Season 6 Episode 2

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'Vermont! Mutey! Get up!' I heard Tau calling.

I moaned and slowly woke up.

"Seriously, Mutey! You have to get up! Recovery One will be arriving at the blue base any moment!"

I shot up like a rocket and quickly started putting on my armor. I pulled the chip of info I stole from Project Freelancer from the computer and put the chain holding the chip around my neck. I looked at the box of my old armor feeling a strange feeling I would never see blood gulch again. I sighed and picked up the box. I had changed it over the years in case I needed to take it with me, now it just looked like a large carry on bag. It fit with the oddness of people in Blood Gulch. I went inside Blue base and pulled out the paper with everyone's relocation orders that I had hacked from Lopez. I wrinkled it badly and stuffed it in my pocket to make it look like a had hurriedly stolen it from the reds.

'Nice' Tau said.

I saw Sister snoring away on the couch and sat down.

Maybe an hour passed before I heard him.

"Hello? Hello? Anybody here?" I tapped Sister, as I never answered for anyone who just arrived at the base.

She groaned and growled at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

Then she stood up a stomped out, hungover so badly I'm surprised she even got up.

"Hey! A-hole! What's with all the noise? People are trying to sleep here!" She yelled at the recovery agent.

I silently walked up behind her and stared, wide-eyed, at Agent Washington.

He spoke to command once more, something I couldn't hear, and hung up.

Sister and I walked down the ramp.

"Oh man," Sister grumbled.

"Hi. I'm Agent Washington. This is Blue Base, correct?"

"It was," Sister grumbled while I nodded.

"Was? Also, what his problem?" Agent Washington asked, gesturing to me.

Sister really started glaring now, "Mutey isn't a guy, A-hole, she a girl and she mute so she ain't gonna talk. Also, Everybody's gone. Transferred. Something about this base being obsolete now, or, whatever." She shrugged and I pretended to fake chuckle by holding my hand near my face.

Wash seemed shocked, "Oh, uh, sorry miss. Where did they all go?"

" I don't know! All different places. Nobody told me anything." Sister yelled. I raised my hand and shook it, it didn't catch Wash's attention.

"Well, I'm trying to locate some people who have experience with the Freelancer program," Wash said and I shook my hand more vigorously

" Freelancer? Is that the band we had here last night?" Sister asked and I slapped my helmet in shame.

" You had a party here?" Wash asked in a shocked voice.

" Hyeah! I throw raves every night. Charge five bucks a head. Last night, I made ten bucks. Ooah ooah! Nice."

" You use the base for raves? That doesn't seem like the proper use for official resources." Classic Wash, I thought.

'So this is Agent Washington' Tau thought in amusement.

" What're you, like a cop or something?" Sister asked suspiciously.

"No" Wash replied.

"'Cause if you are, and I ask you, then you have to tell me. That's totally a law or something." Sister said.

"I'm not the police. And that's not a real law." Wash said tiredly.

"Well if you're not a cop, then how do you know it's not a real law? Busted!" Sister said proudly. I still had my hand raised.

"You caught me. Hey, is there anybody else... smart... here that I can talk to?" Wash asked.

"Hyeah, right. Like I'm gonna tell you. I don't rat people out. Cop. So try speaking to Mutey here, the only way you will ever understand her is my using her unique sign languauge, so good luck, Cop!" Sister yelled. I shook my hand more vigoriously, jumping up and down as I could see Wash was about to leave.

"Okay, I'm gonna leave now. Good luck with your empty base and your raging insanity."

"Hyeah? Whatever! Good luck with being a cop, cop!" Sister yelled after him. I grabbed my bag and ran after him.

"Hey, Mutey, where are you going?" Sister yelled after me but I ignored her.

I reached Wash right as he met Sarge.

"-truder! Stop yer intrudin' right there." Sarge said.

"Who made these things?" Wash asked.

"I did." Sarge said.

"Wait, you're real?" Wash asked in shock.

"Of course I am. You fell for a classic misdirection. I still got it. Heh heh." Sarge said proudly.

"[Everything OK out here?]" Lopez said from on top of the red base.

"We're fine, Lopez. Just caught myself two dirty Blues. How many does that make this week?" Sarge asked.

"Dos." Lopez replied tiredly "[Hi there, Mutey, hows you?]" Lopez asked me.

I signed, "[Doing fine, trying to catch this guys attention.]"

"Yahtzee. We're on a hot streak!" Sarge said.

"Uh, I'm not actually a Blue. I'm from Command."

I tapped Wash's shoulder, he looked at me in confusion but I handed him the paper and pointed and Caboose's name.

"Um, do you understand what she means?" Wash asked, showing the name I pointed at.

"Hey, wait a minute. Mute lady, how did you get the reds relocation orders?" Sarge asked, glaring at me. I fake chuckled again.

Sarge sighed, "Mute lady, are you also the one who stole all our fatty snacks? I was plannin' on eating Grif's Oreos but they are all gone now."

I shrugged and pulled an oreo from my pocket.

Wash suddenly stopped the one-sided conversation, "The person, Caboose, does he have experience with AI?"

"Ya, Caboose is who you want then. He got infected for a little while I think."

"Well thank you both," Wash said, turning to walk away.

I tapped his shoulder again and he looked at me confused as I pulled out a pen and paper. I wrote, 'Caboose is.... unique. You will need help with him, I am good friends with him, I am also very sneaky. Can I join you?'

I handed the paper to him, "Fine, but don't slow me down."

I nodded excitedly, this could be my chance to take down Project Freelancer for good.

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