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those magic changes // jordan fisher

"How do I look?" I asked Randy as we stood in the spare bedroom at Austin's house. We were getting ready in here as Taylor and Austin got ready in their rooms.

"Hotter than summer nights," She winked.

"I can't tell if you're clever or stupid," I laughed at her.

My hair was curled into tiny ringlets and I had on Sandy's signature outfit at the end of the movie. I was really excited to be sort of living my favorite childhood movie.

"How do I look?" Randy asked me. Her usually curly hair was pin straight and parted in the middle. She had on a long black lace dress with black pumps.

"Horrendous," I joked.

"Thank you!" She acted like she was going to cry. I laughed and grabbed my phone off of the bed. "You ready?"

"Yes," I sighed. We walked out of the room and down the stairs to where the boys were, my red heels tapping the floor as I walked.

"Holy. Fuck. You look hot as hell," Austin's jaw dropped. He had on a T-Bird leather jacket and his hair was in a bun.

"Tell me about it," I walked over to him. "Stud."

"Woo," he acted like he was wiping sweat from his brow. "Being Danny Zuko isn't so bad. I'm gonna have fun with this tonight."

"I can't believe how good you guys look together," Randy said, looking us up and down.

"Yeah, she looks pretty good on my arm, don't she?" Austin smiled, pulling me closer to him.

"Okay but can we talk about this?" I asked, pointing to Taylor and Randy's costumes. Taylor had on a black and white pinstripe suit with his blonde hair down. They looked even better than Morticia and Gomez if that was possible.

"Okay, yes. The boys have the hottest girlfriends on the face of the planet," Randy said. "Now let's get going. I want to be shitfaced."

I laughed but I wasn't Austin's girlfriend. Even after all of the time we've spent together, he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. But that was an issue for another time. It's my favorite night of the year and I want to have fun.

Austin grabbed my hand as we walked out of the door. We got to Taylor's truck and Austin opened my door for me. We sat in the back which resulted in Randy telling us a million times to "try not to have sex back there."

When we pulled up to the party, I couldn't even begin to fathom how many people were already there. It was obviously a huge deal for the school.

We parked and got out, walking into the party after passing the "security" that was literally just two high frat boys. Mr. Brightside was playing when we walked in. There was a group of people singing it really loudly and it made me laugh.

"We'll meet up with you guys later," Taylor said to us. "Just text one of us when you're ready to go."

I nodded as Taylor and Randy walked away. Austin turned to me and pulled me closer to him, kissing me.

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