Season 7 Episode 18

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I shot and took out another alien before one picked up a big machine gun. I quickly hid back in cover as bullets sprayed past.

"Grif, listen. We may not both make it out of this." I heard from Sarge, making me peek before quickly falling back to cover.

'The gun is shooting to fast for me to sync with you and give you the perfect time to shoot, plus the fact you are supposed to be a less than average soldier.' Tau thought.

'Ya... I know. I'm thinking.' I replied.

"What?" Grif asked Sarge.

"If you die, I think I'm prepared to live with that. I practiced it a lot. But there's also a chance you might survive and I won't!" Sarge said.

'Really, Sarge?' I thought.

'Their relationship never made sense to me. I always thought they acted like an awful father and son relationship. Like a really messed up one.' Tau thought.

'Huh, I never saw it that way.' I thought, peeking again.

"There'd be a better chance if you'd help me shoot!" Griff said irritatedly as he started firing.

"In case I don't make it, I can't help but think about all the future mistakes you're gonna make that I'm not gonna be there to scream at you about!" Sarge said.

"Oh, stop. I'm getting all teary-eyed." Grif said sarcastically.

"I just want to let you know that at my bunk back at the base, there's a recorder deck. I've prerecorded about 57 hours of rants that should be applicable in a variety of situations. Whenever you're feeling good about yourself, I want you to play one. And always remember! Somebody hates you." Sarge said.

'Oh god, did he really?' Tau thought in horror.

'I wouldn't be surprised.' I replied, quickly peeking out again and taking a shot wildly, which bounced off the wall to the left of the alien.

'Darn.' I thought. My shot did scare the alien enough it stopped firing for a second. I peeked and saw Epsilon float into the room the alien is in.

"Oh hey, alien. What's up?" Epsilon asked.

'Idiot A.I.' Tau thought. I ignored Tau and watched the alien drop it's gun and crouch down like its.... bowing?

'Great, more to inflate Epsilon's ego.' Tau thought in annoyance.

"Cease fire!" Tucker called to Grif as I came out of cover.

"Um, the alien's being weird in here." Epsilon called.

"What's it doing?" Grif asked as he lowered his gun.

"No, no, I've seen this before. Some of the aliens worship this ancient technology. This one probably thinks Church is some kind of god." Tucker said.

"Wow! Seriously? That's pretty fucking cool." Epsilon said excitedly.

"Maybe that's why your name is Church!!" Caboose said like he solved something crazy.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, what's up, prayin' dude? How do ya' like me now?" Epsilon said as he picked up a crate and launched it at the alien, killing it.

'Well, that's fucked up.' I thought.

'That's Epsilon.' Tau thought in annoyance.

'Seriously, whats with this resentment towards Epsilon?' I asked Tau.

No reply.

"W-T-Fuck! Why did you do that!? I think that's taking advantage of your deity status, dude!" Tucker pointed out.

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