Season 6 Episode 8

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I must be really out of shape if this walk made me winded. I seriously need to get back into training when I can, darn I miss the caves, where I could train in peace and not be discovered as a hidden former freelancer.

We reached the power station, the beach behind us as I leaned down and took deep breaths.

"Woah, Mutey, winded? I thought you couldn't get winded." Church said sarcastically.

I gave him the universal fuck off sign while still leaning on my knees.

"Look, there's our cycle. The Meta must be here." Wash said, I was starting to see that this was his way of changing the conversation away from a more stupid conversation.

"Yeah, because, no one else in the Military would have a standard issue motorcycle. Just like that." Church said, yet again sarcastically. I swear he is always sarcastic.

"Also, the piles of dead bodies might have been a clue." Caboose pointed out helpfully in his always cheerful voice. How much I missed Caboose's childlike attitude.

"Just keep your heads down, and your eyes open. I'm going to advance along that wall. You three take Delta and move up along the other side." Wash said.

"Okay." Church said.

"Don't use the radio unless it's absolutely necessary." Wash continued.

"Okay." Church said, starting to sound annoyed.

"And don't make a move until I do." Wash continued again.

"Okay." Church said, really starting to sound angry. I crossed my arms, feeling a bit insulted.

"And no screw ups this time." Wash said. I flipped him off.

"Okay, are we gonna sit here on the beach all day, or are we gonna go get this thing?" Church nearly yelled in frustration.

"We only have one chance at this before it gets back to full power. I can't take any chances that you guys are gonna botch this." Wash said, walking away.

I fist were slowly clenching tighter as I forced myself not to punch Wash. It would give too much away if I was actually able to land a punch. Church saw my reaction though.

I need to be more careful. Oh, Tau, I wish I had you here right now!

"Agent Washington, perhaps it would be best if I assisted you in battle rather than helping Caboose." Delta said, appearing.

"No." Wash said.

"Statistically speaking, a Freelancer would be much better trained to use my-" Delta was cut off.

I just felt a great sense of relief that Delta had not figured out that I was also a freelancer. Then again, the only way he could know is by reading subtle body language and, with our armor and my stealth skills, that would be near impossible to see. Sure pushed a weight off my shoulders though. I can't wait till the day I no longer have to hide, to pretend to these people who have become my friends.

"I said no. Now get going." Wash said to Delta, moving away up the stairs.

Caboose, Church, and I enter the building, the other two trying to be stealthy while I was purposely making my stealth as bad as theirs. Honestly I could go in and out of a building with a hundred people in it without being seen. But, that was secret, I had to play my role. I made sure to stumble sometimes, another thing I used to cover my identity, clumsiness. Worked well made me fit in as an 'oddity'. I studied the dead bodies though, pain striking through me to think that Maine did this. Under his terrifying persona is actually a nice person. Honestly, I was terrified when I joined Project Freelancer, fearing death all the time. I guess the way I was then made it easier for Maine to approach me as a friend. But as years of hardened battle training passed and i was thrown into stealth tactics, both Maine and I changed. I became more quiet, more attentive to others and their actions. I learned how to stand still for large amounts of time, and I learned how to change my entire personality down to a point to confuse targets for long periods of time to extract information.

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