Season 10 Episode 6

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I pointed my sniper rifle as I watched Wash enter the room so I could listen in. Carolina was still staring at the generator.

"Looking for something?" Wash asked, coming to a stop by Carolina.

"Leads, information, anything. You said Maine had been through here, right?" Carolina said.

'..... aaannnnddd, I just stole one of their leads. Maine's knife.' I thought, my hand flying to the place I put it.

'Eh, wasn't really a lead.' Tau pointed out.

'For them, I would have been a big one.' I thought.

'True.' Tau responded.

"Well, yeah, but that was ages ago." Wash said.

'Also true.' Tau pointed out.

"Then look closely. Don't tell me hanging around those morons has turned you soft." Carolina said.

'I don't see that as a bad thing, but than again the reds and blues have made me grow soft so I can't say much.' I thought.

Tau snorted.

"Hey, she said morons, that's us." I suddenly heard Tucker say, making me roll my eyes. Idiots.

"Tucker, shut up, let me listen." Church hissed.

"The Meta was attempting to transfer energy from these turbines into his suit. It was the only way he could keep his equipment running." Wash said.

"Huh, poor Maine." Carolina said sadly, making my heart clench painfully. This trip was opening up a lot of wounds I wished I could bury.

"Carolina, it wasn't your fault." Wash said.

"But it was my A.I." Carolina said, suddenly making me intently listen to the conversation.

'What?....' I thought.

"None of us could have known what would happen." Wash said.

"Yeah? Well sometimes I'm not so sure." Carolina said hotly.

"What?" Wash said, shocked.

"We were told that the A.I. were specifically designed for each of us, right? North was chosen for Theta, York had Delta, but Sigma was mine." Carolina said.

'First: Tau wasn't designed for me and yet we don't have problems, but I guess I got lucky on that part. Second: You gave Maine your A.I.? Was this after he lost his voice? I only heard a bit of that before leaving Project Freelancer, Maine and I had not been able to see eachother much with so much happening. Project Freelancer upping A.I. fragment production and I working against the project secretly. The last time I saw him.... was when I said goodbye as he was passed out, without actually saying goodbye.' I thought, the memory coming to mind.

I looked at Maine's bald head, his throat thickly wrapped, blood slightly seeping through the bandages.

"Of course you go and take an injury, Maine." I said softly, saddened. I had been doing so much recently to hide my pain and sadness from the Project, to make it look my like my actions had not changed.

I leaned down and kissed unconscious Maine's forehead before whispering.

"Goodbye, my old friend. This will.. this will probably be the last time I see you. Thank you for being there for me, through it all." I whispered before sitting up, putting my helmet on, and walking out, pain filling my heart as silent tears fell behind my helmet.

"What are you saying?" Wash said, drawing me back to the conversation.

"You really think the Director didn't know what would happen? You don't how much I hate myself for not seeing how drastically Maine changed, you know as well as I that Vermont and Maine stuck together like glue, but all that changed once the Director began his plan. Even Vermont saw it way before I did and got the heck off that ship." Carolina said, making me wince.

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