Season 7 Episode 16

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I watch as Caboose and Tucker leave the roof and decided I should follow them and give the reds some space.

I walked out of the room and through the tunnel, hearing Epsilon in the distance.

"Whoa, halt, cease! Uhh... abort dot move! Fuck!" I heard him say.

'Ya, way too much like Church. Luckily he is still broken in the memory department but he is repaired enough that I'm not getting massive A.I. migraines around him, but he isn't stong enough to search the other A.I.'s memories.' Tau said.

'Is that something we will have to worry about in the future?' I asked.

'Possibly, depending on his strength. He could be a more concentrated A.I. fragment than me, who knows? Being memory though, he might be. My security walls are quite strong and confusing to navigate, but I made them that way on purpose. If he grows stronger in that area I may have to rewrite those security parts.' Tau responded.

'Great.... any way I can help?' I asked.

'When I say 'Shizno' then I am letting you know he can see my vision for a second. If that happens? Just look down and block all noises out.' Tau said.

'Double great.....' I thought.

'Ya.....' Tau responded.

"Church, wait!" Caboose called as I caught up with Tucker and Caboose.

"Wait? I can't wait. I'm moving on my own! ...which I realize doesn't make sense when I say it out loud." Epsilon said as he suddenly stopped moving, "Hey, look! I figured out how to stop!" Epsilon said happily.

"Wow, you figured out how to not move!? You're a genius." Tucker said sarcastically.

"Oh, check this out! I can go backwards too." Epsilon said happily as he moved backwards, making sound affects. "Zhoooop!"

"Oh, well now you're just bragging." Tucker continued to be sarcastic

"Well, it's important to me, asshole." Church said in annoyance.

'Honestly, at points its like he has the alpha's personality but at others it is like he has his own personality.' Tau said.

'I can see that.' I replied.

"I'm impressed. I can't go backwards!" Caboose said.

"Stop patronizing me." Epsilon said in annoyance.

'Actually, Epsilon, Caboose really believes he can't go backwards.' I signed. They ignored me.

"Well, he's definitely starting to remember you." Tucker said in an almost bored sounding voice.

"I already know Caboose. He's the only guy that would talk to me while I was in storage." Epsilon said.

"You remembering anything else?" Tucker asked.

"I don't know. It's... it's like fuzzy, for some reason. Maybe there's a file or some kind of database I can access from here. Gimme a second." Epsilon said.

'Should I be worried?' I asked Tau.

'Maybe.... there is a 32% chance he might actually find what he is looking for.' Tau responded.

'So, low chance? Good.' I thought.

"Yeah, rooting around in your brain sounds like a great idea when you can barely figured out how to move on your own." Tucker said, being sarcastic again.

'I would say he has been around you too much but you don't talk so sarcasm is shown less by you.' Tau said.

"Um. Hey, um, Tucker? Um, yeah, uh, Agent Washington told me that Church—I mean, uh, Epsilon, is uhm... a little messed up." Caboose said.

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