Season 10 Episode 7

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I stood next to the blues, waiting for us to leave this annoying wind power place. I didn't know where Carolina and Wash were so we were just standing around.

"So, how do you even know this Carolina chick?" Tucker asked.

"Oh, Tex used to tell me stories." Church said.

"You mean tell Alpha stories?" Tucker asked.

"Oh yeah...I guess. You know, whatever! It's hard for me to know who's memory I'm in." Church said.

'So glad he hasn't accessed mine yet.' Tau thought.

"Oh yeah, same thing happens to me with things that I'm in. Like my helmet. That's why I wrote my name on the inside of it. I used my tongue. That was hard to do. Now I can't pronounce my-" Caboose said, making some odd, weird noise.

'I'm sorry, what?' I thought.

" many...people are you?" Tucker asked, curious.

'I don't know, a bunch I guess." Church said.

"Are they all assholes?" Tucker asked

"Yeah, a dozen different fragments and we have the same shitty circle of friends. Lucky us." Church said.

'Hey, I take offense to that!' Tau thought angrily.

"SO, what other fragments are there?" Caboose asked.

"Uhh.... let me think here.... There's Delta, he was the logic, There's.... uh..... Omega, you guys met him before.... Eta and Iota, Carolina's A.I.'s, they were twins..... Theta, he was fear, I think....." Church listed off.

"But doesn't Epsilon mean 20? So isn't there like 20 of you? Why am I only hearing a few names?" Tucker asked, shocking me that he knew that.

"Oh, that because many of those fragments killed themselves." Church said simply.

"Uhhh.... why?" Tucker asked.

"I think one of them was literally the Alpha's insanity, that he was so insane his insanity made him explode." Church said.

'Eeekkk.' Tau thought in horror.

"Did any of them have... less... destructive... deaths?" Tucker asked in shock.

"Hmmmm..... let me think here..... Ah! One was just the alpha's confusion, he confused himself to death, just stopped working." Church said.

"That isn't as bad as the others." Caboose said happily.

"No, I guess not...." Church muttered, seemingly lost in thought.

'Shit.' Tau thought.

'What?' I asked.

'Look down, now!' Tau said.

I looked down as Tau suddenly turned off my audio so I couldn't hear the blues, only white noise. I tried to not even think, worried. Seconds past and then Tau sighed and I could hear again.

'Don't tell me.....' I thought in annoyance.

'That's all he saw but he knows something is up.' Tau thought in annoyance, rebuilding his firewalls.

"Church, you alright?" Tucker asked.

"Huh? Oh, ya, just a really odd memory. I think I might still have some damage because the memory made no sense." Church said, "Oh well, I'll just ignore that." He said continuing on.

'Thank goodness.' I thought.

'Ya, hopefully he won't repeat that again.' Tau thought before disappearing to check and reinforce the firewalls.

"Okay everyone, load up. were heading for the desert.' Carolina said as she and Wash appeared. I heard Grif groan as he and the reds loaded up, Me hopping on my mongoose and hocking the horn of the fun of it to make Tucker and the others jump.

"Dang it, Mutey! Why do you enjoy annoying us so much!" Grif yelled.

'Just because it's entertaining.' I signed.

"What did she say? You know what, fuck it, I don't want to know because it will probably annoy me." Grif said, starting the warthog.

I smirked, starting my mongoose.

I looked the see Carolina glaring at me from the front of the line. I shrugged, if she can't deal with me choosing to be goofy then she can't deal with any of the reds or blues.

'To be truthful, she kind of hasn't. More like she has tried to put the fear of death of them and it still hasn't fully worked.' Tau thought as we all began to drive out.

'Ya.... not too sure why she thought that was smart, Tex did the same thing to them but they continued to be, you know, them.' I thought, leaning on the handlebars, thinking.

I looked at the stretching expanse of flat land.

'Dang it, your going to pull of more trick, arn't you?' Tau said.

'They are fun plus they will keep attention away from me after my resent.... slip up.' I thought, hunkering down on the handlebars.

"No way! You are going to try that again!" I heard Tucker call as I yanked up on the handlebars, front wheels jumping up off the ground.

The wheels feel back down and I struggled to control the mongoose for a second before trying again.

Grif drove up by me.

"What the fuck is up with you and mongoose tricks!" He yelled.

I flipped him off, holding the handlebars with the two front wheels off the ground.

After my mistake, this should help keep attention far from me, my secrets way to close to the surface for my liking. I really made sure to act like Mutey, somewhat smart mute lady on the blue team who hits the other team members when they annoy her and pulls stupid stunts on the Mongoose. Yep.

I then, as we were driving towards the desert, pulled the stupid stunt in trying to do a wheelie again, on a mongoose, on sand.

I ended up flat on my ass, mongoose still driving till it stopped.

The blue team warthog came to a stop.

"Who trusted her with driving a mongoose again?" Wash asked as I got up, dusting sand off me before flipping him off.

"Dude, she has been trying to pull that trick off for years in Blood Gulch, once, she broke her leg and flipped us off and cussed in her sign language so much that we all agreed to lock her in her room till her leg healed because all Doc did was lightly wrap it. He was terrified of her after the first time he touched her leg in the broken place he ended up knocked out for four hours!" Tucker said, laughing.

I flipped Tucker off too as I walked up to my mongoose and shoved it back onto it wheels before hopping back on.

"Stop pulling stupid stunts, all you are doing is slowing us down." Carolina said, annoyed.

I clenched my hand to keep from flipping her off too. I know she wouldn't take it well.

'It would be an interesting fight to watch, though. Especially her shock as you actually fought as well as her.' Tau thought in amusement.

'Not. Helping.' I thought angrily.

Well, really short chapter but, eh, not much happened. Now, onto the temple in the desert! Enjoy!

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