Season 8 Episode 12

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I pulled myself from my memories as Church moved and came out of armor lock. I got up, patted Caboose on the shoulder and walked out. I arrived just to see Church getting Tucker out of armor lock.

"Oh oh god, that sucked! What was all that glowing shit?" Tucker asked.

"Sheila put us in lock-down to save us." Church said.

"She knocked us out to help us? That makes sense.Hey, how are you out of it, Mutey?" Tucker asked.

'I, uh, you know how I don't care very well for my armor? Apparently I broke it, like, back in Blood Gulch.' I signed, lying.

"Huh, I am not that surprised." Tucker said.

"What did she say?" Church asked.

"She said she broke hers back in Blood Gulch by accident. Makes sense, she does not care for her armor at all." Tucker said.

"Huh. Also, at least we're not getting our asses kicked okay? That's an improvement." Church said.

"Yeah, that's a good point. Can't argue with results." Tucker said slightly sarcastically.

We all walked over the the reds who were frozen each in an odd position.

"Sheila, can they, ahh... can they hear me?" Church asked.

"Affirmative." FLISS said.

"She said yes." Caboose called over the mic.

'Oh..... maybe I should have turned that off.' I thought.

'Eh, doesn't matter now. I'm just glad that when I gave tyou all those instructions, it didn't break FLISS. That was one of my fears.' Tau thought.

'Seriously, you couldn't have told me that?' I thought.

'Sorry.' He replied.

"We heard her dipshit!" Tucker called.

"I know! I just want to use the microphone! It makes me sound super loud! I'm not sure if you can tell!" Caboose kept yelling.

"Hey, where'd you get the new body?" Tucker asked Church.

"Long story dude, I'll tell you later." Church said.

"Man, I know I asked but I really don't give a shit, Church." Tucker replied.

I smirked.

"Attention Freelancer shoppers! We have a special on submachine guns in aisle seven!" Caboose called out.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sheila, please mute him!" Church called.

"Affirmative." FLISS said.

"This is Michael. J Caboose and I -" Caboose tried to say before FLISS muted him.

I listened in amusement as the reds started talking while in lock-down.

"Sarge, where are we?" Simmons said.

"Men, I have bad news for all of us - we're dead. Which in the case of Grif is good news for me. But still, bad news overall." Sarge said.

"Dead?! I can't be dead! I still have so much to do!" Simmons said.

"Uh? Like what?" Grif asked.

"Like... everything that doesn't involve a, it's been a real one-track life for me." Simmons said.

I signed, 'Am I the only one finding this entertaining or what?'

"Nah, I'm finding it funny as well." Tucker said.

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