Season 6 Episode 13

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I leaned against the tree, arms crossed, relaxed as I watched the entertaining show of the reds getting chased round Valhalla.

'I bet 10 bucks Grif thinks he lost them and then cusses when he realized he hasn't.' Tau said in my mind, eagerly watching the scenario played out.

'I am not taking those odds, you can predict what I will eat next and when I will eat next, even when I like to keep my diet varied. You can even predict the amount of bites I will take, which is seriously annoying.' I thought back.

'Eh, my prediction algorithms are my favorite pastime though.' Tau thought back.

'Which I find ironic for an A.I. who is literally the split off confusion of another A.I.' I thought back.

'Hey!' Tau said, sounding offended.

'You know it's true, Tau.' I thought back.

'Fine....' He thought before going back to analyzing the scenario and planning out each of their alternative moves, which made me roll my eyes.

"Nuhh, I knew this plan wouldn't work." Wash said. I looked at him to see him standing tense, arms crossed. He is really annoyed right now and on edge. I wish I could talk, tell him to slow down and think things through instead of just going in winging it. I guess I will just have to be the silent, yet helpful ghost. Might need to steal an armor camouflage enhancement. I'm sure they still have some, since that enhancement worked well for Carolina. One of the communication I broke into on the project also said a newer, yet different camo version was created. I hope they have one there. I also happen to know where to go.

Another little thing I stole from Project Freelancer. Blueprints. Maybe not the places of these buildings but I had plenty of blueprints of different buildings. Tau had studied them all, none really held anything too interesting to him.

"We all knew this plan wouldn't work. None of our plans ever work." Church said.

'Well, they work, but only when you don't plan them.' I thought.

"That's why we carry guns." Caboose pointed out helpfully. Oh, Caboose, how did I deal with just sister for over a year without you?

Washington lowered his gun and suddenly started speaking in a decent Sarge accent, "'We can get a car, no problem. We're better with vehicles than the Blues, let us handle this.' Why did I even listen to them?"

"I told you not to." Church said.

"Yeah, well, I already stopped listening to you three bases ago." Wash said, making Church shut up.

"Well that's not very-" Caboose began to say.

"And I never started listening to you." Wash said, "Only person I do listen to is mute and that is ironic in itself." Wash said.

'Eh, I guess so, technically I am not mute but they don't know that.' I thought.

'No, it really is ironic. You are the smartest member of blue team, according to Wash, yet you are the only one he can't speak to much.' Tau pointed out.

'Thanks, Tau.' I thought sarcastically.

'Your Welcome.' He said, used to my sarcasm.

I watched as the reds went into the base, the other vehicle not far behind. I could almost imagine Grif's cursing as they found them.

'See, that right there is why I don't do bets with you.' I thought to Tau.

'Eh, not like I can actually use 10 bucks, being an A.I. and only a holographic body but sure.' He replied.

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