Season 7 Episode 15

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"Church? Your telling me that thing is Church." Tucker said, staring at Epsilon.

"Well, not exactly. See, um, technically, uh, this thing is, uh, just a memory of Church. Um, his name is Epsilon." Caboose said.

'I hate being right', I thought.

"Epsa-whatsawhat?" Tucker butchered Epsilon's name.

"Me, dipshit!" Epsilon said, sounding creepily identical to Church.

"Uh, yeah, see, he's a resident memory of the guy that Church was based on, so he's kind of like, remembering himself. Yeah, M-Simmons can explain, yeah, much better than I can, probably." Caboose said, stuttering over that.

'See, I told you.' Tau said.

'He stopped himself, Tau, that was not your program or else he would be confused about how he got there.' I pointed out.

'I hate that you are right.' Tau grumbled.

"Sounds like I have another reason to be glad Simmons isn't here." Grif said, the others overlooking Caboose's stutter.

"Wait, I thought he was Simmons?" Epsilon said, looking at Sarge.

'Oh, geez, he doesn't know us?' I thought.

'I'm more worried about what Caboose has told him.' Tau said.

"He's Sarge. Sa-a-aarggee-e." Caboose said, sounding it out.

"I'm confused, not deaf, you idiot! Now who's the yellow one?" Epsilon said, looking at Grif.

"I'm not yellow, I'm orange!" Grif said in annoyance.

"Yeah, then how'd you know who I was talking about?" Epsilon said.

'Ohhh... he is eerily like my creator.' Tau thought.

'Ya....' I replied.

"How come he remembers us, but not who we are?" Tucker pointed out.

"Why does everyone think I'm yellow!? Seriously!? Didn't anybody have a box of crayons when they were a kid?" Grif yelled out in annoyance.

"Oh, it will come back to him. See, I've been telling him stories, about all of us."

'Oh, shit.' I thought.

'Affirmitive.' Tau responded.

"Well, most of us." Caboose said as he looked at Tucker.

"Is that what you've been trying to do all this time? Rebuild your buddy?" Sarge questioned Caboose.

"Yes... no... maybe... which will make you less mad?" Caboose said, looking at Sarge.

I nearly snorted, if I wasn't so worried about what Caboose told Epsilon of me.

"So the only stuff he knows about us is what you told him? That's scary on a lot of levels, dude." Tucker said.

'I agree with that.' I thought.

"Why?" Epsilon asked.

"Oh, why? Okay, quick quiz. Who am I?" Tucker asked.

"You're, Captain Flowers right? You're dead." Epsilon said, making me aware that Caboose told Epsilon nothing of Tucker, "I've been meaning to ask you about that part. Is he like a zombie?" Epsilon asked Caboose as he turned to him.

"Yep, and who is she?" Tucker said, pointing at me.

I was standing like a stiff board, thinking my game was up.

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