Season 10 Episode 16

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Caboose and Tucker followed me before ending up in the living room playing checkers. I decided to grab my mat and candles and head up to the top of the base, nodding to Tucker and Caboose as I passed. I reached the top and looked out to see the reds entering their base in the distance. I looked to the crashed pelican to see Carolina and Wash moving around it, searching.

'If my friends choose to stay then I will stay with them. Your right, Tau, I shouldn't fear showing who I am. Maybe I will work up the courage to show my identity in a week or two... once things had settled down.' I thought, laying out the matt and placing the candles on the ledge of the railing that was wide and long enough for it all.

'I believe in you, Veronica. Also, if it makes you feel better I will be the first one to talk. Plus, I would love to see Church's expression when I do so.' Tau thought in amusement.

I smiled under my helmet as I crawled up and sat cross-legged on the matt, breathing in as I lit the candles, the smell of melting wax mixing with the scent of greens.

I closed my eyes and, instead of meditating, lost myself in memories...

I looked around before spotting Connie in the hidden corner.

"Why is our meeting place always here?" I asked, leaning against the wall next to her. The dark and dank hallway was probably one of the least clean place aboard the Mother of Invention.

"Because it is one place that holds no camera's and the engine's just above makes a sound barrier." Connie said.

I sighed, "Alright, update?" I asked.

"My informants say that their boss really is trying to bring down Project Freelancer. He too doesn't trust the program." Connie said.

"Me and you have trusted it for months, what changed this mysterious person's setting on it?" I asked.

"When we were assigned a mission to steal a highly valuable box, the same information you extracted two weeks ago." Connie said.

"Great, I help Project Freelancer more. That totally makes me feel warm and fuzzy." I said sarcastically.

"You have to keep up the ruse, there was nothing you could have done. But, with the loss of the object their boss is pushing to take out Project Freelancer for good. He might, for all we know." Connie said.

"This guy this powerful?" I asked.

"Aparently, not much is known on him though, by any member I keep in contact with. Also, keep an eye on Wash, he caught one of my communications, so far he hasn't said anything." Connie said.

"Connie! That's not a good thing! We are supposed to keep our heads low, you know this." I said.

"I know, I know, it was an important communication though." Connie said.

I leaned back, looking down at the floor, still depressed from visiting Maine.

"Thinking of Maine?" She asked.

"Thinking of what that bastard did to Maine. If I ever meet that asshole I'll give him quite a few injuries, maybe take off one of his ears in revenge. Or just kill him." I said angrily.

"Control your temper, Ver. I know, things are hard right now but if we keep with our mission, our objective, we can get revenge for the things done to our friends." Connie said,, laying a hand on my shoulder.

"You know my plan, Connie.  Eventually I will leave before you. " I said.

She sighed, "I know, but it is but a price in war." She said.

"Keep safe, don't die out there once I've left." I said, smiling.

"I'll do my best, but you taking most of the crazy adventures with you. Seriously, how many missions have you been sent out on in the last month?" Connie said.

"Uhh... somewhere around 31, It's hard going against my oath just to keep Project Freelancer happy, Connie. The lives I have had to take...."  I said, wiping my hand down my face.

"Think of it this way, soon it will all be over, one way or another." She said, smiling at me before hugging me.

"One way or another." I whispered, hugging her back

"One way or another." I echoed quietly, opening my eyes.

Some time had passed and I could see Carolina approaching blue base.

"Hey, where is the others!" She called up to me. I ignored her, pretending to be mediating.

"Hey, you hear me?!" She called.

"Hi, ya, she's meditating. She won't stop even with interruptions." Caboose said happily, appearing.

"She does this often?" Carolina asked, still looking up at my still position.

"Ya, she says to helps her center herself, but how does one center ones body? Like, do they have to suddenly have one foot in the middle of their body?" Caboose questioned.

Carolina groaned and walked away.

I sighed and opened my eyes to begin blowing out the candles. I rolled up my matt, picked it up and my candles before taking them in the base and leaving them before making my way out of blue base.

'One way or another.' Tau thought.

I smiled at that.


I went with Tucker and Caboose to where Carolina was.

"Hey, what's the deal? We're leaving already?" Tucker said.

Carolina turns to us but I feel as though the answer was given to us by Wash approaching the blues warthog.

"That's right. You got a problem with that?" Carolina said fiercely.

'Ya, I do. If they want to stay you fight, I will fight you.' I thought, staring her down. I had kind of already given up my facade, yet no one had noticed me walking smoother or more quietly.

Church appears.

"Uh, hey, Carolina, why don't you let me handle this?" Church said.

We walk away a distance to talk with Church. I swore I saw him looking at my feet in confusion. 

"Tucker, what do you want?" Church said once we stopped.

I crossed my arms lightly, glaring at Church for his rude actions.

"I wanna know what you found out about Carolina! Is she evil? Is she crazy? Is she crazy-evil?" Tucker said.

'Not a great start there, Tucker.' I thought.

"Is she pretty?" Caboose asked.

"Oh, yeah, is she hot? Ohohoh or is he a dude?" Tucker said. I smacked the back of Tuckers head, his comment wasn't nice.

"Guys! I've got more important things to do right now." Church said.

"What are you talking about?! You're supposed to be spying on her! She's the enemy, remember?! Us against them!" Tucker pointed out.

"Hey, you don't know anything about her, Tucker! You have no idea what's she's been through!" Church nearly yelled.

'You sure have switched tracks pretty quick there, Church.' I thought.

"Since when did-" Tucker began to say.

"Look! Would you guys just get in the fucking car so we can leave already? Thank you." Church said.

Caboose and Tucker looked at each other.

"I don't know about you, Caboose, but I don't really want to leave." Tucker said, before looking at me.

I nodded, I knew things were about to get.... interesting.

Ya, I know, big skip but there is only a few scenarios I can fit Mutey into. Well, enjoy!

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