Season 10 Episode 4

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I drove up beside Grif's warthog, smirking under my helmet as I leaned back on the mongoose and drove with my feet, jamming out to heavy metal music.

"What the fuck! Stop showing off!" Grif called.

I flipped him off before using the back of my foot to slow down beside the blue's warthog.

"Seriously, you still have got to teach me how you did that!" Tucker called.

I smirked, remembering how many times I crashed my own mongoose I had at Blood Gulch just to learn this trick out of boredom. I could faintly hear Wash asking Tucker how in the world I was doing that.

I am sure Tucker will tell him of the many times I crashed my Mongoose to learn this move.

'You just love showing off, don't you?' Tau thought.

'Eh, It's fun.' I thought, turning the mongoose a bit as I laid completely back, looking up at the sky.

'You know that what your doing at the moment is dangerous.' Tau responded.

'Yet, it holds with being a weird sim trooper and anyways it lets me be goofy.' I thought, looking up for a second to see we were approaching the giant turbine and sighed, hopping up and grabbing the handlebars.

It's at points like these, when I see the holographic projection of my sim armor, that I wonder why I never change the hideous green and purple. I mean, it isn't even a shade of blue. Then again it is bright and stand out-ish. Opposite of what I am good at.

'Ya, well, I really hope that maybe, if you have to keep this armor, we can change that ugly green to another color, like maybe an oxford blue.' Tau thought

'Hmmm.... not a bad idea.' I thought, 'But, if I expose my real armor I might change it to an oxford blue, add the purple to my highlights instead.' I thought.

'Not a bad color combo.' Tau thought as we came to a stop inside the power plant because the reds stopped.

"What's going on? Why are we stopping?" Carolina said, hopping off her mongoose as I crossed my arms over the handlebars, laying my head down on them.

"We've been driving for hours and I am tired of Mutey showing off." Grif said. I smirked.

"And we've got a lot more ground to cover, so let's keep moving." Carolina nearly growled.

"Listen lady, I know this is your first road trip with us, but we've got a system. And that system includes snack breaks, bathroom breaks, and stopping to take pictures of funny road signs." Grif said.

'They arn't wrong, the reds do that all the time.' I thought.

"That's ridiculous." Carolina said.

'Carolina, you will soon learn that everything with this group is ridiculous. It's just how they are.' I thought, turning my heavy metal music off when I saw Carolina look at me in annoyance.

"Not as ridiculous as Bonner Street." Grif said sadly, sighing.

"So close dude, so close." Simmons said, sad they hadn't found that street yet.

I turned on the mongoose subtly and quietly backed up from the scene, expecting Carolina to attack the reds.

"It's out there Simmons, we just have to have faith that we'll find it." I heard Grif say as I quietly came to a stop by the blues.

"I should probably go stop her from killing your friends." Was said, racing away to where Carolina was practically fuming.

"Um, Tucker I just noticed something. Something really bad." Caboose said.

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