Season 8 Episode 15

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I leaned against a crate nearby Sarge and Grif, lightly dozing.

'Hey, your gonna want listen in on this.' Tau said before audio came through my helmet, quiet enough the reds wouldn't hear it..

"...helping her access all this data, and she's not constantly pounding me in the face so, I would say that's good. Weh, it's a start at least." I heard Simmons saying.

"Hey, come over here, take a look at these. Sheila's giving us a hard time, but we're gettin' through. She only seems to want to listen to you." Tex said.

"Sheila keeps calling me Director, maybe that has something to do with it." Church said.

"The Director... mm, there's almost no information on him. I asked Sheila but-" Tex began to say.

"I am sorry, but access to the Director's personnel file is restricted." FLISS said.

"Yes Sheila, we know. You don't have to keep repeating it." Tex said in annoyance.

"I am just doing my job." FLISS said.

"Can't you mute her?" Tex said in annoyance.

"Don't even think about it buster." FLISS said.

"Uhh, I really don't like it when girls pay direct attention to me." Simmons said nervously.

I nearly snorted.

"Well, what did you find in the files?" Church asked.

"Not much, standard clerical info. Whole bunch of win/loss statistics. Psych profiles." Tex said.

I straightened up a little, listening more closely now.

"Psych profile?" Church asked.

"Yeah, they have one on everybody. Except the Director and..." Tex began to say.

"Let me guess. And you." Church said.

"And us. No Church either. Everyone else is in there though. Full profile." Tex said.

'That is odd....' I thought.

"I'm the only one who noticed Mutey's psych profile was vague? Beyond her name, which I am glad to finally know, and the time she has served the UNSC, there isn't much else....." Simmons muttered quietly to himself.

I nearly stiffened.

"Never-mind, Washington used to wet the bed. Hhhmhh, I'm gonna go tell the other guys." Simmons said.

I really felt my stomach hurt from holding in the laughs. Did Wash really?

'At least Simmons didn't look too much into it.' I thought, still doing my best to hold the laughs in.

'We were lucky, others who try to identify you will know it is fake, I am beginning to put together a list of random facts now, which I will send through the card that I am glad you kept, should make your... unique profile less... noticeable.' Tau thought.

'Thanks, buddy, you are the best.' I thought.

'Gonna end the recording. I'll keep listening for more info, might have to store it in your chip.' Tau said.

'It's fine Tau, I mean, just think of all the information we have gathered on Project Freelancer over the last few years? There is tons and that chip is designed to hold tons.' I thought.

'Okay.' Tau replied before going silent.

Simmons arrived as Sarge walked away to look at something.

"Grif, I found out Wash use to wet the bed." Simmons said, giggling.

"Really? I'll have to rub that in his face the next time he tries to shoot me." Grif said.

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