Season 6 Episode 6

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Wash quickly stole three jeeps, but there was four of us and Church didn't trust Caboose to drive himself so I was driving Caboose's jeep. Wash seemed in quite the hurry as we raced back the way we had already come.

"We are definitely being followed if the Meta is attacking South on the exact path we took. Both of them were following us."

We race over a hill and I see the Meta for the first time as he throws a grenade at South's bubble shield. We race our jeep's into the scene.

"There they are!" Wash yells.

"Don't let it get near her!"

I crashed my vehicle into Church's which then crashes into Wash's on purpose. That should hide my identity a bit better after my earlier mistake. Tau approved of my 'mistake'.

We all jump off the jeeps and start firing while we find cover. I was hiding behind a rock with Wash while Church and Caboose hid behind a wall. I peeked to se South trying to escape the scene.

'She does not deserve the title 'Freelancer'' Tau thought angrily.

"And don't let her get away!" Wash yelled at the others while I carefully tried shooting South's boots. Meta turned and blasted our rock as I took cover.

"Her? Isn't she a Freelancer like you?" Church demanded.

"Yeah, just don't let her leave!" Wash yelled back.

"Okay! Caboose!" Church yelled. Tau sighed and added another to Caboose's team kill amount.

'We really need to work on that with Caboose.' Tau thought.

"Hello." Caboose said cheerfully.

"Hey, see that purple one? She's on our team. You should help her." As Church said this, I hid more behind Wash.

Wash looked at me and then them in confusion.

"Okay!" Caboose yells cheerfully as he stands up and shoots South.

'Oh, thank goodness.' Tau thought.

"Ah, son of a-!" I heard South yell.

"Alarm, friendly fire!" Another, more robotic voice yelled.

Tau seemed to shrink inside my head, 'Oh no, it's Delta, he's logic. We have to be vigilant.' Tau thought before starting to predict every way Delta could discover our identities.

"Um, she got in the way when I was trying to help her." Caboose said. I still remained in hiding. I might not be covered in as much purple as South but I wasn't chancing it. I looked in the direction of the wrecked jeeps to see my carry on bag had landed pretty far from them in the bushes. How I wished I could take out that armor and wear it again, maybe someday.

"Okay, we're good!" Church yelled.

I peek over the rock to watch in horror as the Meta disappears.

'Oh no, time!' Tau thought. I was confused for a second until I remembered Wyoming's time unit from the canyon. I raced with Wash over the Caboose's and Church's wall, watching my motion trackers closely.

"Damn. It's gone invisible. Keep an eye on your motion trackers, and watch your perimeters, look for a shimmer." Wash told us.

"It turned invisible? What is this thing?" Church yelled.

"It takes the equipment of other Freelancers, it must have picked up cloaking from Tex." Wash replied. 'But not Tex herself, I find that odd' Tau thought.

"Wait a second, any equipment?" Church asked in fear.

'He realized the same thing as you' I thought to Tau.

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