was embarrassed that I was having a breakdown in public, but it was just from frustration. "You wonder why people leave but maybe it's because you don't want them to stay."

"Olivia, what the fuck are you talking about?" He yelled at me.

"You're such a hypocrite," I wiped my eyes. "You were actually with another girl but when someone that has tried to hurt me in the past tells you something that goes against my word, you get mad? If that's how it is, then maybe I don't need you."

"You've had a thing with Taylor before and you were very drunk," Austin shook his head. "It isn't hard to believe him and Zoe, especially Zoe."

"I thought we were going to stop fighting," I sniffled.

"I think it's worth a fight when the girl you love doesn't seem to feel the same way," He shrugged.

"Why are you saying things like that?" I questioned. "You know I love you. And I know that you know I didn't kiss Taylor."

"I don't know, Liv," He shook his head.

"Call Randy," I told him. "Call her and ask her if Taylor was with her all night."

"Randy was drunk, too," Austin glared at me.

"She'd remember if Taylor left her," I said. "They're attached at the hip."

"This is between you and I," He said. "I'm not dragging them into it."

"Why not?" I questioned. "Do you not want proof?"

"That isn't the point," He huffed. "Because when Randy doesn't remember, how are you going to explain that you were fucking around with her best friend?"

"I really thought you knew me better than this," I started crying again. "I would never do what you're accusing me of."

"I'm not the one accusing you!" He yelled. "Things just aren't adding up in your favor."

"Lenny pinned me against the bathroom door and touched me. He called me a slut," I told him, sniffling. "And the one person I love with all of my heart isn't even protecting me."

"I'm just gonna go," He sighed, turning to walk away. This hurt. This hurt more than anything I had experienced. Worse than him hooking up with Zoe.

"If you call Zoe tonight," I called out to him. He turned around. "You and I are done for good."

a/n: bad boyfriend skills :-( i feel so bad for olivia & i'm the one writing her omg.

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