Season 8 Episode 11

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I leaned back, watching as Tex continually beat Church with his alien artifact body.

I could literally feel Tau's smugness.

'You are enjoying this too much.' I thought.

'Yep, yep I am.' Tau thought happily.

'Wait... are you recording this?' I thought in shock.

'' tau said.

'You are the worst at lying. Your lucky I'm the voice of this group or our little illusion here would have been over long ago.' I pointed out.

'Fine, yes, I am. Come on, it's prefect blackmail. When they finally find out who we are I can prevent Epsilon from being an ass to me by keeping this little bit of footage.' Tau thought smugly.

I rolled my eyes, they definitely act like brothers and they haven't even properly met each other yet.

"Ow. Ow! Ooow! Stop it! Tex, you are embarrassing me. Ow! Stop! Ah! Hey, are you gonna sit a -ah- you gonna help me or not? Stop it." I heard Church say.

"Naw buddy I think you got everything under control. We'll just hang back here." Sarge said.

"Won't it stop!" Church yelled.

"Yeah, you've got some catching up to do." Grif said.

"The whole- stop." Church continued to try to talk.

"Hey, what's she beating him with?" Sarge asked.

"I think that was his old body." Simmons said.

"You mean he ain't a floatin' cue ball any more?" Sarge said, ignoring Church crying out in pain in the background. Then again the pain Church was experiencing is nothing compared to what the rest of the red and Tucker just experienced.

"That's too bad. Had a few more nicknames in my side pocket. We'll certainly miss you Lord Hackensack of the Roundalots." Sarge said.

I snorted, luckily the mic was off.

"Why arn't we activating the thingy, Mutey?" Caboose asked.

I lied, "I needs time to charge." I said.

"Beating him with his own body? That doesn't seem physically possible." Grif said.

'You got enough footage.' I thought.

'Fine' Tau replied, turning off the recording. I stood up and hit the button on the keyboard, preparing myself for the armor lock feeling and remembering the way Tau said to get out and get him out. I had to do it quick for Tex or Church might see him, luckily I set it to lock me down first.

"Now initiating standard safety protocol. Armor lockdown in progress. All units, stand by for lockdown." FLISS said.

I armor went into lockdown and I blacked out of a second. I quickly looked around and found the door. I raced towards it a typed in the code and pulled it open.

I gasped as my armor unlocked.

"Yes! Yes! I did it! I am the biggest hero ever! I beat up the girl!" I heard Caboose yelling.

'Did she see you?' I asked Tau.

'No, she appeared just as I left. The chance that she saw me is very, very low.' Tau responded.

'Good.' I thought in relief, feeling adrenaline running through me from trying to get that done fast.

"Hah hah, yes! See, that's how you do it Grif; face your enemy man to man. Or in your case, woefully inadequate man to woman. And then when she's distracted, use superior technology to take her out. *sniff* Reminds me of prom night." Sarge said.

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